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Started by tyrrande, November 21, 2015, 09:23:37 AM

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Hi Track, GM stuff sorry i bother u but i need help with this bug.

I started another dwarf and get the start event chest. Everything was fine untill i decided to open C grade weapon chest, C grade armor chest and D grade jewelry chest. Items are working but i cant destroy the rest i dont need or even D grade jewelry i dont need now either. As u can see in this image:

Everytime i am trying to destroy the item it shows this: This item cannot be crystalized - and trust me i am not trying to crystalize it - i am seriously trying just to open my space in bag. Now i got like 24 item slots i cant get free. Glad i am made dwarf coz otherwise i would be probably overweight already.

And there is yet another mistake probably i find. The plated leather set (C grade set with +4 STR bonus) from this chest requires Tattoo of the monk instead of Plated leather gaiters - i assume its a mistake can u check that aswell since if u unpack this set from event chest and equip everything u dont get the set bonus from it.

If u need to check that on my acc directly then acc name is: quixo, characted name: yssa

Thank you very much, with regards Tyrr.


Ok i did full check and i was able to destroy almost all items, but yet still i cant destroy the C grade dual swords (spirit * spirit) + the bug with plated leather set remains.


fixed, Track will let you know when applied to autoupdater
ty for report
not require svr rr, locked
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