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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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yup we didnt engrave cuz we promise you we would get back your castle and we left you with only 5 minutes to defend... nice job....

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Ahh.. Finally some mass PVP

Lets all talk about how Envy + v3 + lEnvy love getting rolled..



Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 12:22:52 AM

yea...we was so so owned : <

rofl sucks that you didnt pk a single BH..

but im sure you can count pking noobs in Varka.. as "owning us"

We ported, and raped ya.. thanks for the drops btw.. free draconic boots! Almost got zaken + baium, but was too busy killing emtee :-(



Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 12:14:26 AM
we defended the caslte ( v3 + envy ) 1 hour 43 min with you, tough u backstabbed our clans with your insane recruit mission ... after we leaved u cant even hold it for 13 min (+  4 min engrave time ) ...

Gratz .

Are u proud bro,answer me only on that.


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 12:22:52 AM

yea...we was so so owned : <

AAh yes your pict says so much....

Btw since when can you pk a war? :-X
Oooh btw nice amount of members I counted 30+ on that screen


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 12:14:26 AM
we defended the caslte ( v3 + envy ) 1 hour 43 min with you, tough u backstabbed our clans with your insane recruit mission ... after we leaved u cant even hold it for 13 min (+  4 min engrave time ) ...

Gratz .

ah cmon dont come with this bullshit talk

the things u have done has been planed way before we invited clans to ally

but know what? im not surprised..

i would like to see v3 deffending aden after being backstabbed, please dont come with this glorious talk


Quote from: A111 on March 23, 2008, 12:31:31 AM
AAh yes your pict says so much....

Btw since when can you pk a war? :-X
Oooh btw nice amount of members I counted 30+ on that screen


18 vs 30..

and we won 2/3

more PVP's please.. ;-)



wtf wasnt 1day ingame and alot of changes
could someone explain me what happened?
the delicious cake is a lie


lol deadlysin show the pic after we came back and raped all of you??? sure you wont lol you are pathetic, we will show you nightmare isnt for week ppl

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: PooBoo on March 23, 2008, 12:41:52 AM
wtf wasnt 1day ingame and alot of changes
could someone explain me what happened?
You should've asked this on clanchat or clan forum.

Astramael      [db/tr]


30? we were 2 party...

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: PooBoo on March 23, 2008, 12:41:52 AM
wtf wasnt 1day ingame and alot of changes
could someone explain me what happened?

Simple run down, your CL's are pussys, instead of leaving alliance before siege, or deciding to be men, and face up to there problems.

They decided too "pretend" to be friendly during entire siege, after begging me to kick Katamaran from alliance(Which i did, bad decision) and with 15 minutes left in siege, they backstabbed, broke crystals, gates, and started killing us.

Basically the cowards way out.. but they payed for it at Varka mass PVP, where they got rolled 2/3 mass pvp's, and then decided to leave...

Simple run down :-)
