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Are you allowing this?

Started by GhostSlayer, April 09, 2014, 07:29:42 PM

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Those shops are just soooo common in giran that i really don't know if you should not punish them. I know that its ok to put 17k and buy for 17k but i mean come on, it's obvious that their goal is to scam other ppl....
So i'm just asking is this allowed or no? Cause if it is,i'm gonna go make my own shop and who knows, i might get some free coins...







Magnetic banned (see his title)

All other guys have correct title and price, OPEN EYES before buying.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 09, 2014, 07:46:33 PM
Magnetic banned (see his title)

All other guys have correct title and price, OPEN EYES before buying.
i know they have correct price, i was just pointing out that there were 3 shops in giran when i logged doing this and i just wanted to know if its allowed and i got my answer :D
so i'm gonna go put mine and maybe i get free coins :D

u can close topic

