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Started by mruwqa, December 25, 2015, 12:14:28 PM

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Fanatic es

Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 10:35:05 AM
It wasnt our goal to camp barakiel or toi bosses, primeval to catch Fears on retails to make a pvp movie with it.
we didn't camp anything, wanted force some pvp  with you, dunno why from those 3 pts even1 couldn't go on mains and protect rest, or even after being killed all 3 could come back and fight us back, thats what i call organization, sadly by lacking basic things you started to cry and left server, and don't come with things of zerging you, cuz you had 3 pts vs our 1, 1st rune siege were comming you invited enclave in ally, to have some equal pvp we decided to recruit other pts and there was lot of fun on baiums, valakas pvp and daily actions, dunno what happen that you suddenly left but blame ur self not server or enemy.
ps: screen from aa !


aaaahhahahah Garro retardeness level has been increased
seems like some1 here cannot accept loss
sry garro you have failed


Face that

PS: Look at this all ADULT ppl from your familly - rly mature community
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Garro dude, for your sake, stop embarrassing yourself, and leave this forum just as you left server :D
Go play cs archage or w/e you are playing. There is really no need to make yourself look more and more stupid :D




Quote from: GhostSlayer on December 26, 2015, 11:38:18 AM
Garro dude, for your sake, stop embarrassing yourself, and leave this forum just as you left server :D
Go play cs archage or w/e you are playing. There is really no need to make yourself look more and more stupid :D
cmon let him make another posts
we want to have fun from reading all his bullsh1ts
it's not a usual situation to meet such idiot, it will be hard to find such a retarded person (except excidium's TS)
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: Vargine on December 26, 2015, 11:25:39 AM
aaaahhahahah Garro retardeness level has been increased
seems like some1 here cannot accept loss
sry garro you have failed


Face that

PS: Look at this all ADULT ppl from your familly - rly mature community

Speaking about retardness, posting pic that we posted before tarantula server was started means? xD

Quote from: Fanatic es on December 26, 2015, 10:54:57 AM
we didn't camp anything, wanted force some pvp  with you, dunno why from those 3 pts even1 couldn't go on mains and protect rest, or even after being killed all 3 could come back and fight us back, thats what i call organization, sadly by lacking basic things you started to cry and left server, and don't come with things of zerging you, cuz you had 3 pts vs our 1, 1st rune siege were comming you invited enclave in ally, to have some equal pvp we decided to recruit other pts and there was lot of fun on baiums, valakas pvp and daily actions, dunno what happen that you suddenly left but blame ur self not server or enemy.
ps: screen from aa !

You mean that organization where u got 3 pties at the start of the server, then some ppl stopped to play so u got 2 pties and when u realized that u can kill only core and orfen u started to mass recruit at giran stairs to fight with us in that "quality over quantity" idea? :D Seems logical organization.
Im not saying that u was worst but for sure not better than us, also writing top pvp party everytime and yet loosing means u arent top at all but just common one :D

What pic of AA u want? :o
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484


Fanatic es

Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 12:48:28 PM
Speaking about retardness, posting pic that we posted before tarantula server was started means? xD

You mean that organization where u got 3 pties at the start of the server, then some ppl stopped to play so u got 2 pties and when u realized that u can kill only core and orfen u started to mass recruit at giran stairs to fight with us in that "quality over quantity" idea? :D Seems logical organization.
Im not saying that u was worst but for sure not better than us, also writing top pvp party everytime and yet loosing means u arent top at all but just common one :D

What pic of AA u want? :o

dunno from where you get ur storys but, by top i understeand not the only and one best pt, but group of "top" pt's which lead on server, and is ur pt which didn't want to accept 9vs9, im not saying i was better, same as we did you were loosking as well, nothing special about that, im not claming my self being some kind of god which never lose, all i wanted was set fair 9vs9 with you so no1 would coplain, sadly coudn;t happen.

about aa, pvp and honor points


Quote from: Fanatic es on December 26, 2015, 12:56:15 PM
dunno from where you get ur storys but, by top i understeand not the only and one best pt, but group of "top" pt's which lead on server, and is ur pt which didn't want to accept 9vs9, im not saying i was better, same as we did you were loosking as well, nothing special about that, im not claming my self being some kind of god which never lose, all i wanted was set fair 9vs9 with you so no1 would coplain, sadly coudn;t happen.

about aa, pvp and honor points

So all u want was 9v9s fights and when u got them u could say only you won because of hero skills, even if u had 4 heroes in ur party? That makes u top pt? Whats the difference between ur pt and Diogo's pt?

Im at work atm, and why u want pvps and honor points at AA? :o
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484


Fanatic es

Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 01:02:41 PM
So all u want was 9v9s fights and when u got them u could say only you won because of hero skills, even if u had 4 heroes in ur party? That makes u top pt? Whats the difference between ur pt and Diogo's pt?

Im at work atm, and why u want pvps and honor points at AA? :o
read again my previous post
dunno, to see how you doing there ?


thanks for bumping my post, there is video again,  btw nice screens from tarantula,  LSDtrip is real king :D:D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKJC2uoa_h8&feature=youtu.be
tarantula AW/SE 10x? hero  :)
hellraiser OL/WC  TH/WL  ZERK/SLH TK/SWS heroo casual gamer :)) 420
DramaMakers    SK/AW 
whats next???
Gaia:  tehScary th/wl + pr/sk       damnbard: TK/SWS PAL/WL
Gaia2: WARLOCK / Dark Avenger ^^


Quote from: Fanatic es on December 26, 2015, 01:08:40 PM
read again my previous post
dunno, to see how you doing there ?

I've read it and still saying that u wanted 9v9s and then u found some excuses of ur lost even if u had same possibility to use it, and many times used aswell.

Got around 300 i guess, dont remember about honor points, if u were playing AA u know that pvps means nothing, u can donate today and tommorow u will get half of it or even same amount. Its about ur eq-ep points there and for decent one u have to farm a lot.
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 01:02:41 PM
So all u want was 9v9s fights and when u got them u could say only you won because of hero skills, even if u had 4 heroes in ur party? That makes u top pt? Whats the difference between ur pt and Diogo's pt?

I can see that for you Hellraiser server memories starts and ends with this one day, day of PvP at arcanas, the only one day when you were finally a bit better then we were (even if it was not equal EQ fights and as every1 knows Hero skills won)
so honorable for you

Fanatic party: but you lost every other PvP
Fanatic party: you won coz of EQ, att and hero skills ONLY
Fanatic party: we won 1pt fear vs your 3pt at giran siege

whole conversation with garro looks like that...

About screenshot: take a look at message above screen, then take a look at the screen , use your brain, THINK, meanwhile try to do not hang yourself
sry garro for focusing you to use your brain
next time i will try to make it on your (elementary) level
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: mruwqa on December 26, 2015, 01:13:24 PM
thanks for bumping my post, there is video again,  btw nice screens from tarantula,  LSDtrip is real king :D:D

If you were there, could you tell me who is this guy from screenshot ? (this one and the one in blue shirt ?xD )
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter