While i was crafting, i was wondering if there isnt an easier way.
Without using walker, to make like 50,000 animal bones to 5,000 coarse bone powder.
fact is, any crafter has to click five thousand times to make those five thousand coarse bone powders, which isnt a big amount of cbp.
Isnt there are a way, to make the "Craft-Button" like the soulshots (Right click-able to automate it)
So basically, its an internal program that will keep pushing for the player the Craft button. similar to the automate-soulshot.
Since i havent seen it anywhere, and if its new, we can call it the:
DnCraft system. short DNC :o
Agree it's boring just clicking button for hundred times.
great idea
Yes it is a great idea ( i am tired of clicking too ) but i think we will see it when DN moves to Gracia Finall
agreed that crafting gazillions of cbp is boring, but the problem could be solved by a npc mats crafter similiar to the one that makes pots...
just make it only accessible by crafters of certain level and consume a certain amount of mana pots with each craft.
btw... something that like that for lunargent/hellfire creation would be much appreciated...
no 3rd party program is allowed though.
Quote from: Futile on May 09, 2009, 12:06:22 PM
While i was crafting, i was wondering if there isnt an easier way.
Without using walker, to make like 50,000 animal bones to 5,000 coarse bone powder.
fact is, any crafter has to click five thousand times to make those five thousand coarse bone powders, which isnt a big amount of cbp.
Isnt there are a way, to make the "Craft-Button" like the soulshots (Right click-able to automate it)
So basically, its an internal program that will keep pushing for the player the Craft button. similar to the automate-soulshot.
Since i havent seen it anywhere, and if its new, we can call it the:
DnCraft system. short DNC :o
just downlod a macro program (jbitmacro recorder)
Quote from: israfael on May 09, 2009, 12:46:56 PM
agreed that crafting gazillions of cbp is boring, but the problem could be solved by a npc mats crafter similiar to the one that makes pots...
just make it only accessible by crafters of certain level and consume a certain amount of mana pots with each craft.
I agree, that is a great idea ;)
or more easy, option to chose how many cbp, steel or other mats to craft.
lol, get urself autoclicker and ur fine.
Quote from: iNs on May 09, 2009, 05:25:52 PM
lol, get urself autoclicker and ur fine.
that's ilegal. Isn't? ¬¬
We can craft mats for items and adena at blacksmith guild. So I think it's not that hard to add custom options, for example "100 cbp for 1000 a.bones + some adena" in the list.
This won't mess the existing crafting system of L2 because it's sux already. ;)
Quote from: Noidnel on May 09, 2009, 05:35:04 PM
that's ilegal. Isn't? ¬¬
Whats freaking illegal? A software that makes ur mouse automatically click?! Wtf is illegal with this, use your god damn head.
I had looked at sites on L2, automouseclicker is not considered exploit, (well I think),
but I want a concrete answer, a member by member, until I trust in that post has 0.
automate cp spammer wasnt allowed either, and thx to that we got those huge delay cp potions.
Quote from: Awes0me on May 09, 2009, 07:33:13 PM
I had looked at sites on L2, automouseclicker is not considered exploit, (well I think),
but I want a concrete answer, a member by member, until I trust in that post has 0.
any questions about ACP, pm me here.
Dude, using autoclicker soft is not illegal lol cmon wtf people is wrong with u, this is just software clicking ur mouse instead of u, just doin it a bit faster.
Quote from: Futile on May 09, 2009, 07:36:04 PM
automate cp spammer wasnt allowed either, and thx to that we got those huge delay cp potions.
Wow u freak, this is something else. CP spammer is "under-l2" soft, which works while ur playin the game. Who gives a freak if you click the mouse, elizabeth the 2nd or hannah barbara while ur just craftin the mats, wow, lmao.
here it is a ideea i work with this and i dont have any problem to useit and it dont harm the servers in any way but still you need to stay infront of computer or not i did not managed to make a macro with automana potions i tryed but the problem is with command /deelay
/useshorcut 1 1
/delay 18
/useshorcut 1 1
/delay 18
etc ...
if anyone can help^with this i will thank him for ever
and the solution for those 50000 cbp to avoid hundred of clicks is here
http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=Mofiki%27s+Autoclicker&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=Mofiki%27s+Autoclicker&fp=ry0_Tod3DXA (http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=Mofiki%27s+Autoclicker&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=Mofiki%27s+Autoclicker&fp=ry0_Tod3DXA)
i hope its usefull to someone
Quote from: iNs on May 09, 2009, 07:36:49 PM
Wow u freak, this is something else. CP spammer is "under-l2" soft, which works while ur playin the game. Who gives a freak if you click the mouse, elizabeth the 2nd or hannah barbara while ur just craftin the mats, wow, lmao.
It's just a topic about rational way to automate boring parts of craft process not a flame thread about siege or w/e so take your pills, dude.
Quote from: Dayman on May 09, 2009, 09:48:32 PM
+1 used that on official server :P
lol i dont trust in drake :P :-\ :-\
OFFTOPIC : can any1 post a picture of drake??? I wana see him :)
Quote from: pan4o16 on May 09, 2009, 10:41:16 PM
OFFTOPIC : can any1 post a picture of drake??? I wana see him :)
Look at Dayman's picture xP
Quote from: pan4o16 on May 09, 2009, 10:41:16 PM
OFFTOPIC : can any1 post a picture of drake??? I wana see him :)
Was going to post when all server r down but who cares :P
(http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3079/l3b56f0155078aa7e718939.jpg) (http://img147.imageshack.us/my.php?image=l3b56f0155078aa7e718939.jpg)
(http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/l3b56f0155078aa7e718939.jpg/1/w578.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img147/l3b56f0155078aa7e718939.jpg/1/)
Quote from: Alex on May 09, 2009, 10:06:57 PM
It's just a topic about rational way to automate boring parts of craft process not a flame thread about siege or w/e so take your pills, dude.
Lol, actually u were one of the last i would expect such a low reply from, but whatever. Im fine without any pills, dude, but repeating the same thing all over again is boring.
Quote from: iNs on May 09, 2009, 11:36:02 PM
Lol, actually u were one of the last i would expect such a low reply from, but whatever. Im fine without any pills, dude, but repeating the same thing all over again is boring.
I'm sorry, but I didn't expect you to swear and insult for such an insignificant reason like the subject of that thread, that's why I made previous post. But, well, no offence just a bit surprised.
Quote from: Alex on May 10, 2009, 12:02:09 AM
I'm sorry, but I didn't expect you to swear and insult for such an insignificant reason like the subject of that thread, that's why I made previous post. But, well, no offence just a bit surprised.
If you are fine with stupidity spreading around then Im startin to be a bit worried.
PS. It wasn't even insult oO.
ow, smart flames :o
neah, redneck ones > all
you both suck donkey cokcs!
Quote from: WindPhoenix on May 10, 2009, 12:40:28 AM
ow, smart flames :o
neah, redneck ones > all
you both suck donkey cokcs!
windphoenix , always rdy to pwn the place !xD...
butttttttttt if this topic turned in a flame thread...shell I flame too ?
freak U ALL !xd
Quote from: iNs on May 10, 2009, 12:39:24 AM
If you are fine with stupidity spreading around then Im startin to be a bit worried.
PS. It wasn't even insult oO.
OK. No hate ;D