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Follow the Sick Rabbit (rebirth)

Started by =drake=, January 08, 2007, 04:00:04 PM

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Dragon/Infinity/(Nightmare/Luna) (after next reboot):
-Shining Bow's reuse delay (time between arrows) have been raised to match the same as the Draconic Bow.
Before Shining Bow had 820ms reuse delay and Draconic 1500ms. Now both they have 1500ms.
This have been made because both bow have same price, same power, same all, except that Shining Bow (weirdly) was two times faster (because of the reuse delay)


After next reboot:
-Summoning Scrolls: The "Attack" button is back
-Spawnpoints: now until you move you can't be attacked but you can't do any action (buff, attack, etc...)
-Tattoos upgrade: finally it will show up correctly

we need suggestions for new summoning scrolls, what you would like to be able to use? make a post and suggest (maybe a poll with the most wanted ones) (please avoid valakas, baium and friends)


next reboot:
- added shining bow shaft drop
- shining bow SA now can be got from mammon
- spoils "SHOULD" have been fixed (let me know)
- added back the mats drop for the summoning scrolls
- changed again the spellbooks drop, now should all work fine (not too easy, not too difficult)


oh, btw, the boost on sealStones is only for today (they are running at same rate of the server, 15x)


fixed the bug on dragon about some npcs not working correctly in the latest 2 hours (and summons too)


nice new record of players online since we restarted having up the servers again:

Dragon: 4087
Infinity: 1459
Nightmare: 0
Shadow: 0
Raven: 578
Luna: 0

Total: 6124


big update in autoupdater:

- rune castle
- rune clanhall

please notice that those two places will not immediatly work (we will wait 2-3 days before enable them so everyone can get the update)

if you want skip the update, simply disable the autoupdater (p. settinsg inside options).
to disable the autoupdater, open with notepad the file dragonnetwork.ini (system folder) and put those values:

(please notice that in 2-3 days if you don't have the update, you probably will crash everytime u go to rune)

alternative update (manual):
you can get the files from FileFront URL


we found some hardware issues with dragon, we are sorry for the recent crashes, we are currently working on it to fix it.
can be tomorrow morning the server will remain down for few hours.


Uhm... well... as many noticed: Shadow Up, Nightmare Up.


7signs of dragon/infinity/nightmare have been delayed by a week.


Hi, i'm still alive.
I'm so sorry but i totally lack INET connection but the situation should be solved soon. C6 coding (includes C5) is going forward, a bit slowly, but going on. The cause of the big slowdown is of course cause by the fact that without INET connection is quite difficult to test stuffs (or even develop them when needed a server active for debugging/disasm).

btw, for all the rumors about wipe: NO WIPE. X-MEN will live.
If you wanna help C5/C6, just join the dev with the Raven developers, with my current lack of availablity, they are doing the most.

Sorry again for the lacking of news since long time.


18:00 - 8 January 2008 - GMT+1

Servers down for maintenance, they should come up in 1 day.
Thanks for the patience.