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Started by _okazaki_, October 19, 2014, 03:56:03 AM

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Where did my last post go?
The one and only Naiz

Mardun / Vash / SoBOtA



Quote from: UngO on October 19, 2014, 06:01:00 PM
its normal tactic how to fight zerg side since always...on server where two unbalanced sides one who got more ppl + better geared ones...u made it like this Syndi so i dont understand the whines now
Are you that retarded?
I went once with Kabally and Xenno vs 2 pts of " enemies " at tezza, they did not flag.
Yeah fight zerg, rofl.


I got no words,from what ive seen written,i got no words,its sad,ppl cant even get the blame,they always ready to excuse,same with girls,same in work,same with humans,humans dont change,and nobody will ever surprise,thats it,noone deal with the truth and the truth is that i rapppe faces,everytime i want or go pvp,its sad just sad to read what my "enemies" are typing here.

Pz,play with ur ilusion
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


The one and only Naiz

Mardun / Vash / SoBOtA



Quote from: Kabally on October 19, 2014, 10:47:17 PM
Pz,play with ur ilusion
12 k on Fullbuffed Chlastacz, 7k on fullbuffed Grimjow, Grimjow asking u about "BIG DMG" i dont know who have "very many ilusions" here. Well like 1 month ago or little more when syndi had ally with fc u didnt zerg eaven once right ? When we called u on pvp 9v9 u always came with zerg to win, many ppl was pissed off we couldnt pvp normaly cus of ur zerg. And now when exci changed leaders, made new ally, invited new members, u cry?? PPL need reorganize clan make new rules etc but all is done allredy so dont worry no one will stop war now i think. So stop Cry we will had some nice pvp now


Quote from: LancelotPL on October 19, 2014, 11:10:53 PM
12 k on Fullbuffed Chlastacz, 7k on fullbuffed Grimjow, Grimjow asking u about "BIG DMG" i dont know who have "very many ilusions" here. Well like 1 month ago or little more when syndi had ally with fc u didnt zerg eaven once right ? When we called u on pvp 9v9 u always came with zerg to win, many ppl was pissed off we couldnt pvp normaly cus of ur zerg. And now when exci changed leaders, made new ally, invited new members, u cry?? PPL need reorganize clan make new rules etc but all is done allredy so dont worry no one will stop war now i think. So stop Cry we will had some nice pvp now
rofl that takes few days tops. Not 2 weeks.


Quote from: DrAkh00 on October 19, 2014, 10:33:41 PM
Are you that retarded?
I went once with Kabally and Xenno vs 2 pts of " enemies " at tezza, they did not flag.
Yeah fight zerg, rofl.
till i stoped play i seen on all epics actions zerg of syndi at baium few weeks ago at 4 am 4pts of syndi on? is that normal for u in time when all normal ppl sleep bcause they wake up to work syndi got 4 pts on? except maybe like 5 epics we won when we had more ppl on and tell me this all those long weeks syndi was taking all epics zerging etc u seen us leavin server?? now when something change for few days i see all syndi crying like hell wtf dudes?  its still game and taking off wars is tactic vs strong clans since always if u feel better or more skilled do your sin eater quests and start pk them...but u dont got balls for that...
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: UngO on October 20, 2014, 05:35:00 AM
till i stoped play i seen on all epics actions zerg of syndi at baium few weeks ago at 4 am 4pts of syndi on? is that normal for u in time when all normal ppl sleep bcause they wake up to work syndi got 4 pts on? except maybe like 5 epics we won when we had more ppl on and tell me this all those long weeks syndi was taking all epics zerging etc u seen us leavin server?? now when something change for few days i see all syndi crying like hell wtf dudes?  its still game and taking off wars is tactic vs strong clans since always if u feel better or more skilled do your sin eater quests and start pk them...but u dont got balls for that...
Zerg is equal numbers? 2-3 clans of enemies having the same ammount of people.


Quote from: DrAkh00 on October 20, 2014, 07:13:03 AM
Zerg is equal numbers? 2-3 clans of enemies having the same ammount of people.

But i saw so far they have wars between each other. They are not cooperating anymore so u can speak about 2-3 clans only when they do "side by side" job. I am not in any of this clan but  what i saw for now is the fact u should be prepaired for a long journey w/o wars vs syndicate. I think that they are enjoying the wars between each other and they dont give a **** about syndicate at all.

U tried everything, hero shouts with accept wars, a lot of e-drama in game about pvp and now u thing u ll move this problem with creating topic like this but what i know from any history, this isnt helping at all. They will just ignore u, ignore this (ye maybe 2-3 players will add to this) and nothing will move.

I do not know, maybe split syndicate to 2 diferent clans and fight each other - no idea. Thats what we do in EVE Online (spaceship MMORPG) when we get bored, we splitted corporation to RED vs BLUE and what i know this corps working till nowdays and when a big enemy shows up we just grouped for the time we punished him away.

I seriously dont know and i have no other advices for you, but even this kind of topics never and i mean NEVER worked for the purpose u want. They will just ignore u even more and u are the ones who will pay for this in the end. Coz you are the ones who will die bored here to zero.

With reg, Tyrr.


Quote from: tyrrande on October 20, 2014, 10:07:55 AM
But i saw so far they have wars between each other. They are not cooperating anymore so u can speak about 2-3 clans only when they do "side by side" job. I am not in any of this clan but  what i saw for now is the fact u should be prepaired for a long journey w/o wars vs syndicate. I think that they are enjoying the wars between each other and they dont give a **** about syndicate at all.

U tried everything, hero shouts with accept wars, a lot of e-drama in game about pvp and now u thing u ll move this problem with creating topic like this but what i know from any history, this isnt helping at all. They will just ignore u, ignore this (ye maybe 2-3 players will add to this) and nothing will move.

I do not know, maybe split syndicate to 2 diferent clans and fight each other - no idea. Thats what we do in EVE Online (spaceship MMORPG) when we get bored, we splitted corporation to RED vs BLUE and what i know this corps working till nowdays and when a big enemy shows up we just grouped for the time we punished him away.

I seriously dont know and i have no other advices for you, but even this kind of topics never and i mean NEVER worked for the purpose u want. They will just ignore u even more and u are the ones who will pay for this in the end. Coz you are the ones who will die bored here to zero.

With reg, Tyrr.
They work together .


Wipe server after update and everything will be ok i will call Fightclub to rape again
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Dude right now 10 min ago,once fukin again in BAIUM,3rd BAIUM in a row,WITHOUT WAR/PVP,im tired this is bullsh1t,no fuking war from 2 weeks,seriously this is sux situation and they NEVER NEVER acept the fuking war,NEVER.

Unity and Teaparty,and the only time they flag is when they are 25 vs10,seriously disgusting fuk it,lºasiudha
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die