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QQ topic #2

Started by stanko, November 21, 2015, 10:06:56 AM

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Quote from: Moska23 on November 24, 2015, 09:01:35 AM
I like how fear meatshield players come here and proclaim themselves as part of a big clan, "the strong side", tell others what to do and even worst, talk about their competition (in example MH clan) as if we were some lowbies that get wipe all the time in pvp.

Well you couldn't be more wrong, and apart from Ira's party and exci main party, I doubt that any party in this server can carpet either mine or Kebab's cp in pvp. Two days ago we roled your dear 108D clan party at chimeras 5vs9 (frapsed)
So choose your words a bit more carefully when you talk about MH, cos we step on you every day.

As for the topic I will leave my 2cents for sunday, when it matters.

Here you got fraps from few days ago, how good is your main CP in your clan.


Killed by 4 ppl + box buffer.

Quote from: NunoPitbull on November 24, 2015, 02:07:55 PM
You bot and 5x+ box in Chimeras during "your so called #nightime". Lets call it beeing GM friendly!

Sorry that I will dissapoint you but I never used more than Garro + Delerius + N7 boxes in Hellbound, but please keep thinking that only botters can kill alone chimeras in HB  :'(
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Moah on November 24, 2015, 02:23:05 PM
I normally don't like to post in this stupid QQ topics that are full of flames and non-sense talk but im just gonna try to place some sense in your heads.

You do realize that in most competitor servers like (rpg-club, lineage2.ru, maybe some euro server which i don't have idea if exists) that actually have the so called Pro Players that play l2 for living and sell items/adena for real money, people change their prime time in order to farm? That's being bad? Nop that's being smart and not having to fight big zergs of 100+ people.
I also played there and we were going to sleep at 20h in the night to wake up at 04h in order to get Frintezza or Antharas, or even have to keep it alive in turns for over 24h so we could enter with full clan in some time that enemys are sleeping!
This is called tactics, if u want to get the epics that spawn at night and kill us, wake up at 3am build 2/3 partys and come kill us, or wake up at 7am in the morning like we do sometimes.
We also have work, we also have family and friends and we sacrifice many things to get this epics because its not possible in this game to fight with less than half numbers.

You should be thankful that you have 3 sides in this server and u have so much pvp. But yeah maybe its better to log for epics maybe ur 2nd side enemy might not even appear, kill the epic, log off, log the bots or the gazillion boxes and go farm chimeras to make adena and proclaim urself the best players in the world that won the serbidor.

And now they are coming with the QQness about "We now have families, kids, work blablabla", but they forget that we also have all that. We just use our heads and time better. It's called time micro-management. Google it! It's also super helpfull on your day-to-day life and in ur work!

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


lol Garro u forgot about 2 pty destros w/o clan from exci that hit us from behind. ? lol, man u bsoed that day 4x and logoff 5x..kill 3 ppl with boxes so pr0 :D


@garro how's your mouse one From mashing hero ability ?


If you are waking up in middle of the night to get pixels and than sleep  in afternoons i have bad news for you guys...you are sick.
"proffesional players" who play l2 for a living are your example? Holy Jesus...


See? that is the difference between us and the rest.

There are 3 types of l2 players:

1- People that cry all the time about "big clans" and do nothing about it.
2- People that follow the rule: "You can't beat them, join them" to make the zerg bigger and have a chance to get items if the leaders are not greedy (sorry but thats pretty much impossible my friends, u probably will only see "sh1t items" going for u)
3- People that even though its certain they are weaker than the enemys (not talking about skill, im talking about numbers mostly), try to fight and grow in the server so they are not part of the meatshield or the randoms that will never acomplish anything.

Now think and place urselfs here. I know exactly my CP place and no matter what it wont change.


Quote from: somasz on November 24, 2015, 03:39:56 PM
"proffesional players" who play l2 for a living are your example? Holy Jesus...

The ones who make any amount of money worth speaking of in MMOs, are all using massive bots and sell game currency on websites. Nobody with a real job wakes up at 4AM in the night for "professional farming" in L2 to make cash, in what world do you live? :D


Quote from: Jameson on November 24, 2015, 04:33:17 PM
The ones who make any amount of money worth speaking of in MMOs, are all using massive bots and sell game currency on websites. Nobody with a real job wakes up at 4AM in the night for "professional farming" in L2 to make cash, in what world do you live? :D

Rotfl bots gives u 20euros in 1week (thats the time to farm 1b adena with them), what gives money is Hero chars, High level chars with enchanted skills and epics.
Probably the ppl u know that does that are randoms that dont even play in the server create bots farm some adena, get banned, create more bots farm some more adena, get banned again and so on. I know some as well and believe me they dont make any special ammount of money.


Quote from: somasz on November 24, 2015, 03:39:56 PM
If you are waking up in middle of the night to get pixels and than sleep  in afternoons i have bad news for you guys...you are sick.
"proffesional players" who play l2 for a living are your example? Holy Jesus...

like Exci killing Zaken at 4am?

Damn flamers... we are all same, so pls... shush.
professional retarded driver


Quote from: Moah on November 24, 2015, 04:57:30 PM
Rotfl bots gives u 20euros in 1week (thats the time to farm 1b adena with them), what gives money is Hero chars, High level chars with enchanted skills and epics.
Probably the ppl u know that does that are randoms that dont even play in the server create bots farm some adena, get banned, create more bots farm some more adena, get banned again and so on. I know some as well and believe me they dont make any special ammount of money.

I speak about MMOs in general, you have NO idea what's going on dude. As if you could create many "hero chars with enchanted skills and epics" so to constantly sell them. Good botters in D3 or WOW made several hundred thousands a year, "20 euros" WTF lol :-D In small private l2 servers there's no "professional playing", there is simply no market for it.


Quote from: Moah on November 24, 2015, 02:23:05 PM
I normally don't like to post in this stupid QQ topics that are full of flames and non-sense talk but im just gonna try to place some sense in your heads.

You do realize that in most competitor servers like (rpg-club, lineage2.ru, maybe some euro server which i don't have idea if exists) that actually have the so called Pro Players that play l2 for living and sell items/adena for real money, people change their prime time in order to farm? That's being bad? Nop that's being smart and not having to fight big zergs of 100+ people.
I also played there and we were going to sleep at 20h in the night to wake up at 04h in order to get Frintezza or Antharas, or even have to keep it alive in turns for over 24h so we could enter with full clan in some time that enemys are sleeping!
This is called tactics, if u want to get the epics that spawn at night and kill us, wake up at 3am build 2/3 partys and come kill us, or wake up at 7am in the morning like we do sometimes.
We also have work, we also have family and friends and we sacrifice many things to get this epics because its not possible in this game to fight with less than half numbers.

You should be thankful that you have 3 sides in this server and u have so much pvp. But yeah maybe its better to log for epics maybe ur 2nd side enemy might not even appear, kill the epic, log off, log the bots or the gazillion boxes and go farm chimeras to make adena and proclaim urself the best players in the world that won the serbidor.
to tell you truth after 10 years of playing l2 i dont feel i wanna sacrifice any comfort of my life to dedicate it in game specialy not sleeping, only reason why i still play this game around 5 + hour a day is the fact that i work at home as graphic designer and i got game in background...my cp are mostly 35+ ppl who came to this server from nostalgia and tbh im long time not tryharding in this game its pretty enough for us to go hb not even daily or go to epics if we can and do some minor pvp...i dont feel like making competition with ppl who pushing it to be 100% effective...problem is this server isnt any close to old dn servers...it maybe have lots of nice things but i feel like the community isnt even same..no clan on this server do pvp for fun every pvp happens here is connected to farm or epics...i wish there would be a clan i would dedicate myself into but such clans dont excist not speakin of fact that we oldschool niggaz dont like the cp system at all...
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: UngO on November 25, 2015, 01:31:41 AM
to tell you truth after 10 years of playing l2 i dont feel i wanna sacrifice any comfort of my life to dedicate it in game specialy not sleeping, only reason why i still play this game around 5 + hour a day is the fact that i work at home as graphic designer and i got game in background...my cp are mostly 35+ ppl who came to this server from nostalgia and tbh im long time not tryharding in this game its pretty enough for us to go hb not even daily or go to epics if we can and do some minor pvp...i dont feel like making competition with ppl who pushing it to be 100% effective...problem is this server isnt any close to old dn servers...it maybe have lots of nice things but i feel like the community isnt even same..no clan on this server do pvp for fun every pvp happens here is connected to farm or epics...i wish there would be a clan i would dedicate myself into but such clans dont excist not speakin of fact that we oldschool niggaz dont like the cp system at all...

We also play l2 for over 10 years, and we all have jobs, even harder jobs and more tiring then staying at home as you refered. Now, don't adapt your comodety to L2. As I already said to someone in this forum, this isn't x5000 server... this is becoming each time the server RR, with more and more ezpz stuff..and msot of all, favoring the "prime time of big clans" to even make them more unreachble...
Please think well on what ur saying...

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid