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2007-10-13 Giran Siege

Started by StingerSK, October 13, 2007, 10:20:50 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 14, 2007, 11:31:43 AM
we hadn't priority and secondary objectives, coz we could do what we want...
ur just citizen and u have to know smth bout politics... we have done what we want ( u can even don't understand why and what for)...
btw. yea in Dion were some ppl which just logged... and didnt know what happening... ; >

You're just bulshitting everyone (including yourself).

"btw. yea in Dion were some ppl which just logged... and didnt know what happening... ; >" - Oh sure, yes, there was only a bunch of lvl 20 in no grade even without 1st class change... and no, I haven't seen quite a few guys from your ally rushing back... and no, haven't been killed by them...

"we hadn't priority and secondary objectives" - so you are planning sieges without cetting any objectives? LOL... don't try to tell that to your CLs and AL

"coz we could do what we want..." - oh really? Just as I was surprised by Winterfang's hateful comments on hero shout yesterday, your attitute really turns me off now...

We have lost, we accepted it, we congratulated the winning side (and we hope to pay back next time of course). You do not seem to be able to do so; maybe you should look up the meening of the word "noblesse" - and maybe you will understand it comes from "noble", not "being able to teleport anywhere".

That's all, period.

PanzerKatze, DE//WL/OL 78
ThePanzer, TY/OL 78
PanzerelleJr, WS//TH/BH 78
CzechHorde Clan, Rebellion Alliance, Nightmare


Quote from: PainMaster on October 14, 2007, 12:39:01 PM
just tell how you get inside , a see that ally your ppl in party  have full cp/hp  so where are they outside ? and only moule and devil are inside castle full of ch ??   funny :> but nvm...

You know there are some overlords in fearless ... doing their job, and we were like 4 healers in my party (1 bishop)   so it's not that surpising that the living people are full hp/cp, they were just stucked with the others to the doors of the room. You can see the silence from OL in buff bar of 2 party member, they got sealed by one overlord in the doors, if you remember he made quite a lot of seals before being killed.
About how i passed through your 'lines" (that were more like big mess - it was just your respawn), i just walker on the right side of the room, 2 guys CHZ followed me but that was not enough  ;-D.

Devil did the same on the other side, that's it...

Your guys were not focused on the crystal defence, you were jsut trying to survive the longest time possible in front of the attackers rush, looking only to the mass of attackers and not to the very few discret guys infltrating your lines... not our fault ;)
My L2 Movie Library ---> http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,74815.msg852689.html#msg852689


ok sins are the "best" and this is the end  :D  :D  :D  :D
StingerSK----->>TH/DA  }
<>----------------------<>  }
St1ngerSK----->>NE/BI   }   
<>----------------------<>  }               NOT ANYMORE
Sting3rSK----->>WC/BI   }
<>----------------------<>  }
SacredBlades--->>SE/BD }
"LOTRO SnowBurn"
Stingerson-burglar 60 lvl --RIP kinnship  NOT ANYMORE


Quote from: StingerSK on October 14, 2007, 02:46:14 PM
ok sins are the "best" and this is the end  :D  :D  :D  :D

atm i think ye

owners of dead serv ;O

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro



they zerged us at gludio

Quote from: tzuc on November 08, 2007, 04:58:29 PMoh great jedi master the force is strong within you .. teach me how you do that xD


Quote from: voudas69 on October 14, 2007, 04:42:52 AM
thenks fearless for the nice attack in giran!
i hop we gather and go show the newbies how pvp is done :D
lets make our hate for each other hate for our 2nd enemys (1st enemy is fearless vs temp) :P

I suggest you to make an ally together with SINS, it would really be in your 'style'.

Quote from: GlaciusRobin, i really respect you bro, but im gonna disagree with u on this one, stop saying United + fury + temp ... i never saw 1 united or fury there, and yes there were temp ( 1 party of heroes ... nothing more than that ) and even if all those clan u listed were in there... i can asure u have plenty more clans in your ally... so i see no point on telling us that we zerged you guys. Its stupid. like i said to trylobitos after siege.... "we have less clans in our ally that all secondary clans of chz" i mean, chz itself has more ppl than us LOL

You missunderstood my words. I didnt ment that these allies were present at giran. They were not (except some heroes and FURY players). I only said that they were all against us in overall, so if they would not be busy at gludio they would ALL come to giran, so we had to make them busy at gludio thus dividing our forces. I hope you understand what I mean. Of course i didnt expect from TEMP and united to be friendly to us I just didnt expect that FEARLESS would ally itself with THE HEROES against us lol, just look, it even looks odd: Sins with Theheroes : D anyways I suppose thats how SINS pay me back for support at aden siege 4 weeks ago and for my overall good will towards you, lets call it the irony of the faith ^^

Quote from: Conqueror.no1 said btw that sins and temp friends LOL we have still war..

You are friends with TEMP, you support them at sieges and at mass pvp and thats a fact. I suppose the war will be canceled soon enough, so please dont be a hypocrite and call things how they really are.

Quote from: ThepanzerWe have lost, we accepted it, we congratulated the winning side (and we hope to pay back next time of course). You do not seem to be able to do so; maybe you should look up the meening of the word "noblesse" - and maybe you will understand it comes from "noble", not "being able to teleport anywhere".

Its pointless to argue with such kinds of people, who dont understand nothing of fair game. You have to understand their way of thinking, like: "jajajjajajajaj we p0ned them in pvp!!!11!!1!1 we are better than them !!!111!!11 lets write on shout: !!11111 jajajaja nooobss enjoy your sh1111111111tty castle" etc. so basically they think that if they are better in pvp than us, they are also better people. Of course I dont like to generalize and say that everyone thinks so but there are many players that doo so (like gamias for example).

P.S. voudas- dont worry I wont make you that pleasure and leave because of an lost siege, im just gonna take a lil break and focus on some more important things than L2 I hope that in the mean time you will make an ally together with sins, gogogoggog.
RobinBlake - On a little break.


Quote from: darkling on October 14, 2007, 03:36:34 PM

I suggest you to make an ally together with SINS, it would really be in your 'style'.

You missunderstood my words. I didnt ment that these allies were present at giran. They were not (except some heroes and FURY players). I only said that they were all against us in overall, so if they would not be busy at gludio they would ALL come to giran, so we had to make them busy at gludio thus dividing our forces. I hope you understand what I mean. Of course i didnt expect from TEMP and united to be friendly to us I just didnt expect that FEARLESS would ally itself with THE HEROES against us lol, just look, it even looks odd: Sins with Theheroes : D anyways I suppose thats how SINS pay me back for support at aden siege 4 weeks ago and for my overall good will towards you, lets call it the irony of the faith ^^

You are friends with TEMP, you support them at sieges and at mass pvp and thats a fact. I suppose the war will be canceled soon enough, so please dont be a hypocrite and call things how they really are.

Its pointless to argue with such kinds of people, who dont understand nothing of fair game. You have to understand their way of thinking, like: "jajajjajajajaj we p0ned them in pvp!!!11!!1!1 we are better than them !!!111!!11 lets write on shout: !!11111 jajajaja nooobss enjoy your sh1111111111tty castle" etc. so basically they think that if they are better in pvp than us, they are also better people. Of course I dont like to generalize and say that everyone thinks so but there are many players that doo so (like gamias for example).

P.S. voudas- dont worry I wont make you that pleasure and leave because of an lost siege, im just gonna take a lil break and focus on some more important things than L2 I hope that in the mean time you will make an ally together with sins, gogogoggog.

Why do you cry soo much about heroes allying with SINS?? And even if they would ally with us that would be SINS+WS+Heroes  vs Deathrucsh (5 clans?) +Milicia (5 clans?) So why do you care soo much about it?  ::)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


So much crying omg..... I have a free pack of handkerchiefs   want some? :P  ;D


i was away for a while
question : who are panic? :O
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Tomek: in DeathCrush ally are almost 3 clans active.No more.Others clans has only few ppls.So u are wrong with ur number clans.


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 14, 2007, 11:34:34 PM
Why do you cry soo much about heroes allying with SINS?? And even if they would ally with us that would be SINS+WS+Heroes  vs Deathrucsh (5 clans?) +Milicia (5 clans?) So why do you care soo much about it?  ::)

If this happens, server will be really dead, we would take all siegeable castles in the next 2 - 3 weeks and everyone will quit  :D

Nahh kidding, but i wont tell u we wont make a great team in pvp  :P



Quote from: Glacius on October 15, 2007, 05:37:55 PM
If this happens, server will be really dead, we would take all siegeable castles in the next 2 - 3 weeks and everyone will quit  :D

Nahh kidding, but i wont tell u we wont make a great team in pvp  :P


If this would happen it would be again old fenix+eclipse times 3 clans vs all server xD
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"