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fog mobs



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fog mobs

Started by knoxville0531, October 07, 2015, 10:45:55 AM

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yesterday i could make trains in fog today again same mobs port back wth?


that's pure impossiblity, removed those locks completely from fog mobs, gc, catacombs
srv up more than 26hrs since this applied

tell exact name of mob that is porting back, mostly all these places group'ed in files, anyhow I would not wonder on NC and it's orders
[url=http://support.dragon-network.net] Support [/url]


smthing was wrong with some mobs solved :)


Yep is buged cant train fog MOS  cata etc, mobs back or teleport


Quote from: bomekk on October 07, 2015, 01:42:04 PM
Yep is buged cant train fog MOS  cata etc, mobs back or teleport

if you havent tested dont tell is bugged, FoG i tested myself trained 4 rooms none of the mobs port back
only FoG,GC,Catacomb mobs are not porting back since those were changed back to Interlude like follow
[url=http://support.dragon-network.net] Support [/url]