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3rd occupation quest



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3rd occupation quest

Started by finnifano, June 03, 2014, 10:09:47 PM

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Hi, got same problem like in this topic: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,283250.36.html

I have sh/ps on my main, then i made retail to pr and i have made 3rd quest (saga of ghost sentinel) and substacked to pr/bd. Now i added new retail, again to pr, and i cant do 3rd quest, cause it is "already done". Switching on bd stats on previous retail not helpin. Is it possible to make 3rd on pr again?



After Kwolus problem you should know that making same 3rd quest twice is not possible.
If you want to make pr/sk or pr/ps or w/e. You should made that SK or PS first then sub it to PR.
Morela - True hero of common people


I didn't know about it earlier, found that topic when i was looking for hints how to solve my problem. Im curious what GMs did in his case, because in the end of the topic they just said "fixed".


After like 2 weeks of his asking for solution they made his 3rd quest "manually"
but dunno if they will do it again
Morela - True hero of common people


Hope they'll do it again, its not dangerous for game balance or somethin.