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Bot>ban>cry :D



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Bot>ban>cry :D

Started by domo25, October 22, 2017, 04:19:03 AM

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I found topic about ban bots.
If u don't have time to play becaose you are working/studing, don't play it's easy.
Big part of Lineage2 is economy and bots killing it.
Today I had punished by killing bots. How, you ask?
I had newbie weapon , and you can wear this weapon when you have pk on you.
It's annoing, but I just bought normal weapon for hard own adena and went back kill more bots.
Using bots rabing you from the best part of a game, when you need to calculate every adena you spend, every move you decide to do.
For a first time I have so much fan from playing Lineage 2.
I don't had so much fun even on official server


I hear a certain someone that's not using their shadow weapon coupons~