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Quest golkies

Started by Dzadro, April 11, 2014, 11:35:09 PM

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Quote from: Dzadro on April 20, 2014, 04:52:10 PM
Enlight me then


Quote from: Dzadro on April 20, 2014, 01:21:05 PM
If somehow you are right and drops goes for the last hit on quest golkies, it is a bug and needs to be fixed as fast as possible.

You wrote that, you don't know :)
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


wtf are these topics every 2nd day.

in last 2 month same 8-10 noob complain about horns. xD

If you still dont have substack, its not cuz nobody start golkies, its cuz you are fvcking noobs.

tons of ppl made subs already in the old way, gms shouldnt change anything about horns, cuz some crap idiot still dont have sub.


Since quest golkies now drops items for collect and you can get horn from lunargents....

Maybe we could have it back on site where show spawn time?