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Started by mruwqa, December 25, 2015, 12:14:28 PM

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Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 01:18:42 PM
I've read it and still saying that u wanted 9v9s and then u found some excuses of ur lost even if u had same possibility to use it, and many times used aswell.

Got around 300 i guess, dont remember about honor points, if u were playing AA u know that pvps means nothing, u can donate today and tommorow u will get half of it or even same amount. Its about ur eq-ep points there and for decent one u have to farm a lot.
Thats wrong, of course u will not beat straight up the top equipped guys (still remember arenas back when 50lv was max and there was some divine delphinad darkrunner and divine epherium spellsinger, that was a pain), but just from instances in few days u can have enough equipment to kill most of the server playerbase, well same as fanatic waiting for some frapses from there, i gave up this p2w trion sh1t


Quote from: Vargine on December 26, 2015, 01:28:23 PM
I can see that for you Hellraiser server memories starts and ends with this one day, day of PvP at arcanas, the only one day when you were finally a bit better then we were (even if it was not equal EQ fights and as every1 knows Hero skills won)
so honorable for you

Fanatic party: but you lost every other PvP
Fanatic party: you won coz of EQ, att and hero skills ONLY
Fanatic party: we won 1pt fear vs your 3pt at giran siege

whole conversation with garro looks like that...

About screenshot: take a look at message above screen, then take a look at the screen , use your brain, THINK, meanwhile try to do not hang yourself
sry garro for focusing you to use your brain
next time i will try to make it on your (elementary) level

Well im writing about something that i can prove, thats means more than randomly saying some shi.ty stories or maybe u are counting some wins against our retails at barakiel then Im so sorry for u. Basicly u wanted so badly 9v9s and when u finally found it with us u cryed like babys that hero skills won even if u had them too. Basicly I could write how many i want about our epic wins but that would mean nothing if I wouldnt be able to prove them, now u looks exactly same.

Quote from: Peorexo on December 26, 2015, 01:36:21 PM
Thats wrong, of course u will not beat straight up the top equipped guys (still remember arenas back when 50lv was max and there was some divine delphinad darkrunner and divine epherium spellsinger, that was a pain), but just from instances in few days u can have enough equipment to kill most of the server playerbase, well same as fanatic waiting for some frapses from there, i gave up this p2w trion sh1t

Im writing about pvp points etc, you can port on 55lvl in hasla or halcyona and kill every 45lvl+ player and get them pretty easy. The only set that was worth something from instance was Serpentis one but like half year ago, now when Obsidian sets were implemented u can stage them by other sets like illustrious, magnificent, delphinand, ayand and that means u need a lot of money to do it.
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 01:18:42 PM
I've read it and still saying that u wanted 9v9s and then u found some excuses of ur lost even if u had same possibility to use it, and many times used aswell.

Got around 300 i guess, dont remember about honor points, if u were playing AA u know that pvps means nothing, u can donate today and tommorow u will get half of it or even same amount. Its about ur eq-ep points there and for decent one u have to farm a lot.




Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 01:37:56 PM
Well im writing about something that i can prove, thats means more than randomly saying some shi.ty stories or maybe u are counting some wins against our retails at barakiel then Im so sorry for u. Basicly u wanted so badly 9v9s and when u finally found it with us u cryed like babys that hero skills won even if u had them too. Basicly I could write how many i want about our epic wins but that would mean nothing if I wouldnt be able to prove them, now u looks exactly same.

Dunno where were you playing before but on every normal server 9vs9 (party vs party, CP vs CP) is a NORM. Here its a mystic thing that some ppl are talking about but no1 ever saw unless it's fraps, posted, flamed and so on

Take a look at YT movies from RPG-club or official servers: 50% of movies are 9vs9, 25% are sieges/mass actions and 25% are solo ninja PvPs
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


vagina padasz jak szma.... :P hahahahha


Quote from: Vargine on December 26, 2015, 02:07:19 PM
Dunno where were you playing before but on every normal server 9vs9 (party vs party, CP vs CP) is a NORM. Here its a mystic thing that some ppl are talking about but no1 ever saw unless it's fraps, posted, flamed and so on

Take a look at YT movies from RPG-club or official servers: 50% of movies are 9vs9, 25% are sieges/mass actions and 25% are solo ninja PvPs

Dunno how about you but for me 9v9 pvp is when both sides are gathered for it and actualy doing it. If u somehow imagined some actions on barakiel or when we were farming something with full or not full party that I have dissapoint you but it wasnt 9v9 pvp fight  :'(
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 02:39:46 PM
Dunno how about you but for me 9v9 pvp is when both sides are gathered for it and actualy doing it. If u somehow imagined some actions on barakiel or when we were farming something with full or not full party that I have dissapoint you but it wasnt 9v9 pvp fight  :'(
not full party? u farming here? :P
dude go play archage, mby u will suck less then u did here :D




Quote from: GhostSlayer on December 26, 2015, 02:58:58 PM
not full party? u farming here? :P
dude go play archage, mby u will suck less then u did here :D
I like how he ignores this post and keeps spamming about their only win that happened in 2 months xd
I wont even mention countless times how we won but not frapsed it, but im expecting at least a small answer regarding those frspsed actions, or they never happened as well xD
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



Quote from: GhostSlayer on December 26, 2015, 02:58:58 PM
not full party? u farming here? :P
dude go play archage, mby u will suck less then u did here :D

Thats the action im talking about since first post dude, read more carefully, I wrote it that there was 4 actions frapsed, 3 at arcanas and 1 at giran siege, u are blind? Basicly I have no idea who suck.ed more here xD
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

DevilsNation | Carebears | Excidium | CaerSidi

Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Garro on December 26, 2015, 03:17:20 PM
Thats the action im talking about since first post dude, read more carefully, I wrote it that there was 4 actions frapsed, 3 at arcanas and 1 at giran siege, u are blind? Basicly I have no idea who suck.ed more here xD
let me tell you, not us :P




Quote from: mruwqa on December 26, 2015, 09:32:08 AM
honestly it seem like this.   either most of exi needed 50$ cashout to make christmass happend or I have no idea why would they quit :)

Easy answare, when You was on team speak, last days. How many ppl did You see? People just stopped play because of get bored. My last 3 weeks when we still playing with full party on the server i was only one time on baium and 1 time on zaken. Yeah respawn time of epics was one of the reason to push me to the leave this server. Stuff of DN did exactly same mistake what they do on tarantula, everything too SLOW!
Thats why i back to my lovely mid rate interlude community.
Here you have the fraps from my last shot with my true CP. It was during booring times when i get bored on helraiser and nothing was to do(i dont like farm).

ExCiDiuM <3