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Multibox walker ... same guy again.



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Multibox walker ... same guy again.

Started by Orcote, May 14, 2014, 09:46:50 AM

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bd, sws, dest, wl, 2 dwarfs and wc deep inside a catacomb almost in the same spot together, doing hate aura, spoiling and giving dances & songs at the same time.

No reply or any word from them, and when they got attacked the dwarf did spoil on us, all of them reacted to our attack slowly and soon as one mob hitted they went back to kill the monster & spoil (no one does such thing in pvp is retarded). We killed em of course and stoped the abuse.

After dead, nothing happened and didnt back to town for hours. The way they killed mobs was totally weird no one with such party stands there waiting 1-2 mobs to respawn and do hate aura, with WL and destro u train 2-3 rooms... anyway clearly we have a walker multiboxer here... i mean one thing is a guy doing triplebox and something totally abusive and different is 6+ chars with walker farming stones (a friend told me that dwarf with the frog icon sells 90kk ancient adenas always).



The same clan, latinamerican/spanish people for sure coz the names... i mean it's the SAME GUY... look the destroyers... MANOLO? and now MANOLA? the frog clan? a total joke...

the guy send pm to my friend, HOURS after they died, u can check the screenshots and see the time, at this moment they surely are trading and sending the items to another account.

Such players should be perma banned not only char but the entire account and IP, the obscene amount of AA they sell affects us all. srry 4 bad english.

Sending uncensored pics and the video to ^Xarion^ aswell.











Kid kotex

Look the items, sets weapons

look now, the wl pole1 no have set and weapon, he start transfer the items to other account, maybe in that female orc indar with the same clan crest "the frog"


you should check urself on that cata we saw u many times on more acc than allowed :D making trains with a full pt of buffer boxes/bots

also this server has bot protection right? how is that posible?

and Manolo is a name for a boy on spanish

Manola means handjob haha so mb isnt the same


How you know that? i mean "whom are you talking about" ?

maybe missed some censorship in one pic but, only the cheat0r or someone who was there know who took the pics and killed the walkers.

ps: cmon... Manolo the destroyer banned weeks ago as everyone can see in the link i posted, and now Manola another destroyer, side to side with, once again, a dwarf member of that "frog" clan. This isnt a coincidence, those guys do xtreme l2walker.


there is 2 clans with that frog...

and as i said all names are on spanish but nvm lets see what hapend :D

rexor ponstar xumi and others

u are not alone on devotion since people can use map hack :D and as i said u play with too many boxes hope u dont get caught soon :D

As someone said so long ago... who post  a bot has 90% chance of beeing a bot too... :D gm should check and follow some days that guys that report others


Awesome you presume to know on which cata were those screens taken & who took em and yea i do agree 100% the names are spanish like those already banned weeks ago.


Manolo indeed its a male name, and Manola its the female , it doesnt mean "handjob" as you said, both destroyers on cata with more chars having spanish names and again, "da frog". id say too much coincidence.
Dont be mad askia if xarion or track permaban all ur chars (At this point it looks like ur the owner or at least friend of the "walker") thats too much abuse having +5 chars farming deep inside catacombs, automated gameplay and being completly obvious with such names, behavior and clan crest... plus more than one already told me those dwarfs have been sighted selling incredible amounts of AA... dont you think that makes ppl suspect and wonder "how da fk??" anyway that isnt the subject here.

Next time dont abuse like that, everyone wanna rush their way to endgame and have dracos+f+6 & QA so do it as should be.


lol bro, seriously ur hanging urself here.

Anyway whats your point? lots of ppl do trains in devotion, marty, branded, omens .... almost everywhere so what? are you avoiding the topic here? trying to acuse other players (like those who killed ur bots) without clear hard evidence? plus cant compare ppl doing trains with a bunch of chars at the same spot playin as retards who dont answer like only l2walker can do.

ur just making it worse man, you shouldnt have wrote even a single word here... why dont we check ur posts in the "trade market" board where u were selling dracos and i quote "pm arbusto ingame" .... a nickname from one char banned for doing walker... along with "manola arrozconmango and more chars... you already proved they were ur chars, those already banned and those in this topic pics.

i repeat... next time dont be too obvious, and dont fkn abuse like that. Again sorry for shty engrish guys.


All banned, thank you for the report.
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