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Titan x10 my statement

Started by HiddenEnemy, February 01, 2015, 11:06:01 AM

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 10, 2015, 08:58:31 PM
Its not DN, its just the Titan server. Dragon x15 is more then fine, and Tarantula will be good as well in no time.
track, merge titan with dragon not good idea but .... , merge not good.


Quote from: HugeTits on February 10, 2015, 10:46:42 PM
track, merge titan with dragon not good idea but .... , merge not good.
Come on there are 2 low s-grade weapons on titan, u dont need to be scared about dragon, you can afford 2 players raping u right?


Quote from: Peorexo on February 10, 2015, 11:23:33 PM
Come on there are 2 low s-grade weapons on titan, u dont need to be scared about dragon, you can afford 2 players raping u right?


Quote from: dabird1980 on February 10, 2015, 08:52:35 PM
How is it possible that a server on dragon network get so low on population? i never saw that before.
dragon network players like substack server no retail like .hardstylee told you every week open new h5 15 x server with nps for buff and alt+b community teleports,auctions etc and on every hour auto events capture the flag,team vs team,korean style,tresure hunters and many more.

dragon network need new substack server H5 low rate 3x 5x max because higher rate server dies after 3 4 mounths max .sever need to be copy/paste of dragon only remove bug when sumon got erase or killed and sumoned again sumon have bufs i think this is not normal .
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


before 4 days started new h5 15 x server with 10 k online people but there people have good vote system they startet to vote for server before opening and they are stimulated to vote because on every vote recieve reward some atribute stone crystal or some enchant
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


to bring new people on dragon network need to do some things

1st is to stimulate people on dragon and tarantula to vote for server
2nd is to make 1 new substack server maded after asking dragon community what server they need
(nobody wanted to open new retail like server i think)
3th when everithing is ok on server like vitality system,vote system and everiting is tested make announsment for server opening date minimum 2 mounths before to people to have time to prepare their clans for this adventure.
4th explain rules,drop,spoil,exp rate and extras 2 mounths before no 3 days before opening
5th open beta test server 1 weak before oficial start
6th be rdy for big DDOS attacks and look for secure hoster(not like tarantula host) and i think everything will be ok after good advertizing of game sites .
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Dragon Network dont need any new server now. We have here Dragon, Tarantula and Titan.

Dragon Network need:
- advertising,
- new active GMs(for fix bug and for balans some class, skill etc. for add something to increase PVP on server)on Dragon x15(and good donation offers for new commer from other server bcuz some clans wanna join Dragon again but each player must donate coins for self... better sell them pack of items and chars for "better" price). I dont have problem with Glasy but one GM it is not enough.
- Tarantula need move to HB chronicle... and get some new/old ppl again.

Quote from: djvancho on February 11, 2015, 05:09:14 AM
before 4 days started new h5 15 x server with 10 k online people but there people have good vote system they startet to vote for server before opening and they are stimulated to vote because on every vote recieve reward some atribute stone crystal or some enchant

Is very good idea!
Yenari SR/SWS
Ergec WC/OL
Amellka PR/SK


i cant belive why you like glasys kingdom. :'( :'(


at 1 February titan has at least 80 single donation, wondering how much did you expect if does are not enough the.  You guys are looking just for easy, fast money.

When nothink goes right, go left


Quote from: ozyn on February 11, 2015, 12:20:54 PM
at 1 February titan has at least 80 single donation, wondering how much did you expect if does are not enough the.  You guys are looking just for easy, fast money.
Dont state such things, because you are just talking out of your ass then. We are not looking for money at all, just an normal cycle covering expences.
Titan costed a fortune and was huge investment with 3 figures+the machine + the protection. So closing/merging titan is the last thing we want to do, but im sorry i cant stuggle in this moment.

Cut your trolling , its not a time nor the place for it.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


GM killed server with his statement. GJ.
Really zero advertising and you expect money? Sad.
I was here with my 20 friends and you killed our fun wuth that statement we are on other server not dragon more raid focused and fight focued. Bye.


Quote from: daeion on February 11, 2015, 12:39:34 PM
GM killed server with his statement. GJ.
Really zero advertising and you expect money? Sad.
I was here with my 20 friends and you killed our fun wuth that statement we are on other server not dragon more raid focused and fight focued. Bye.

I stated the reality, i didnt kill the server i offered the solution. When you say we didnt advert server, then let me remind you that we announced Titan in early december, we have advertaised it on facebook,youtube,pmfun,l2online,mass email. On top of that we used PAID marketing on top social network around the world. If 2 months isnt enough, then im sorry it will never be enough.
From the day 1 we opened server players logged just to ask me "how many online gm" ,when they got their answer 99% of them said "gg bb dead server".
As i said earlier, rat race , which i really hate and cant change. Titan wont increase in nmbers , sadly.
From our side we did everything to provide perfect server with best seen features, active staff and bugless server, but thats not what matters today. What matters today is to lie, use low tricks, fake online count ingame/forum , opening servers each 3 months (no matter you failed 100 servers before), etc..etc...
We are not this kind of admins, never was and never will be.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]