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About DA skill Judjment



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About DA skill Judjment

Started by Sm1L3, September 07, 2014, 12:50:45 PM

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So Dark Avenger skill JUDGMENT didn't work correctly- means--->  (Uses your collected dark energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack power. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon) 
So u can watch video - nothing happens at all, oponent get debuff, he's not provoked or something else !  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWz3kumVYcY&list=UU3S4GSeZid-Pcw366EG8weg


Quote from: Sm1L3 on September 07, 2014, 12:50:45 PM
So Dark Avenger skill JUDGMENT didn't work correctly- means--->  (Uses your collected dark energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack power. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon) 
So u can watch video - nothing happens at all, oponent get debuff, he's not provoked or something else !  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWz3kumVYcY&list=UU3S4GSeZid-Pcw366EG8weg

Uses your collected dark energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack power. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 733. Effect 1.

skill_begin skill_name=[s_judgment1] skill_id=401 level=1 operate_type=A2 magic_level=55 effect={{p_critical_damage;-25;per};{i_p_attack_over_hit;733;0}} operate_cond={{equip_weapon;{sword;blunt}}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=55 cast_range=40 effective_range=90 skill_hit_time=1.08 skill_cool_time=0.72 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=20 activate_rate=50 lv_bonus_rate=1 basic_property=men abnormal_time=30 abnormal_lv=1 abnormal_type=hit_down attribute=attr_unholy effect_point=-733 target_type=enemy_only affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none debuff=1 ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end


As on screen, i can see you are using two_hand_sword which isn't item you need to trigger judgment.
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i tried with 1H sword is the same if u want i will make another video with 1H however . Doesn't matter with what sword will make skill 1H or 2H. I do debuff and nothing happens !


Quote from: Sm1L3 on September 07, 2014, 01:02:09 PM
i tried with 1H sword is the same if u want i will make another video with 1H however . Doesn't matter with what sword will make skill 1H or 2H. I do debuff and nothing happens !
Can you please make a video with 1 hand sword and blunt please?

also use some other char then dwarf and give him some buff to raise critical rate up please.

Thank you

P.S I cant log in game to test myself (atm), that why

P.S 2 , please try this skill on some mob as well.

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So there is Movie with Blunt and 1H sword. And btw is no sense to try this to mobs cuz even they are not agresiv, they will attack me anyway when i make them dmg and can't see mob's crit rate ...

P.S this skill is most important for pvp cuz he/enemy is provoked to hiting all the time with low crit when debuff is up , so u can smash him... and Hate Aura chance is too low too... the point of TANK is to go in enemy's party and bring them all to attack him and to change their target to let his (tank) party to make dmg - isn't ?

P.S-2 :  If u can't fix it , i asking u just if posible to delete my stack sub on main and to put one horn in my inventory to choice new subclass as well .... Thank you !


Finally , thanks bro about this post + video ^^ .
I wasn't sure about the agro constant, so I didn't posted .
And I saw someday ago about the bug on critic rate.

It would be really usefull cause when i m playing in pvp I have to spam Agression all time on each target each second (byebye mana..) cause judgement don't work as well and aura of hate do nothing.

+1 on this fix when you get time .
Dragon x15 :
- Zaleah Ps/se Hero Off
- iBraskah Glad/Pal Off
- Zalitzz Glad/PP Off
Tarantula ;
- Braskah Da/Pp Hero
- Zalerah Ps/Sk Hero
Gaia ;
-Zaleah Ps/Bd Hero


Do you really played on Dragon x15?
Don't you remember pal/da using tribunal/judgement , it was impossible to switch target during like 3or5s , can't remember exactly. But I m sure about it.
Dragon x15 :
- Zaleah Ps/se Hero Off
- iBraskah Glad/Pal Off
- Zalitzz Glad/PP Off
Tarantula ;
- Braskah Da/Pp Hero
- Zalerah Ps/Sk Hero
Gaia ;
-Zaleah Ps/Bd Hero


On what chronicle you played pal/wk? :)
Cause I remember on Interlude ,  it was keeping agro , with my glad/pal.
I will take time to check and try to get more real info.
Dragon x15 :
- Zaleah Ps/se Hero Off
- iBraskah Glad/Pal Off
- Zalitzz Glad/PP Off
Tarantula ;
- Braskah Da/Pp Hero
- Zalerah Ps/Sk Hero
Gaia ;
-Zaleah Ps/Bd Hero


added effect {i_target_me_chance} lets see how this works.

Reboot required.
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Quote from: xLaserkillerx on September 07, 2014, 09:58:10 PM
When i played on dragon i played pal-wk too ,and tribunal was like a normal agro + decrease crit rate ,it wasnt perma agroing.
People were putting one paladin on party, doesnt matter if he has even armor. When he used tribunal you keep him on target for 15-30 seconds , even if he is dead  .
"Forum fighter - Bullshit writer awards" - jury
berty - The Gladiator


Ok now is little bit different ... when i use "judgment" he follow me even he doesn't got debuff (when i click with mouse on the ground he stop follow me) :D :D . Thats mean u just change "JUDGMENT" with simple "aggression"  skill... hes (opponent)  crit rate is same all the time no matter he got debuff or no !!


Quotedude when judgement lands ,u decrease the crit dmg the oponent deals, when u use it on a target it provokes it to atk .Its simple .Or u need 3 faculties to figure it out ?Same with tribunal but it decreases crit rate instead of dmg as on judgement.

Tell me about agro then, must be provoked just for a 1 sec {just make note: opponent anyway keep his target on me and without JUdgment :) } or must be provoked steadily till debuff finished ? As i remember (90% off servers) he have to keep his target on u (following) till debuuf fly away !