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Stakato Nest's raid figthers? :D



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Stakato Nest's raid figthers? :D

Started by Chuen1, December 23, 2015, 12:20:29 AM

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as title says :)

BabyPew - MS/SWS (hero)
BUFFCAT - BP/WK (hero)
KypBe - SWS/SR


such trolls  8)

i will take a look at positions but barely seen similar
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also splinter stakato captain seems to appear disappear (in the left room, this fighters are in the right room)
BabyPew - MS/SWS (hero)
BUFFCAT - BP/WK (hero)
KypBe - SWS/SR


2 days ago while we were at Green Spot (Arcanas) in Hellbound
one of those troll fighters appeared there as well "Dorian fighter". We killed it i didn't make SS. ^^
BabyPew - MS/SWS (hero)
BUFFCAT - BP/WK (hero)
KypBe - SWS/SR


can't replicate this issue or find it in logs
even on eu hi5 retail files same problem appeared
some typo in codes, not critical issue so we must live with it for now
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