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PVP and Combat System



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PVP and Combat System

Started by kuspo, November 19, 2007, 02:29:14 PM

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Combat Points (CP)
CP is the statistic consumed through PvP. If damaged by a PC (including servitors and pets of PC), CP is consumed first and HP is not consumed. If the CP is not enough to consume all the damage, HP begins to be consumed as much as the difference. The total quantity of CP is applied differently by level/class. It is also based on your character’s CON stat. Like HP, CP is also gradually recovered as time passes. You cannot “heal” CP except with the overlord’s CP restoring skills or by using greater CP potions, which are sold by the Dawn and Dusk Priestesses. Servitors and pets of a PC do not have combat points.

Karma System
In theory, Lineage II is an open PvP game in that any player can attack and kill any other player anywhere outside of a town. When another player kills you, you lose the same amount of experience as if you had died to a monster. However, Lineage II uses a karma system to determine the difference between a PvP kill and a PK kill, the difference being that someone you PK was not fighting back when he was killed.
If you attack another player, your name turns purple (flagging).
In order to attack a white player, you must force attack them by holding the control button down. If you heal, buff, or resurrect a flagged or chaotic (see below) player, then you flag. In addition, there are certain skills you cannot use on white characters. These are basically every skill that does not do direct damage. You cannot use shield stun, root, sleep, any damage over time skills DoTs, or debuff on a white character or any character in your party, clan, or alliance.
If you kill a purple player, your PvP score increases by one and you do not gain karma.Depending on how long you attack for, your name will stay purple for a set period of time. The longer you are in combat attacking someone, the longer your name will stay purple. After a period of time (usually around 30 seconds) your name will begin to flash between purple and white, at which point you are still considered flagged. After another few seconds your name will become completely white and you are no longer considered flagged.
If you kill a white player, your PK count increases, you gain karma and your name turns red. You can attack and kill a red (called a chaotic character) without flagging or gaining karma as long as you are not in their party. If you are in their party and you attack them, you will flag. The amount of karma you gain depends upon your PK count. The more PKs you have, the more karma you gain for each PK, and the amount scaled exponentially.

Losing Karma
To lose karma, you have two options. You can die, which takes off a set amount of karma depending on the amount of experience you lose (so you lose more karma when you die at higher levels and lose no karma for dying to another player in the arena). Alternatively, you can try to work off your karma by killing monsters. Again, the amount of karma you lose per monster is proportional to the amount of exp and sp you gain for killing the mob. After either dying or killing a mob you will receive a system message telling you how much karma you lost, or that it has been reset to zero.

Chaotic Characters
While you are red, if you have 3 PKs or less, you cannot drop items if another player kills you. If you have more than 3 PKs, there is a greatly increased chance you will drop items, including your equipped weapons. It is possible to have PKs removed by doing a quest to have your PK count removed(repent ur Sins near Hardins Academy). Also, while chaotic, town guards will attack you unless you are a dagger and use your silent move skill. If you use a scroll of escape, or respawn in town while you still have karma, you will respawn outside of the nearest town, not in town. If you have more than 5 PKs and die or use a scroll of escape near one of the starter towns, you will respawn in Floran.
Free PvP Zones
There are places where the karma system does not apply. These are the arenas found near Gludin, Monster Track, Giran, Coliseum. In these areas you can use all skills on every player including those in your clan or alliance, you can kill everyone without flagging or gaining karma, and you lose no experience for dying to another player (which is why you lose no karma if you die in these areas). If you die at the Monster Track Arena, you respawn right outside of it.  Castle sieges have their own special ruleset.


Quote from: kuspo on November 19, 2007, 02:29:14 PM
... If you have more than 3 PKs, there is a greatly increased chance you will drop items, including your equipped weapons. ...
not :P --->...However, a chaotic character with a PK count of five or less will not drop items upon death....
taken from oficial website, tested on nm

jazdator SPS/TK
koszmara TH/DA
aramzsok HE/WL


QuoteIf you heal, buff, or resurrect a flagged or chaotic (see below) player, then you flag.

mistake in DN if u ressurect a flaged or PK player u wont flag
Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Quote from: kuspo on November 19, 2007, 02:29:14 PM

Chaotic Characters
While you are red, if you have 3 PKs or less, you cannot drop items if another player kills you. If you have more than 3 PKs, there is a greatly increased chance you will drop items, including your equipped weapons.

more than 5pk to drop*
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


I saw people dropping with 4 Pks....
FoXTroT86 - TH/DA (Retired)
FoXNecro - Necro/Paladin
YzlzY - BD/SE
PorcoGordo - TY/OL

~Dragon 15x~


Its like this....

Here are they ways in witch you can drop:

While Flagged/None Flagged:
-Killed by Mobs = Drop %
-Killed by Players = No drop
-Killed by Guard = Drop %

While PK(more than 5 PKs):

-Killed by Mobs = Drop %
-Killed by Players = Drop %
-Killed by Guard = Drop %

While PK(less than 5 PKs):
-Killed by Mobs = Drop %
-Killed by Players = No Drop
-Killed by Guard = Drop % <<<<< PPL dont usually know this one
Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1