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Started by Stormix88, April 10, 2014, 12:55:04 AM

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Quote from: blblblblblbl on April 10, 2014, 04:15:13 PM
Garden, you serious think people w/o stacksub, noble with b/a grade have chance vs Heroes, people with S grade, etc,...?

Definitely yes as heroes are not going there at all.


Quote from: =drake= on April 10, 2014, 04:28:05 PM
Definitely yes as heroes are not going there at all.

I just saw a hero killing quest golky...


Quote from: remeron on April 10, 2014, 04:31:20 PM
I just saw a hero killing quest golky...

we was talking about GARDEN. (garden of eva, pvp area where you can gain horn too by just PVP)


Quote from: Garro on April 10, 2014, 04:10:29 PM
First of all, you should know following things before u started this topic:
- If player got 1h per day to play, he should go to high rate server instead of low rate one
- If player got 1h per day to play, and he still wants awesome gameplay with that amount of free time in low rate server, He should simply manage this time to get everything he needs by getting stuff in other way than spending time in game. Thats mean if player is able to donate, then he donates for things he actually needs. If player cant donate he should spend his free time in game to collect adena/items for trade to get other items that he actually needs. Thats mean if u cant camp spawn or u cant kill to get what you want, in this case horn. You should go farm other items and then trade it for horn.
- If player got 1h per day to play, He shouldnt make retarded topics to get what he wants only because He isnt able to get it in his 1 fcking hour of his gameplay. Thats mean stop changing and creating brilliant ideas to get horn and start to play more often or at least more skilled in this game.
1st of all,u replied to a "retarded topic".
2nd i can and i will play as much as i can in whichever server i want
3rd the time i can spend in game isn't analogous to which things i would like to have the server i play
4rth you can't tell ppl what can and what can't do just because u can play more hours and u have more skills.I HAVE MY OPINION AND I WILL TELL IT,who do you think u are judging sm1's idea-opinion as retarded?


Quote from: Stormix88 on April 10, 2014, 12:55:04 AM

GM close a Horn Topic, so i need to start another because i want to say something about possibility to get a DN Subclass.

Current we have got 6 Golky - 5 at starting location and 1 main in TOI.

it's fine for server wich exist 2 or more years, but for new server i think its not enought, after 2 months of trying to get Quest horn i can say few things about that.

So far Horn is a benefiction for skilled players who know how to play, new players can be really confused seeing 10 destros rushing golky when he's near 5% HP.
GM's need to realize that, not everybody playing 10 hours per day and have time to hunt that Horn ( anyway we dont even know the time of spawn ), i think more players play less then 2 hour per day, but to keep the server alive u need all of them.

There's many type of players, one like pvp,mass pvp others like to play for fun pve, and another like making Quests... ect.

You need to remember that, this is a sub-server and ppl came here to make sub-character, and you should give everybody chance to get it, in their own way, but in your rules.

My point is that, the horn policy is unefective for now, im saying that as a experienced Dragon player.

We got around 70 ppl in clan, and still nobody is subbed. We are not so skilled as FW, FC and many others, to farm enought Adena/Coins to get Horn.

Always more then 100 people trying to get that quest horn, do the math to see how luckly u need to be to get that...
We need other way to farm it.

I got one idea and i want to know your opinion, what do you think about that ( dont spam ).
Somebody somewhere on this forum sayed something about "Horn Fragment".

Now we got 5 Quest Horn and one Drop Horn, average every 36 Hours 6 ppl can get sub.
im thinking about adding one to be made.

I dont want to destroy your calculations about Horn rate per day or increase to much chance of getting Horn by players.

I'm thinking about new way to get it by increasing time of spawn Quest golky every from 1 to even 5 hour ( it doesnt matter coz people now dont wait for it, ppl just go there when they see the announcement on chat ).

And get us a chance to farm a "Hornfragment"
Every golky could drop one or more hornfragment wich could be picked by any players no matter about dmg ( or it could go to the party with highest dmg, it doesnt matter )

Just for example:
( I know TOI golky got diferent spawn, im doing it just to show how the system work )
6 Subs every 36 hours > we got average 28 subs per one week

Increasing spawn to 40 hours > we got average 25 sub per week.

28-25 = 3  >  so 3 subs dissapeard

Every golky drop few fragments of horn. to make horn for example u need 8 fragment.   25 / 3 = 8.3  > 3 missed horns are makeable by fragments.

You can add some other items needed to make horn, like Donator Coin   > 8 fragments + 1 dc = QuestHorn. ( fragments are tradeable ).

You are happy coz ppl buy coin for sub, and we are hapy coz we got new way to make Sub.

rly good suggestion, and srsly do u rly think u can get horn at goe with pvp? noone is even going there, the only ones who go r trying to farm marks on dualbox
HRIS    sps/ee  FatalIllusions  :)


Quote from: =drake= on April 10, 2014, 04:34:57 PM
we was talking about GARDEN. (garden of eva, pvp area where you can gain horn too by just PVP)

k, sorry , but still....


Quote from: Garro on April 10, 2014, 04:55:21 PM
I am a player that actually plays here, that's why I can say that idea is retarded or not.


go do your actual playing in game, not in forum then?


Please, stop with the "dont like it dont play it" bullshit, let ppl express their opinions for god sake.


Quote from: Garro on April 10, 2014, 05:10:53 PM
I'm at work and I have nothing else to do than reading forum. In my opinion you should play instead of refreshing forum and waiting for some brilliant changes.

I don't side any1 here, I have the ability to sub my char, though I wouldn't say no to an easier option, have u seen me demanding a change here?
Anyway, my point is u got some nerve talking like that, a man should speak his mind..If u are bothered, then dont read it...
Quote from: Garro on April 10, 2014, 04:55:21 PM

. Mostly because of ppl like you, servers are dying instead of growing. If 60% population of Tarantula already made it, thats not mean that there is something wrong with server and GMs needs to change it, but the problem is in you.

and, wtf does that mean? servers are dying becuz I dont reluctantly play in 'em? pls man, I hate it when ppl do that..


Quote from: Garro on April 10, 2014, 05:38:14 PM
Yeah when people are starting to change everything because they cant get it, it's starting to ruin game itself. Also do you think that players or player that actually spend a lot of time to get everything he have atm, gonna be happy when others will get same things much more faster and easier mostly because they hadn't so much time to play?

The idea of that I can't get it but others already got it, so please change to make it easier for me, makes me sick. Thats how noob should be defined.

faster or slower it doesn't matter, its not my point, and never been. be my quest go dig my old posts..
what matters is what majority thinks, number of players is what defines a good server...


Quote from: remeron on April 10, 2014, 05:44:52 PM
faster or slower it doesn't matter, its not my point, and never been. be my quest go dig my old posts..
what matters is what majority thinks, number of players is what defines a good server...
Nope. Number of players define a good server. But if the majority is retarded, the server cannot be good.

When the majority thinks, that playing 1-2h/day should give you everything that players with 8+ hours/day playtime can farm out, then the majority definitely have mental problems. Where do you run the same distance in 5 minutes, while your opponents are running the same distance in 1 hour?

Staying at the running example:
-Will you be kinda behind if you have less time? Of course, depends how intensive you run in that 5 minutes.
-You still could enjoy running? Of course.
-You do not enjoy running, only doing it to keep your shape? QUIT and FIND OTHER SPORT!
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Just to sum up some facts:

-Golkonda amounts have never been easier in quantitative amount 5 of them with very short spawn ( + they drop 2 of them)
-1 horn at toi
-horn on market sold for 25-30dc (* x16kk lets say thats ~416kk!!)
-premium horn on donny? Why not? You support server and keep it alive and since you are casual player you sub fast!
-goe ? Go make some real pvp, invite your enemy practice pvping

So to sum up, there is plenty of ways to sub, in the past we had 3 on whole server and x3 players and WE NEVER HAD COMPLAINS like this. Organise and gather for pvp, you can even see EXACT time of spawning. Or farm those 416kk or donate or go pvp.


X5 quest golks
X1 toi golk
X1 golk goe optiom
X1 market!
X1 Donny
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