the new subclass system started or not? .. in other way we can have more sub on retails now or not?
Quote from: Ahmad on July 06, 2009, 08:59:11 PM
the new subclass system started or not? .. in other way we can have more sub on retails now or not?
no1 can make sub, so we will found ot "soon" after fixes
Will be on Dragon ???
I mean.... i got mutant
Destro/Pal retail SPS ( so that mean i will able to sub my retail also )
dont put ur dreams high .. it was npc bug nothing all and it got fixed
im still waiting for Track to answer my question ... no need for these stupid spammers here
stupidity has no cure
Quote from: Ahmad on July 06, 2009, 08:59:11 PM
the new subclass system started or not? .. in other way we can have more sub on retails now or not?
Choose You're Destiny!!! !1!1!1!!!!!1!1!1!1!11!!1!!!1!1!1!1!1!!1
you are pathetic
Quote from: our4n0s on July 11, 2009, 01:37:18 PM
Choose You're Destiny!!! !1!1!1!!!!!1!1!1!1!11!!1!!!1!1!1!1!1!!1
you are pathetic
shut the freak up u stupid mothafuka and get a fukin real life
Quote from: Ahmad on July 11, 2009, 04:31:32 PM
shut the freak up u stupid mothafuka and get a fukin real life
As Altheo said,pathetic.
Ho Ho Stack sub + stacking sub for retails Its kinda not so easy to do like some ppls can think and it takes some time "not 5 min.s"
Well if here will be something like that +999 for NM gm.s ^^"