is possible to get icarus recipe on this server ? 60%? 100% ;/ ?
its implemented ?
what npc give that quest ?
Just donate ;D
Quote from: PersonTRUE1 on June 25, 2009, 01:04:25 AM
is possible to get icarus recipe on this server ? 60%? 100% ;/ ?
its implemented ?
what npc give that quest ?
yes it is, but you've to give your life for it.
Are u sure ? .... I heard that Icarus quest is not implemented...
Quote from: Kamillo29 on June 25, 2009, 09:00:57 AM
smartly boy....and ?
on gracia we can get icarus from same quest like now ....i know that but i ask about maybe new informatin.....its hard get their some info about anything .....;/
Quote from: Kamillo29 on June 25, 2009, 09:00:57 AM
Man you made my day! xDDDD
Quote from: Kamillo29 on June 25, 2009, 09:00:57 AM
haha :D
icarus weapon recipe is working - possible to craft - npc for icarus weapon - jude(location hellbound island) - he asking for evil weapons(for go to that location u need standart caravan certificate) and give u randomly icarus weapon recipe same with keymats -so people a bit said true - u need waste a lot of time to get it.
Quote from: w3roc on September 17, 2009, 09:24:19 AM
icarus weapon recipe is working - possible to craft - npc for icarus weapon - jude(location hellbound island) - he asking for evil weapons(for go to that location u need standart caravan certificate) and give u randomly icarus weapon recipe same with keymats -so people a bit said true - u need waste a lot of time to get it.
It is DN not oficial... from that quest you get random dynasty recipe...
Quote from: Diver on September 17, 2009, 09:37:43 AM
It is DN not oficial... from that quest you get random dynasty recipe...
true i done this quest,200475.0.html