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Started by SgtSlaughter, May 25, 2014, 11:28:40 AM

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actually this game provides an NPC buffer -> get a clan chall and buy some acu/haste pots. you're wellcome


Quote from: HeroAW on May 25, 2014, 05:36:32 PM
What do you have against NM robe.... its beautiful visually and cost-effective for farming. :P And its 78 kills and i have not played the char since 1,5 month cause it suxx and its actually only good for farming. Since then it served as a public buffpet for  the clan more then anything else, so does now. And as it comes to botters yeah I would rather not have players like that, both them and those who tolerate it on the server at all. And don't say no PVP, none attacked me so what? Lazarus of SF was farming there too, 20+ times I had to PK him cause he refused to fight back, so what the hell.... I know what actually, he had worse char, a char I could easily counter and kill. Thats the beauty of you guys the "PRO PVP PWNZORS" aka go in only when there is 95+% chance I'm going to win. Otherwise nope, don't flag, hide, have BSOE ready, call the hero party if possible.... yeah. Some clans one would have to beg to pvp even on the epics, remember the Wolves first 3 months, or the... Evilbunnies now. Never seen such cowardly play. And you blame the little farmer... I blame you you let him farm.

Same realtes to duals. DN shined the most when even dualbox was prohibited. People played supports, you have DNsub so a lot subbed the supports thus the parties worked, now everyone wants the top PVP setup and someone bring the perfect dualbox to give buffs to the party. It suxx.And that I say as someone who is multiboxing always did and even got banned for 14 days for it back on old infi. I deserved it back then, I should have taken more real supports but greed took over back then. And now some retard comes here asking for NPC buffer... just give me a break.

Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 25, 2014, 09:11:56 PM
What do you have against NM robe.... its beautiful visually and cost-effective for farming. :P And its 78 kills and i have not played the char since 1,5 month cause it suxx and its actually only good for farming. Since then it served as a public buffpet for  the clan more then anything else, so does now. And as it comes to botters yeah I would rather not have players like that, both them and those who tolerate it on the server at all. And don't say no PVP, none attacked me so what? Lazarus of SF was farming there too, 20+ times I had to PK him cause he refused to fight back, so what the hell.... I know what actually, he had worse char, a char I could easily counter and kill. Thats the beauty of you guys the "PRO PVP PWNZORS" aka go in only when there is 95+% chance I'm going to win. Otherwise nope, don't flag, hide, have BSOE ready, call the hero party if possible.... yeah. Some clans one would have to beg to pvp even on the epics, remember the Wolves first 3 months, or the... Evilbunnies now. Never seen such cowardly play. And you blame the little farmer... I blame you you let him farm.

Same realtes to duals. DN shined the most when even dualbox was prohibited. People played supports, you have DNsub so a lot subbed the supports thus the parties worked, now everyone wants the top PVP setup and someone bring the perfect dualbox to give buffs to the party. It suxx.And that I say as someone who is multiboxing always did and even got banned for 14 days for it back on old infi. I deserved it back then, I should have taken more real supports but greed took over back then. And now some retard comes here asking for NPC buffer... just give me a break.
Ofc it does suc k with nm robe set.
2. lavazaurs had war up at least.
3. i wont make hero this month so this freaking excuse of randoms will stop.  I NEVER USED A SINGLE HERO SKILL BECUASE I DONT NEED TO, U ARE ALL FREAKING BAD
4. yes ppl like you are the ones killing good servers.
5. fw started archers so its obvious they will farm up slower, yet they didnt quit and provide us fun now.
6. wont comment evilbunnies, this clan has always been like this.
7. show me screen/fraps of my bsoe, I will give u my full boss and uninstall.
8. everyone came here to play like dn15x was where 90% of ppl were not some infinity sh it with 200online constant
9. noone is boxing supports for freaking pvp * I own myself like 6support classes on my 2chars*
10. stop writing this wall of texts, just tl;dr it if u have to, noone is reading it
some fun
useless dagger.


Quote from: LadyZENITH on May 25, 2014, 09:11:56 PM
Same realtes to duals. DN shined the most when even dualbox was prohibited. People played supports, you have DNsub so a lot subbed the supports thus the parties worked, now everyone wants the top PVP setup and someone bring the perfect dualbox to give buffs to the party. It suxx.And that I say as someone who is multiboxing always did and even got banned for 14 days for it back on old infi. I deserved it back then, I should have taken more real supports but greed took over back then. And now some retard comes here asking for NPC buffer... just give me a break.
There would be less problem like this, if buff subs would give anything beside the buffs themselves. I mean, he/pp vs he/wk, he/wk can get the same buffs from someone, and then it will be stronger. Or pr/ps vs pr/bd. Old times, he/pp had stacking masteries, decent casting speed. pr/bd had no drawbacks from ud and deflect arrow. That's why everyone playing summoner subs now. This leads to the necessity of dual box.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: magicbean on May 25, 2014, 11:58:06 PM
LoL if this sh1t buffer was at least useful people would not make their own. 1h buff lvl 78 (dance/song/wc/cov) is MINIMUM what I would expect to not use multibox. I've already got bd/se, se/sws and wc/ol for full buff. So if you see 400 online without shops divide it by 4.

So retarded...
Go back to Your l2jbr x9000 cave, rat.
DN x15 - sorc/pp pw/tk sr/tk he/pp(BiA, MM, Excidium)
l2Dex x12 - g khav
l2Phx - tyr/ol (Enclave)
Frintezza x15 - pr/bd, aw/se (Enclave)
RPG Club x15 - domi (OOC)
Innova Core - yul archer (BiA)
Evoke x5 - soultaker (AcheroNN)
DN Tarantula x20 - aw/sk (ElpyKillers)
l2mid - soultaker
l2eu - soultaker


Quote from: Csenky on May 25, 2014, 10:46:31 PM
There would be less problem like this, if buff subs would give anything beside the buffs themselves. I mean, he/pp vs he/wk, he/wk can get the same buffs from someone, and then it will be stronger. Or pr/ps vs pr/bd. Old times, he/pp had stacking masteries, decent casting speed. pr/bd had no drawbacks from ud and deflect arrow. That's why everyone playing summoner subs now. This leads to the necessity of dual box.
Yes the removal of stacking masteries (in some cases) and other questionable balance decisions like nerfing deflect arrow or adding the 40% crit damage tattoo (yeah GG) resulted that my old main is like useless and on old infi it was a good char. And now someone will come and say (ha you should have planned it! the changes were announced in advance... yeah yeah pls... without any test server phase sure....). So now mostly the x class vs x summoner of that race sub is pretty much always superior PVP wise.

Quote from: HeroAW on May 25, 2014, 10:44:00 PM
Ofc it does suc k with nm robe set.
2. lavazaurs had war up at least.
3. i wont make hero this month so this freaking excuse of randoms will stop.  I NEVER USED A SINGLE HERO SKILL BECUASE I DONT NEED TO, U ARE ALL FREAKING BAD
4. yes ppl like you are the ones killing good servers.
5. fw started archers so its obvious they will farm up slower, yet they didnt quit and provide us fun now.
6. wont comment evilbunnies, this clan has always been like this.
7. show me screen/fraps of my bsoe, I will give u my full boss and uninstall.
8. everyone came here to play like dn15x was where 90% of ppl were not some infinity sh it with 200online constant
9. noone is boxing supports for freaking pvp * I own myself like 6support classes on my 2chars*
10. stop writing this wall of texts, just tl;dr it if u have to, noone is reading it
I don't give a shit, good that you read mine but I don't care at all. I don't know if you are a hero, I don't know you were a hero it did not influence my game or reach me at all. I despise of you like most of the people from dragon. So far most shown only spineless cowardness, clanhopping, and zero abilitiy to fight for a single cause of posses any kind of honor. How many of the stater big clans are here now? 2? How many of you changed the flag since the start? About 90%. I just cant give a shit about such players even if they nolife themselves to hero. Cheers.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: HeroAW on May 25, 2014, 10:44:00 PM
Ofc it does suc k with nm robe set.
2. lavazaurs had war up at least.
3. i wont make hero this month so this freaking excuse of randoms will stop.  I NEVER USED A SINGLE HERO SKILL BECUASE I DONT NEED TO, U ARE ALL FREAKING BAD
4. yes ppl like you are the ones killing good servers.
5. fw started archers so its obvious they will farm up slower, yet they didnt quit and provide us fun now.
6. wont comment evilbunnies, this clan has always been like this.
7. show me screen/fraps of my bsoe, I will give u my full boss and uninstall.
8. everyone came here to play like dn15x was where 90% of ppl were not some infinity sh it with 200online constant
9. noone is boxing supports for freaking pvp * I own myself like 6support classes on my 2chars*
10. stop writing this wall of texts, just tl;dr it if u have to, noone is reading it
you wont cause there is no1 to feed you :D
Hellraisers x25

FrozenArrow @ Fear

Nova x7



Quote from: HeroAW on May 25, 2014, 05:36:32 PM

Jezus... those capslock kids which think this game is only for PVP are so annoying. Some of us just like to farm, so what. If you dont like it, change game to LOL or some other where its pvp only. But stop being smart and annoying to ppl which interfear your life only with fact that they dont want to play with you.

PS: ye, zeniths NM set sux, but at least he is not like rest of you sheeps.. ctrl+c ctrl+v usual gear. It brings at least some visual variability ingame.


Quote from: magicbean on May 26, 2014, 12:02:52 PM
I won't cry if you will leave this server. I encourage you to do this now. People like you made population to drop from 2k to 200. This server is extremely hostile to new players. Market prices for items are insane. Most of newcomers cannot even afford BSSC and simple hom+acu. B grades do not exist, A grades also. Only S grade for insane prices.

I tried to help to exp couple of newbs. When they saw the server is like that the left after 1 day.

Leave now. Please.
People who can't buy basic gear with this adena drop rate should go back to tetris. We got it on lower rate, without crystals on the market. gtfo plx.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: magicbean on May 26, 2014, 06:29:58 PM
Adena drop rate has nothing to do with item prices. Tarantula has high drop rate and prices are high. Other servers adena drop rate is low and so are item prices. The thing is new people see how high item prices are and simple leave after 1 day or sooner.

The most important thing is B and A grades do not exist on the market. This has nothing to do with adena drop rates. What is this adena for if you cant buy anything? Old Inf shops in giran had sh1tton of  B and A grades to choose from. Here? S grade only and for what price? 700kk/part? How long a newb needs to farm this sh1t adena to afford it? Or maybe he/she should kill RBs with C grades and shadow weapons alone with no buff or one box?

Leave or die. Please.
You are still referring to the problems from a solo player point of view in the most party-based MMO, so I just won't bother explaining to you, how easy it is to get an A grade set for 320-400kk, a full set. People can't play in team? They can't shout if there is noone sitting on the marked with the item they need? They can't kill 5 mobs for soulshot money? Probably you are right, I should die, seeing how players are evolving backwards.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: magicbean on May 26, 2014, 08:56:53 PM
Of coure im describing problem from this point of view. Try to find a clan with high enough clan hall level with your 40-50 lvl noob toon after leaving academy wearing C grades and shadow weapon.  NOBODY will invite you.

You are self deluded moron if you cant understand this.
Stop talking about noobs. Every crytopic starts with "what if noobs log in and doesn't get everything for free in an instant?". Then they shall leave.

I know guys, who could start a character from 0 any time, and get lv78 full a grade in 1-2 weeks (here on Tarantula). And I know guys who could get everything from the clan, they still couldn't kill an elpy by themselves 'coz doing something on their own stinks.
I don't understand why they deserve anything. There are plenty of games which has random crap for every noob who logs in. Go there.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: magicbean on May 26, 2014, 09:14:10 PM
What about players who do not play dd mage classes? I'm asking again, are you retarded?

Your complaints against full NPC buffer are only valid if you've got something to lose. By enabling buffer nobody loses. Your main or bot party or buff box will not get weaker, you can still log it in and buff yourself if you want. Nobody will beat you up for that. You're whining because clearly you've got something to lose. What is it? Care to elaborate?
Wait, you are whining because you are too unbearable to party with anyone.
I'm complaining because such change would bring only noobs here, and I think the majority of this community wanna play with veterans and/or good players.

About the mage dps: That's actually not even the best choice, but any DD works well, and any support can find party as well. And it can be subbed to DD later, or vice versa.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan