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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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yes you agains whole server xaxaxa, we pwn we pwn, lol v3 lost caste > we was hardly zerged, but we still pwn
first make a ally and then we can talk about who is pwning, such words we were outnumbered is not "sorry" that you lose it  ;)
only who rly could say we "pwn" was SINS for a half year, not V3 now

to spam: in v3 are best players from NM, but it doesnt increas the clan skill  :-\ , why?

Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 06:38:31 PM
@ blondy: get lost twat.u r simply a moron

i can see more morons here, not only me  ;D


a bit offtopic but nvm
to tomek and the other mages:
I know dude mages are totally different than fighters.
They got some more skills, yea you need a tactic but is tactic = skill?
In my oppinion its all about pressing the skills and the most thing is about luck.
Fighters for example are easier to control than mages well thats my point of view.
Firstpersonview-shooters... there you have to wait, aim, hide, do some special things etc thats a game where you can show off your skills combined with good reaction which makes u a good player.

I know others will say smth different now but y'know oppinions and tastes are different.(neverending discussion xD)

to sephirot: It was an example I dont know but how do you live if you take everything as a fact?
to windy: I dont know exactly but I saw their stats and in DN they would be 1 shot victims. You are in mage stats u can heal them fast, I can't -.-
to knocky-faggoty: Dziwka its too fast for meh :D
the delicious cake is a lie


Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 06:47:30 PM
tbh i have seen enough morons and retards being in ur archer parties,and trust me moving from a server to another doesnt take away ur pvp skills specially where those 2 servers are kinda the same.oh and on the party thing,boy this abnox guy is for sure the biggest moron of em all,just for having him in the clan i could say that the whole clan is retarded
The same archer parties, where you had so much trouble killing them?
Sure your skill won't go away from moving, but a difference is for example when fighting against full buffed mages, if you are ussing S grade jewels or plain C, B or even A grade, if it wouldn't matter, why bother paying for S if you can buy C for cheap at stores? Every clan has it's idiots, one way or another, v3 aswell has them, it's everyone's opinion for himself.

should i care if it wasnt drake?u were given a rb set,which means u didnt make it urself,doesnt matter if u already had 1.
and i dun give a freak of ur banned chars,is it my problem that u stayed on a server where gms hated u?nope.
Oh, now your talking mindless against yourself, if you don't care, why bother mention it? And since you do seem to care, I was given back my raid boss set that I lost, because I lost it the moment my character was send into oblivion, literally.

yea we had u on the back,now we have envy and trust me i would prefer envy coz they are better team players than u,u cant see em shouting like morons "NOBLE !!!!!" if they are not in ur range(i dunno if they have not noble guys in the clan ,but this was just an example),or shouting for dances when u r on the other end of the map when the dancer said he is going to redance.
edit : dun get the "other end of the map" thingie too literally.
Once again, BlackHand plays here nearly 2 months, you expect a clan to have all nobless within this time, to have all the equip they need. BlackHand is a good clan from my knowledge, I have seen plenty of it. But we can't help it we don't have all the time of the world to play this game, and farm equipment, level all day, and while were at it aswell make all our chars nobless.
Aswell as this, it's rather normal for an Archer to ask for nobless during PvP, as first he might not be nobless himself, or as second, if he died, a mage is way faster in noblessing him than he would ever be able to nobless himself.


Quote from: BlondySK on March 25, 2008, 06:53:22 PM
only who rly could say we "pwn" was SINS for a half year, not V3 now

and aVatars !!


Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: WuWu on March 25, 2008, 07:50:42 PM
and aVatars !!

avatars vs sins was balanced .. eclipse vs fearless .. wasnt balanced


@ Blackhand...

Some months ago was the same story with a clan called Panic that moved from dragon... I thought they will be great, but after we cleared out everyone in giran castle and we wanted someone to engrave we decided to let them engrave since they were the only clan that could do that... After that they started to be so arrogant, that everyone started to dislike them and after some time i didn't saw anyone of them anymore...

When i heard that Blackhand is moving from dragon to nightmare i thought that this is really gonna be amazing, since when a whole clan moves from a server to another they already know what they need for pwnage full buffed partys... I thought you guys can be really great, and that's not so far from the truth. You ain't bad at all, but gosh you have some really retarded morons in your clan that makes the whole BH clan look really noobish and retarded. If the leader would tell them to STFU you could be seen by everyone as a really great clan. But no, already the first week a guy named Darkfall in toi with great gear appeared out of nowhere and was spamming my chat with: "YOU WILL FEAR ME IN OLYMPIADS" and after some weeks i was playing olympiads and i tried to met him to show him how retarded he is, we just couldn't met, we were talking abit and then suddenly he sad:"You can join now, i will go to sleep" LOL! After that the next few weeks me and my 2 clan mates freaked him up in olympiads so badly that he totally lost his will to fight and he decided to move back to dragon where he can spam the chat with "FEAR ME! ME PWN!" And hes just one of the retards in your clan...

First you should really PWN and ROLL us for some time and show us your abilities, and then you can start with your arrogance... I wont mind then  ;)

Peace :P
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 25, 2008, 08:14:49 PM
Catching story... But you are right, I know how this guy is from Dragon.
His not a bad guy, and he does got 8 Hero chars on Dragon, he just talks some crap sometimes, but who doesn't...
Like I said before, every clan got a few idiots, and every idiot in some way, got a reason to be in the clan.


Elesse stop being so smug. Allmighty v3 defended Oren against 9 clans for 1h, while BH didn't defend Aden for 10 minutes? Do you really believe what you say?

Just a few question : While u were defending Oren, did your allies kill you outside the castle? Did they kill u in the respawn room? Did they destroy your gates, and allowed the enemy to destroy the walls/crystals by killing you? Out of those 60 minutes, did u spend 40 in respawn room because your "friends" killed you? Did they leave exactely when the enemy was in the throne room, leaving your parties dispersed, unbuffed, and confused? Gimme a break. How can u show so much hypocrisy? You backstabbed us, and still have the nerve to tell us we're not able to defend our castle?

You know, and this goes to all Envy and v3 members that knew abt your plans, you might hide behind reasons, but traitors are still traitors, and that's what u will be from now on from BH's point of view, and maybe some other clans on the srv.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Wake on March 25, 2008, 09:02:26 PM
You know, and this goes to all Envy and v3 members that knew abt your plans, you might hide behind reasons, but traitors are still traitors, and that's what u will be from now on from BH's point of view, and maybe some other clans on the srv.

treason happens when there is something to be won from it, neither V3 and Envy got nothing from killing you, besides a warm fuzzy feeling and some laughs.

while both v3 and envy have their rotten apples .. well this thread delivered a few more from BH, williams reaction at least totally made him look like shit, at least in my eyes, that's not how a clan leader should be reacting. if I was there when this decision was taken maybe I wouldn't agree to killing BH but I would agree with leaving ally.

furesy, from my point of view V3 joined ally because we enjoyed pvp'ing alongside and we thought BH took the game same way v3 did .. "KILL'EM ALL" ...

williams made lots of decisions and assumed he deserved some things which he didn't and two proud clans like v3 and envy got pissed, if they would have said anything it would have made them look weak ... so instead they chose to take action and humiliate BH by a public kick in the butt.

I believe you remember how against I was to an ally with SINS / Envy but to my surprise they're not so bad .. except Zthrx ofc
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on March 25, 2008, 09:20:09 PM
treason happens when there is something to be won from it, neither V3 and Envy got nothing from killing you, besides a warm fuzzy feeling and some laughs.

What you did was indeed treason. And by your definition, it means you had something to gain from this. I don't know what it was, and I don't care either. But be honest and admit that what your guys did was rly low.

Quote from: tzuc on March 25, 2008, 09:20:09 PMfuresy, from my point of view V3 joined ally because we enjoyed pvp'ing alongside and we thought BH took the game same way v3 did .. "KILL'EM ALL" ...

Don't you think BH would need to gear up their chars like v3 geared up theirs, before we could take that attitude towards the game?

Quote from: tzuc on March 25, 2008, 09:20:09 PM... so instead they chose to take action and humiliate BH by a public kick in the butt.

I still believe that the only ones who were humiliated by these actions were v3 and Envy.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Wake on March 24, 2008, 02:16:30 PM
Indeed, that will be a relief not having to worry abt teh beast xD

No ol/xx's = Envy not win xD

theres like 2 OLs in envy ?

Quote from: Sephiroth on March 24, 2008, 04:33:51 PM
And who cares if he is famous,he think he is a legend LOL,skilled?he is SOrc/Pp so if he isnt skilled   he can win pvp,and im HE/WK,what skills i must use apart from stun?

But instead of you he DOES mean somethin in the server, you dont, beside being a peace of crybaby ( ya, i do remember aurora clan chat)

Quote from: Sifacil on March 25, 2008, 12:22:44 PM

SHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I invented that..pay me the copyrights! :P

for losing against awbd at oly too ;P? XDDDDDDDDD

Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 05:35:51 PM
I just wonder though...
Envy and v3 were crying DeadlySin didn't discuss with ally when he took in another clan into his ally, ok fine...
But maybe you Envy and v3 forgetting a single thing, you did exactly the same.
You decided to backstab, instead of discuss what happend, you made a plan, even before the siege to backstab near the end of the siege... What this makes you? You blaming someone for the same shit you do yourself, and you even add a little to it with backstabbing... Hypocrisy eh?

Now you can come and reply all kind of stuff, about me, about BlackHand, about BlackHand members or leaders, but hey... That won't change a thing.

Well, mr Furesy aka 4 forum accounts, to discuss something, you need some to talk to, nobody in BH was capable of discussing it, and the leader was offline, how come.

Quote from: tzuc on March 25, 2008, 09:20:09 PM
treason happens when there is something to be won from it, neither V3 and Envy got nothing from killing you, besides a warm fuzzy feeling and some laughs.

while both v3 and envy have their rotten apples .. well this thread delivered a few more from BH, williams reaction at least totally made him look like shit, at least in my eyes, that's not how a clan leader should be reacting. if I was there when this decision was taken maybe I wouldn't agree to killing BH but I would agree with leaving ally.

furesy, from my point of view V3 joined ally because we enjoyed pvp'ing alongside and we thought BH took the game same way v3 did .. "KILL'EM ALL" ...

williams made lots of decisions and assumed he deserved some things which he didn't and two proud clans like v3 and envy got pissed, if they would have said anything it would have made them look weak ... so instead they chose to take action and humiliate BH by a public kick in the butt.

I believe you remember how against I was to an ally with SINS / Envy but to my surprise they're not so bad .. except Zthrx ofc

Thats actually a period, imo.

Quote from: Wake on March 25, 2008, 09:31:06 PM
What you did was indeed treason. And by your definition, it means you had something to gain from this. I don't know what it was, and I don't care either. But be honest and admit that what your guys did was rly low.

Don't you think BH would need to gear up their chars like v3 geared up theirs, before we could take that attitude towards the game?

I still believe that the only ones who were humiliated by these actions were v3 and Envy.

We did know you guys need gear, who the fucck was subbing you when u came here ? COUGH, wasnt it v3 ? And whats more, you guys got geared up way better than v3 in that time lol, believe me or not, it is like that.

Humiliated ? We dropped all the shit moving in the castle and on the way out, and left, this is called being humiliated :P
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...