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Started by Naiz, May 13, 2014, 05:37:04 PM

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Quote from: =drake= on May 13, 2014, 07:01:20 PM
Why not a war not needing confirmation from both sides?


Clan A declares war toward B and war is set, that's it. No need for "confirmation" from B. Is war, not a "clan duel".
Of course is required BOTH clans to withdraw from the war (peace).

That makes more sense :D (i hear the distant cries already)

Nonono, the system I suggested adds that "if they do not accept the war, it will get dropped after xx amouth of hours and there will be peace for xx hours and then you can declare to that clan again". It would be also good to have it that dueing the "forced war" time, you cannot leave the clan. Make it so if you press and confirm the button, you will leave once that period ends, not before to prevent "shit there is war, all levae" situation. It basically does 2 things.

- You can war the competitive clans on epics and they cannot escape that war.
- You cannot instant leave the clan on spot to escape the situations.
- The same time if they do not want constant war, there will be some peace time for... "farm".

The second is actually important concerning the non top nolife clans, cause if we do what you suggested, aka wars are auto accepted, then what will the leaders of the top clans  do one night when they are bored? Go to giran and declare it to everyone they see, and then proceed to harvest lowbies trough all the exp locations and scream "accept war noob". That is a terrible idea and would force people to QQ or go out of clans, etc.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


"Please warzone bcoz i want to kill Baium in peace..
otherwise i risk to get karma and drop my gear" ye?

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


"i can pk them but they will bome back in 3 min and i will get 542323423 pk points before it spawns.


true EB dont need 1h to regroup like you guys ;) and i hear they gettin nice drops from you :D. Just wondering why they are there for killing epic or cleaning your karma :D

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


+1 for pvp zone !!

