How to get common craft accessories recepies???? I wanna make Forget-me-not Hairpin !!!!!
fishing / buy in Clan halls
Ok. Another question :) How to get XXXX colored fish scales??? Oh and i need Clan hall :D
coloured scales not implemented.
the recipies cost under 100k adena. just ask any clan which got a ch, for a recipe.
applaud me, when my answer helped u.
So no Forget-me-not Hairpin for me!!!!!! :( Thanks anyway :)
forget me not hairpin recipe is in gludio or giran.
and coloured scale? maybe translation mistake?
u need shiny fish gem and fish gem for it.
everything avialable.
OK to get recipe Forget-me-not Hairpin i need Red/Yellowo and Green Colored fish scales !!! Where to get those???
Quote from: pan4o16 on May 27, 2009, 02:59:06 PM
OK to get recipe Forget-me-not Hairpin i need Red/Yellowo and Green Colored fish scales !!! Where to get those???
you can't.
They are obtained through night fishing and night fishing is not available here on "DragonNotWork" ;)
So no Forget-me-not Hairpin for me!!!!!! Sad Thanks anyway Smiley
on dragon and infinity u need shiny fish gem and gem.
on nightmare and arena, u shouldnt bother with forget me not hairpin.
daisy hairpin is anyway the best, most noticeable hairpin.