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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss - Page 18



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19-01-2008 Giran Siege - Discuss

Started by tzuc, January 19, 2008, 10:05:25 PM

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hell ... I'm currently in Singapore so I missed this one :-/
PanzerKatze, DE//WL/OL 78
ThePanzer, TY/OL 78
PanzerelleJr, WS//TH/BH 78
CzechHorde Clan, Rebellion Alliance, Nightmare


they are crying about zerg but doing the same...we killed them with 4ppls on toi 13 they came with full pt  ;D (sins)
StingerSK----->>TH/DA  }
<>----------------------<>  }
St1ngerSK----->>NE/BI   }   
<>----------------------<>  }               NOT ANYMORE
Sting3rSK----->>WC/BI   }
<>----------------------<>  }
SacredBlades--->>SE/BD }
"LOTRO SnowBurn"
Stingerson-burglar 60 lvl --RIP kinnship  NOT ANYMORE


Quote from: StingerSK on January 22, 2008, 08:55:56 AM
they are crying about zerg but doing the same...we killed them with 4ppls on toi 13 they came with full pt  ;D (sins)

it is simple, we where there with 2 full partys  ;D

you forget about the non clan cancel bots  :-*


Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 22, 2008, 02:16:34 AM
/target vandana
/useskill arcane agility
/useskill Surrender to water
/useskill Ice vortex
/useskill Hydro blast
/useskill Hydro blast
/useskill Hydro blast
/useskill Hydro blast
/useskill Hydro blast
bb :P

/target windphoenix
/useskill silence
/who's next?


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on January 22, 2008, 10:26:53 AM
/target windphoenix
/useskill silence
/who's next?
/target Devilstar
/useskill cancel
/useskill return
"Devilstar ahahahhaha mi pownid ju haha !11

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


Quote from: Kamillo29 on January 22, 2008, 10:37:12 AM
/target Devilstar
/useskill cancel
/useskill return
"Devilstar ahahahhaha mi pownid ju haha !11

Hehehe  ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on January 22, 2008, 10:26:53 AM
/target windphoenix
/useskill silence
/who's next?

/useskill magical mirror
devilstar:/target restive
devilstar:/useskill silence
devilstar's dmg box: you can feel silence effect

;) ;) ;) ;)


Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Ps: i won fights silenced/with sleep on. ;D
<3 my uni
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


@windphoenix: my pet kicks your pets ass! xD
@restive: yeah! i hate your damn magical mirror, always scared to debuff you...
@kam: yep, you owned me ^^


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on January 22, 2008, 04:01:13 PM
@windphoenix: my pet kicks your pets ass! xD
@restive: yeah! i hate your damn magical mirror, always scared to debuff you...
@kam: yep, you owned me ^^

@Devil: Your a nub  ;) :o
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"