Does Phantom Summoner learn Death Spike in HB?
I thought he did learn it but I'm confused now, cause I can't learn it ig.
yes PS learn death spike , vampiric claw in HB.. i know is itt too in IL..
it is Gracia skill, and stop making same topics every day
is gracia skill o.0 .. and another summoners why didn't have attack skills **?
Quote from: NightShade01 on May 16, 2009, 11:22:46 AM
is gracia skill o.0 .. and another summoners why didn't have attack skills **?
learn english then post, dont understand at all wtf u are writin`
Quote from: NightShade01 on May 16, 2009, 11:22:46 AM
.. and another summoners why didn't have attack skills **?
cuz their summons have beter stats/support and dont give debuffs
:o bro , just PS have attack skills , WL,ES don't have attack skills..
man this is hellbound... this is...... wrrrrrrrr....
We have hope on repair this server....