hi i
just made a th/pp and i was wondering what are the best dyes for this char?and why?
thx for your info
Quote from: sacaputas on May 22, 2009, 06:41:35 AM
hi i
just made a th/pp and i was wondering what are the best dyes for this char?and why?
thx for your info
Dex+4 Str-4
Con+4 Str-4
Wit+4 Int-4
Quote from: FeelmyBow on May 22, 2009, 10:29:23 AM
Dex+4 Str-4
Con+4 Str-4
Wit+4 Int-4
doesnt str affect dagger chars in hellbound? (havent played for long time so dont really know :))
Quote from: xD on May 22, 2009, 10:46:41 AM
doesnt str affect dagger chars in hellbound? (havent played for long time so dont really know :))
It effect for blow atacks even in gracia :)
Quote from: jubi on May 22, 2009, 04:15:41 PM
It effect for blow atacks even in gracia :)
That means old style dyez not usefull now ? Explain please .
so finally what dyes should i use??? ???
Quote from: sacaputas on May 24, 2009, 07:00:25 PM
so finally what dyes should i use??? ???
So if u choose dagger on DN u gotta pvp with it u know the daggers arent for pve anymore
So i would go for
Mass PvP(With party) +4 str - 4 con +4 dex - 4 con
Solo pvp 5 dex 4 con -str
If u cant change them all the time just go for the 2nd option
Its my opinion ofc :)
STR has always affected dagger. STR is crit damage, why shouldn't it affect dagger O.o?
Anyway on mass pvp I still wouldn't like to run around with 6k hp instead of 9k (that's just an example). Using -con dyes is horrible for me.
Quote from: k0rina on May 25, 2009, 02:33:46 PM
dex+4 str-4 dex+1 str-1 con+4 str -4
+1 best dyes for daggers