pretty boring for all tbh. mayhem kinda crippled by 4x online (not to mention v3 CL offline) and dealing with 2 castles. siege time ftl? i donno, maybe. i think a lot of mayhem didn't realize the CS time had been changed so drastically this week, but imo that's not a proper excuse.
grats to merc for schutt, i guess. and grats to LS for taking giran.
i hope to see no flaming, especially from mayhem. enjoy the castle. let's see how long you can keep it.
our show up and oragnisation was pretty lame tbh :P
2bd's online ftw
lol there was a cs this afternoon ? xD
Quote from: Goruul on May 10, 2008, 05:51:52 PM
our show up and oragnisation was pretty lame tbh :P
very true. but even with these few bad parties, i think we could have been victorious in some of the last few sieges. those were pathetic. it's nice to see some more numbers on the opposing side. nm may be dying, but at least
some ppl are still playing...
i was just going to log for tonight's siege and i just find out i already missed it. lolz. wtf is with this siege hours?
People that own castle's need to set clan siege times, as far as I know, Drake said you had like 24 hours of varity to choose from when selecting siege hours...
For the love of god, put sieges back to 20:00 or 21:00 on saturday lol
Quote from: WindPhoenix on May 10, 2008, 06:14:15 PM
i was just going to log for tonight's siege and i just find out i already missed it. lolz. wtf is with this siege hours?
same here :-\
new owners?
or the same?
The new siege hours
SUCK.No point in posting screens from giran since the only thing you can see on them are the hordes of TEMP :-D after giran was taken we came to have some fun at Shuttgart.
- Thats what I call an "unlucky summon" :-D
- Stairs pvp
Nothing more to report ^^
Quote from: Neozinhu on May 10, 2008, 06:30:45 PM
new owners?
or the same?
Lemonssquad took giran.
( (
vs 1 pt and after we made 2 pt xD was funny indeed (
gz for Lemon Squad ;D
as i know all CS siege were restarted or im wrong? innadril,giran,shutgart,gludio on the same time its wired and our CL was off :P and very very low of active myhem members its not crying but all know better is to have more aciton on siege then one rush like was on giran. We dont have even reson to go giran CS becosue Shin was off
GZ to LS and tbh want sieges in normal time
gz for LS for new home ;)
gf in shuttgard :o :)
Quote from: Furesy on May 10, 2008, 06:15:34 PM
People that own castle's need to set clan siege times, as far as I know, Drake said you had like 24 hours of varity to choose from when selecting siege hours...
For the love of god, put sieges back to 20:00 or 21:00 on saturday lol
Neah is not such a big varity. U can only choose suterday 16:00 gmt+2 or sunday 23:00 gmt+2.Since 99% have school/jobs monday morning i gues suterday 16:00 gmt+2 is better then sunday l8 in night.
PS. I could say GZ to LemonSquad but they didnt do nothing at this siege :(. I will only say: PPL be more active during sieges is the only 2 hours from the entire week that can be fun with pvp.
Quote from: zthrx on May 11, 2008, 12:05:05 PM
I wish to see crying baby almighty Em(o)tee after loosing castles. To bad I had a better time IR than beeing IG.
u earned rl life since no1 like u anymore ig xD
GL in RL then ;D
Tnkx guys!!
gg gf hf for all!!
time to siege here is 10:00 am on saturday! Bad hours for we! only 15 player online ;/
good hours for my clan is same hours first siege in Rune ;)
i hope owne Giran for long time same Dion (1 year and 4 months) ;D
anyway! Tnkx Temp and FTR for help in Giran! ! Temp and FTR is a good and old friend LS
PS.: bad organization mayhem set 2 castle in same time ^^
cya guys! tnkx for funny... sorry bad english :P
i laugh when people need to insist on a MMO forum how great their RL is.
:D :D :D :D :D :D ::)
Quote from: snatchula on May 11, 2008, 12:35:06 PM
i laugh when people need to insist on a MMO forum how great their RL is.
:D :D :D :D :D :D ::)
Zthrx always with the:
z0mg mi have friends + fun in RL :O
and the:
z0mg mi went to party last night menx!!
Nobody gives a freak :)
Quote from: snatchula on May 11, 2008, 12:35:06 PM
i laugh when people need to insist on a MMO forum how great their RL is.
:D :D :D :D :D :D ::)
lol, tru
Quote from: zthrx on May 11, 2008, 12:11:12 PM
ur talking like some1 should care some pixels ? sry l2 isn't the only 1 game in this world, maby for some ppl here...
i know 1 guy who care a lot in this game, his name start whit z.... 8)
Quote from: zthrx on May 11, 2008, 01:02:08 PM
call whole mayhem here, haha :D
what is mayhem ?
you laugh ? taking into account what sins and vendettas told me, the reason why u got kicked, i wouldnt laugh at ur place lol
Quote from: iNs on May 11, 2008, 04:16:53 PM
what is mayhem ?
, the reason why u got kicked
tell us plx :P
Quote from: zthrx on May 11, 2008, 12:05:05 PM
I wish to see crying baby almighty Em(o)tee after loosing castles. To bad I had a better time IR than beeing IG.
Dude, i don't really know why you got kicked and i have no opinion on this but even if, from your point of view, it was emtee's fault, no offense but it's really lame and low to flame him in this way, it looks like a 12 years old nerd boy taking advantage of every situation to place a really low attack against the guy that had better points than him in the last math exams.
Dunno if you get my point but that's the scene i saw in my mind when i read this post :-p
Don't worry i m not judging you on one post, but if you are so pissed off (oh yeah it looks like!) to have been kicked from clan, you can maybe speak with Emtee, and i think you are both smart enough to let your pride in your pocket and speak like 2 old players that know eachother for a long time.
My few words ;-p
PS: i forgot to say that Emtee was offline during all weekend (was not on sieges), goruul played his char, he had fun IRL i guess, but he didn't need to post it in DN forum ;-)
mi hav fun in RL menz, mi parti, many womamanz, girlz, booze etc mi hav fun fun fun, weeee, i'm inactive with my gf gf gf gf secksy secx
..bla bla
pfff, i can barelly see my head because of 83239462896 examz. sometimes i wish i'd be an L2 nolifer lolz.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on May 11, 2008, 05:52:34 PM
mi hav fun in RL menz, mi parti, many womamanz, girlz, booze etc mi hav fun fun fun, weeee, i'm inactive with my sister secksy secx
arent you elesse ??? o_O
Quote from: Moule on May 11, 2008, 05:47:09 PM
Dude, i don't really know why you got kicked and i have no opinion on this but even if, from your point of view, it was emtee's fault, no offense but it's really lame and low to flame him in this way, it looks like a 12 years old nerd boy taking advantage of every situation to place a really low attack against the guy that had better points than him in the last math exams.
Dunno if you get my point but that's the scene i saw in my mind when i read this post :-p
Don't worry i m not judging you on one post, but if you are so pissed off (oh yeah it looks like!) to have been kicked from clan, you can maybe speak with Emtee, and i think you are both smart enough to let your pride in your pocket and speak like 2 old players that know eachother for a long time.
My few words ;-p
PS: i forgot to say that Emtee was offline during all weekend (was not on sieges), goruul played his char, he had fun IRL i guess, but he didn't need to post it in DN forum ;-)
One day you will create a post that doesn't make me smile.
Until then:
Quote from: D4vri0za on May 11, 2008, 07:01:51 PM
One day you will create a post that doesn't make me smile.
Until then:
Don't worry, be happy :)
freaking lol!
this thread rocks.
I dont want to repeat myself with the "i DO have a real life" thing..but ...for my clan sieging saturdays 10 am..just n/c...NOT A SINGLE member logs before 1pm at any time of the week..and ofc..i wont set my alarm clock to wake up for a siege, get real dudz, and sundays for us is really complicated too, most of us have family bussines to attend and is really complicated to siege at 17hs.
i wanna laugh some more.
zethrix kicked? hahahahah
how is he going to make screens now?
Quote from: zthrx on May 12, 2008, 04:52:34 PM
now u'll be flamed. But don't worry.
There are ppl like em(o)tee, who can play 2 days in a row (sleep 2h) and be proud of it. Too bad I don't have SS, when I said smth about Sieges and he flamed me, I'm the last person who can talk about "it", coz I wasn't at Rune. Sorry sweet dreams> ur pathetic castle siege. I had hope some Latins get it, but shiit happens... Oh i got flamed I wasn't at every siege also- some ppl have a realy freaked up uder head...
History repeats itself? Before you got kicked from v3, you we're the proud v3 patriot. After, you flamed them. Before you got kicked from envy, you we're the godslayer, king of kings. Now you flame them. Maybe the problem is not with others, but you? Just a thought.
What can I say, Im a generous guy, it seems. (and bored of studies)
Quote from: zthrx on May 12, 2008, 05:48:20 PM
then go play non stress l2 version
if you can't finish it, here you go vid with solution. Rly hard shiit
Kind of old.
Quote from: zthrx on May 12, 2008, 04:52:34 PM
now u'll be flamed.
pff. "i am busy irl during that time" is a respectable reason for a L2 player not to go to CS.
it's the retarded shit like this that makes you look like a retard:
"omg i was having so much fun irl when u were ig ur life sux my rl pwns urs kkthxbb"
[slightly exaggerated to make a point]
<edit (addition)>
my point is that it's more pathetic being a forum warrior, talking about your rl (which nobody cares about) in a forum for the game that you have played for years but whose players you are still insulting.. than it is to actually play the game.
ofc it's not just you. i've seen tons of ppl doing it, and it never fails to make me lol.
Quote from: snatchula on May 13, 2008, 09:24:04 AM
pff. "i am busy irl during that time" is a respectable reason for a L2 player not to go to CS.
it's the retarded shit like this that makes you look like a retard:
"omg i was having so much fun irl when u were ig ur life sux my rl pwns urs kkthxbb"
[slightly exaggerated to make a point]
<edit (addition)>
my point is that it's more pathetic being a forum warrior, talking about your rl (which nobody cares about) in a forum for the game that you have played for years but whose players you are still insulting.. than it is to actually play the game.
ofc it's not just you. i've seen tons of ppl doing it, and it never fails to make me lol.
they have to prove their self :O
Quote from: snatchula on May 13, 2008, 09:24:04 AM
pff. "i am busy irl during that time" is a respectable reason for a L2 player not to go to CS.
it's the retarded shit like this that makes you look like a retard:
"omg i was having so much fun irl when u were ig ur life sux my rl pwns urs kkthxbb"
[slightly exaggerated to make a point]
<edit (addition)>
my point is that it's more pathetic being a forum warrior, talking about your rl (which nobody cares about) in a forum for the game that you have played for years but whose players you are still insulting.. than it is to actually play the game.
ofc it's not just you. i've seen tons of ppl doing it, and it never fails to make me lol.
Quote from: PvtStuka on May 12, 2008, 05:16:19 PM
History repeats itself? Before you got kicked from v3, you we're the proud v3 patriot. After, you flamed them. Before you got kicked from envy, you we're the godslayer, king of kings. Now you flame them. Maybe the problem is not with others, but you? Just a thought.
I have the same thoughts...
Oh w8,I have other thoughts now...strange,isn't it? ;D Gotta fix that.More than one thought per day is not good for my health :P
Quote from: Inferna on May 14, 2008, 03:13:43 PM
I have the same thoughts...
Oh w8,I have other thoughts now...strange,isn't it? ;D Gotta fix that.More than one thought per day is not good for my health :P