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this transfare filters dont work people again transfare

Started by djvancho, August 30, 2014, 11:10:41 PM

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Quote from: djvancho on September 05, 2014, 05:01:17 PM
mana burn reuse ?
It wont be touched for now, since we believe that upcoming changes are enough to balance oly/outside oly. Touching skill itself is very dangerous and risky thing. We are trying to avoid this by any meaning.

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on September 05, 2014, 03:04:27 PM
- reconsider lowering the bonus of Tattoo of Mahum by 10~15%
Seems the best way to sync it with progression of Magic powers. (as test have shown) / Or sync Magic power one to Mahum progression . (will test both)
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on September 05, 2014, 03:04:27 PM
- reconsider lowering the bonus of Tattoo of Mahum by 10~15%
- considering adding mage Tattoo that will match Mahum one

But mages are equal to archers, you just have to l2p. You basicly wanna change l2 because ppl fail playing mages on this server. I have no words
GumoLeon / NoHomo / Zvbr


Quote from: Gumis on September 05, 2014, 05:39:51 PM
But mages are equal to archers, you just have to l2p. You basicly wanna change l2 because ppl fail playing mages on this server. I have no words
Read updated post please.
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Quote from: Gumis on September 05, 2014, 05:39:51 PM
But mages are equal to archers, you just have to l2p. You basicly wanna change l2 because ppl fail playing mages on this server. I have no words

Track Gumis is right on surrender/vortex/ u get crit 5-6-7 k on cancel n/c 1 shot.And if mages get epics to than bb.Our mages with epics crit for 13k.Why our mages don't qq? And they pwn in pvp archers because they know how to play them.
There is balance already between archers and mages both crit hard.
The only problem here Track is that not all players have the same skills/knowledge of they're chars and know to play them so they prefer the easy way qq=nerf.
Plus archers are gear dependent since always else they will do sh1t dmg and mages not.
The only ones who qq about mages are the ones who don't know how to play them.

I give you case scenario Track : Put one archer vs mage/summoner class or sps/ee both full buffs + epics + set + skills++ and u will see who will do the biggest dmg and win.

You can't compare an mage with dc set + hom+ 10/12 or am+0 vs 1 archer in draco set +6 +full epics and bow+10.And than they come qq mages are weak n/c.

If you downgrade archers mages will be more stronger even if it's 5% 10 % For the bonus it gives that tattoo it already nerfs your base stats big -p.def/m.def/a.speed and pr with that tattoo and dead eye u got 500 a.speed vs and mage who got insane c.speed.

It's not ppl fault that some are better than others.Same happened on dnx15 because of good players who knew playing they're chars there was mass qq and tons of nerfs and it's not fair.And about the nerfs because of oly qq'ers who play oly and destroyed the game play of others I won't even comment.Those nerfs destroyed archer/daggers and most left after it became mage server.

That tattoo is the only thing that keeps balance between mages and archers and if all good mages will get valakas in hands bb archers.It will be hard for good archers to compete against them.

Plus mages got wall tattoo to compensate mahum tattoo of archers why they don't use it?Drake implemented it especially for mages and told them to use it instead of qq.Butt instead to use it they qq.They should fkin used it, if archers can spend 8 dc for mahum they should spend 8dc for wall tattoo and stop qq.

Mages on full buffs do more crit dmg than archers plus they 3x faster ( c.speed ) than archers period.

Btw Track my post is real fact no flame / no qq / no blackmail intended just pure fact im tired of ppl qq and I don't want to see stupid nerfs or any kind of nerf here on skills/tattoo.
Balance and nerfs were made before server start and should stay like that.I respect yours and Drake's work/person for 10 years and as long I will play here and even after I quit (2xxx year :D ) I will still respect you guys (and I won't throw trash on this network and staff like some did ) for this wonderful years.

I just want in future that you guys keep your promises  and respect your words about the nerfs like you guys kept it until now.

P.S. Track when there will be Those 2 events implemented Control The Town and All vs all or so I forgot the 2nd name.I can't w8 so excited mass pvp / action / fun!!!:D
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Quote from: xLaserkillerx on September 05, 2014, 10:13:45 PM
so after i invested like 50 coins in my tatoos , u will disable them from oly ?Nice
Remember that both oponents in oly can use tatoos, so i dont see nothing wrong with it ,lol.
And taking 100% from the heal in UD its okay too ?
Just mana tattos.
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Just little nerf of buffer classes- its not such a nerf, little bit balance.


Quote from: xLaserkillerx on September 06, 2014, 01:03:44 AM
Its already balanced, but ppl dont know how to play proper and prefer to QQ.
This is how DN always was lol.
Seriously now, what are you talking about?



yes, more to come

no, but we are reconsidering to remove mana one to everyone (NOT to specific clanss)

So i have no clue what we nerfed, because we nerfed 0 so far, since opening.
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Quote from: xLaserkillerx on September 06, 2014, 01:18:24 AM
Mate u know, every char can use mana tatoos, every char is mana dependent ,so why remove them ?
U find it interesting to kill a pp/tank in oly who uses 2 uds and full heals himself ,coz his skills dont require so much mana,so yes he has plenty of mana to use and even w/o tatoo he will have.Obviously no class will have enough mana w/o tatoo to kill.So i dont find it interesting anymore.
I know u havent touched any skills ,but if u ll touch tatoos ,its the same .
Or at least if u remove mana tatoos make full hp mp when u start fight ,coz 2k mana wont be enough to kill a pp tank 3 times.
Well we didnt remove those tattoes, we are reconsidering doing it. Well see.

About hp/mp that can be done if needed.
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i made ee/sws t can play oly even with skills +11 no chances with this mana burn reuse i hope now without mana tatoos will be better
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Quote from: xLaserkillerx on September 06, 2014, 02:10:13 AM
ROFLMAO, dude ,u have no clue how to play ee es trust me.
Just for ur info EE-ES is one of the strongest classes on oly, he can kill every single class there if played correct.U should ask SizeMatters,he played some good EE-ES in the past .But its rly hard to play,u need fast fingers,since u gotta controll ,resum ur uni,rebuff ,heal etc.
So trust me ,considering ur play style,w/o tatoos, with mana burn 2 sec cd ,etc ,useless.
So first learn how to play with a char ,than QQ coz of other sh1ts.
When i lost with bp wk and ee es at oly i didint cry 'omg nerf heal,nerf mana recharge from pet ,nerf tatoo' etc like u do ,so start playing better,its simple.

lol u cryer ... delete foking tattooo .. or remove mana burn ...
U start cry bcs u cant later trejds more points or what ? XD
Btw mahom tatoo its like + next boss jewell its a litlle bit sick .. xD
and dunno why we play with any tatoos ... for attack speed ,casting speed rabit  etc its good but this all others are sick,sh1t ...


Quote from: Kybel on September 07, 2014, 10:02:55 AM
lol u cryer ... delete foking tattooo .. or remove mana burn ...
U start cry bcs u cant later trejds more points or what ? XD
Btw mahom tatoo its like + next boss jewell its a litlle bit sick .. xD
and dunno why we play with any tatoos ... for attack speed ,casting speed rabit  etc its good but this all others are sick,sh1t ...
Tattoos are available for everyone, and everyone can get them easy.
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Allow bsss and you'll take out some of the distance between fighters and mages atleast. Healer subs already get their heals cut in power from the olympiad blessing. Imo it's something to consider atleast.
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