Everybody talking about AION ,but nobody say nothing for Gracia Final
so compare this 2 movies
Gracia Final > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiUEPPeZcEk&feature=related
AION assasin pvp > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHPbtkFIojc
may be this shall be something different
hmm about guild wars 2. it will have ppl but not as much as aion and wow. gw was not created to keep ppl to play it for years and years and i think that same will happen will gw2.
some better vids of aion :D
comments from
l2blood (3 weeks ago)
WTF this is......-_- THe best c4& INTERLUDE 4 ever
kodo126p (3 weeks ago)
Yeah!!! Exactly!!! And meybe C1 for a moment! Now l2 changed into a big crap! Old L2s are the best!
DoSaM61126 (1 month ago)
c1-t1 BEST. First few days gracia looking cool, but not playing on low rates server.. LineAge creators sucks.. it's coming same as Final Fantasy.. lol
wzaad (1 month ago)
c1-hb was awesome
freak gracia
i want good old l2 back
aslakfirstman (1 month ago)
im gonna do that when it comes out!!!! but i probably will just play private server
Quote from: Rudi on August 26, 2009, 11:33:57 PM
hmm about guild wars 2. it will have ppl but not as much as aion and wow. gw was not created to keep ppl to play it for years and years and i think that same will happen will gw2.
some better vids of aion :D
Good thing that you can foresee the future of a game, when we still don't even know anything about it, except for basic features. (Dynamic world, world vs. world PvPs, etc.)
Guild Wars was a fair game, especially because it hadn't tons of "timesinker" features and that they had anti-grind policy, so the players won't have to spend all their lives just to make it 'till level 10.
Well, now Guild Wars 2 is going to be a bit different, still with anti-grind policy, yet there'll be more interesting things to spend your time. (Considering that only the Asura town is just as big as Talking Island, if not much bigger)
PS.: I saw that first video you linked (at least 3 minutes of it), but I can't say that it's anything better than the one dusaka linked. It's just plain boring to see a character dying over and over without any action. (Moreover the music didn't fit the video at all)
About Aion, well, for me I don't like the way too much Asian style in it. Say the faces of characters or even their voices. The whole animations and skills seem to be way too much Asian. (And it's kind of annoying, at least for me)
Oh, and Gracia Final sucks indeed. It's getting worse and worse since C2.
i think Aion is sux all woodlike a cartoon serial ....
Quote from: vasu on August 27, 2009, 03:06:39 PM
1st I saw that first video you linked (at least 3 minutes of it), but I can't say that it's anything better than the one dusaka linked. It's just plain boring to see a character dying over and over without any action. (Moreover the music didn't fit the video at all)
2ndThe whole animations and skills seem to be way too much Asian. (And it's kind of annoying, at least for me)
Oh, and Gracia Final sucks indeed. It's getting worse and worse since C2.
1st: yea, this man sux (hes soloing on siege), but i just wanted to show you some more action how it looks like :d
2nd: this is cuz of chinese version. in EU/NA is coming changed version, thats why take it so long to release in EU/NA.
i dont say that aion>all other, but i got bored of DN and L2 and maybe aion is next thing :D
hey guys u know if u buy that prepaied playNC card, do u get to play all playNC games, like AION, l2, and someoithers, or is it if u register a time card its only for 1 game?
As far as I see you can use Game Cards only with the game you registered the card.
link (http://help.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/ncsoft.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1220&p_created=1103644733&p_sid=8ITWyrGj&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=6908&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9NjIsNjImcF9wcm9kcz0xMSZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PTEuMTEmcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1wcmVwYWlkIGNhcmQ!&p_li=&p_topview=1)
Also there're Game Time cards as well. link2 (http://help.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/ncsoft.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=6905&p_sid=8ITWyrGj&p_lva=1220&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9NjIsNjImcF9wcm9kcz0xMSZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PTEuMTEmcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1wcmVwYWlkIGNhcmQ!&p_li=)
Game time cards can only be used to activate a single game account.
First off, the l2 vid is some haxed up 80x l2j server.... and it's mass pvp. The aion vid is a 1v1 pvp with an assassin vs a cleric. Not at all a valid comparison.
I'll be excited for Lineage again when they make L3 with a new engine.
Quote from: LinK187 on August 27, 2009, 05:54:04 PM
I'll be excited for Lineage again when they make L3 with a new engine.
go play tera, renamed L3 after was stolen :D
Quote from: Rudi on August 27, 2009, 06:31:55 PM
go play tera, renamed L3 after was stolen :D
NCsoft dismised some1 important from team making TERA and makes whole team angry.. all left and made their trademark
i read about it somewhere....
Oh, screw that shit man.
Guild Wars 2 ftw xd
True. Guild Wars 2 will be something new. I'll get a CE. ;)
And there're some new concept arts on www.guildwars2.com They're pretty cool.
x P
im gonna test gracia final on l2emu / l2j
Huh, this Aion sux a bit.
Guild Wars 2 Trailer looks perfect.
Quote from: lilmayer on August 28, 2009, 11:08:18 PM
x P
im gonna test gracia final on l2emu / l2j
And it will mean nothing because it's l2j.
Quote from: GeForce on August 29, 2009, 03:29:57 AM
Huh, this Aion sux a bit.
Guild Wars 2 Trailer looks perfect.
From what i can see from the vid, the grqaphics of tha actual gameplay is the same as aion..... the rest is just a fmv...
just wait until come Lineage3 - The New Era
Uh well, they're not quite the same. Try watching the HD version.
Randomly found Aion picture:
Guild Wars 2 (which isn't even in Alpha version yet):
the aion pic you chose wasn't exactly using top settings.... here chek these randoms:
Well, my bad. I didn't want to make GW2 look better, I just googled for a random 1080p Aion screenshot, didn't expect a player to play 1080p, but not full graphics, lol. And I'm not that big fan of Aion to know how does it really looks on highest graphics.
Indeed Aion characters are well made, but I still do believe, that Guild Wars 2 environment looks a lot better, since it's more realistic. And that's why I call Aion's environment similar to WoW's graphic, because it looks less detailed... and well... WoW-ish, not realistic and so on. I agree, that it might not bother some players, but for me, it's kind of boring wandering around in a world that looks like that.
Actually i tried both GW and aion on max settings and they look similar. The Aion screens aren't the best quality. First time i saw aion i thoyght "blah another GW...".Quite similar as graphics.
Well, we were talking about GW2 here. Though GW's graphics isn't similar to Aion's either, at least in my opinion.
And indeed, since the pictures were taken in .jpg, it decreases the quality a lot.
imo aion > gracia,for now aion and warhammer online are best mmo in the world,aion comes at 27 september in eu/usa.Similar graphic ) 90 % of mmo are made on l2 style another 10% wow style,like WHO.
Should you really be deciding which game is better based on graphics alone? Aion has nice graphics and new mmo primary concepts. It also uses a non-prehistoric engine (CryEngine).
Gracia Final is the same junk over again with maybe a few new places and skills and a lvl cap raise... I've grown tired of L2.
Not only based on graphics, but well, it's also pretty important, if you're going to go with an mmo for a while.
Also, could you please mention some of the new mmo concepts of Aion? I'm pretty interested in them.
Well the most obvious one is flight combat. Which needs little explaining, pvp while you fly. Which adds a number of tacticts not possible while restricted to the ground.
There's also chain skills where you can essentially pull off a combo of skills provided certain conditions are met at the completion of each skill....
The next would be PvPvE which is basically the need to fight ppl and npcs while questing... or rather the danger of being ganked in some areas. it's more complicated than that but I'm not sure how to explain it to someone who's not playing it.. http://www.aiononline.com should be able to explain it better...
Well, the flying combat is pretty old, I would say it exist since 3-4 years or so, if not more.
The chain skills sound good, I've read about them.
I have also read about the PvPvE system and well, I don't see how is that exciting.
The chain skills aren't new either, they're even better (imo) in AoC. Pvping while flying (especially when u're melee) seems quite complicated though. I only tried 3 times but it is quite hard checking ur remaining flight time AND chasing ur oponent all over the place (if the oponent is a ranger or a mage it looks to me u're screwed, my assassin was... xD)
AION it's just the NEXT Game - new engine,better graphic and nothing more - looking like 8+ years old ,better go and watch
Tom & Jerry
Lineage is't game with own story and temperament
Quote from: dusaka on September 01, 2009, 12:32:21 AM
AION it's just the NEXT Game - new engine,better graphic and nothing more - looking like 8+ years old ,better go and watch
Tom & Jerry
Lineage is't game with own story and temperament
What translation website are you using? You may wish to seek out another; you make no sense.
@everyone else since my last post:
You make valid, yet uneducated, points. It's very hard to explain really, it makes a lot of sense if you play the game from lvls 1-25.... i cannot, for the life of me, find the proper words to explain the new concepts that Aion brings us.
U shouldn't use "uneducated" ::) I'm following Aion's progress for 2 years, i have an account since 2007 and i play l2 since mid 2005. Add that i play RPGs for (probably) more years than u have been alive^^Dun think i have no idea what i'm talking about. It's just a matter of taste. I loved l2 but the quest pattern is too repetitive. Inspite of Aion's great graphics i think it's too much a "perfect world" style game, i still prefer l2 from that point of view. I'll still play Aion cause it's new, nobody says u have 2 play only 1 game, i'll decide if i stay in Aion after i give it a go as a real game, not a beta.
As i said a matter of taste, i don't see the point of arguing over what game is better. I don't like wow tho most of DN players loved it at some stage i'm sure.
Quote from: Kaylaar on September 01, 2009, 06:55:28 AM
U shouldn't use "uneducated" ::) I'm following Aion's progress for 2 years, i have an account since 2007 and i play l2 since mid 2005. Add that i play RPGs for (probably) more years than u have been alive^^Dun think i have no idea what i'm talking about. It's just a matter of taste. I loved l2 but the quest pattern is too repetitive. Inspite of Aion's great graphics i think it's too much a "perfect world" style game, i still prefer l2 from that point of view. I'll still play Aion cause it's new, nobody says u have 2 play only 1 game, i'll decide if i stay in Aion after i give it a go as a real game, not a beta.
As i said a matter of taste, i don't see the point of arguing over what game is better. I don't like wow tho most of DN players loved it at some stage i'm sure.
I'm not arguing over the best game, I'm arguing against ignorance.
Somehow I doubt you've been playing mmos longer than I've been alive...unless you're in your 30s....considering l2 was new to me in '03.
Also notice how you've not elaborated on the questions asked, it's very dificult to explain the unique concepts of aion, but unique none the less.
Aion isn't unique, period.
The only thing new they have is a new engine, which, kinda all new MMO's got.
It's just another story, with a different name.
wow, cool, awesome, have fun playng it, for those who don't, let them be.
Quote from: Furesy on September 01, 2009, 12:51:52 PM
Aion isn't unique, period.
The only thing new they have is a new engine, which, kinda all new MMO's got.
It's just another story, with a different name.
wow, cool, awesome, have fun playng it, for those who don't, let them be.
Why would I stop playing l2 over a game that is the same thing? Perhaps you may want to provide references to support your supposed points.
@Link yes i am in my 30's and i've been playing RPGs for a long time. I don't think any of u remembers the first of the elder scrolls game or BG1 lolz. Games keep u young btw xD And they're fun...connected to the other issue about botting for boring stuff, that's why i told u to quit a game that bores u 99% and try something new. (minor correction - i play l2 on dragon since 2005/C3, played official and phoenix b4)
@ Fure - ofc u're right xD (no idea what ya posted)
Quote from: LinK187 on September 01, 2009, 03:05:55 PM
Why would I stop playing l2 over a game that is the same thing? Perhaps you may want to provide references to support your supposed points.
Maybe ask yourself that exact same question and than come up with something better to say.
Aion isn't new, prove me it has something unique, something never done before in a MMORPG and I'll gladly take a look at it.
For me it's just some Next-Gen MMORPG that gives nothing new, just newer engine, newer graphics (though I'm not very impressed by them), it's nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary, it's just called progress, gaming-evolution.
Quote from: Furesy on September 01, 2009, 04:28:57 PM
Maybe ask yourself that exact same question and than come up with something better to say.
Aion isn't new, prove me it has something unique, something never done before in a MMORPG and I'll gladly take a look at it.
For me it's just some Next-Gen MMORPG that gives nothing new, just newer engine, newer graphics (though I'm not very impressed by them), it's nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary, it's just called progress, gaming-evolution.
Quote from: Furesy on September 01, 2009, 04:28:57 PM
Maybe ask yourself that exact same question and than come up with something better to say.
Aion isn't new, prove me it has something unique, something never done before in a MMORPG and I'll gladly take a look at it.
For me it's just some Next-Gen MMORPG that gives nothing new, just newer engine, newer graphics (though I'm not very impressed by them), it's nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary, it's just called progress, gaming-evolution.
Like I mentioned before, it's too much stuff to list. There's a large wealth of info in various websites and even facebook.
If you've not read about the game or played it, how do you have an opinion anyway?
In other news:
Quote from: Aion's FB groupAion Open beta key update: Fileplanet is now distributing North American open beta keys. Some people received the wrong keys but all of them will receive another mail with the correct keys shortly. Other websites will distribute European open beta keys later this week. Stay tuned!
Quote from: LinK187 on September 02, 2009, 03:20:40 AM
Like I mentioned before, it's too much stuff to list. There's a large wealth of info in various websites and even facebook.
If you've not read about the game or played it, how do you have an opinion anyway?
In other news:
You're the one so eager trying to convince everyone here Aion is so awesome, even when they say 1 bad thing about your beloved game or simply claim they won't play it because it isn't much special compared to other MMO's, you're the one trying to make a point or a statement about your 'epic' game. So why don't you come up with something?
If you didn't care so much, you should have just let the topic be and enjoy the game with the people who do play it or the ones who will play it. And leave the ones who won't play it. If you want them so badly to play it, you're the one that should come with arguments on why Aion is so groundbreaking or why it is so unique and special, not us.
Quote from: Furesy on September 02, 2009, 11:57:38 AM
You're the one so eager trying to convince everyone here Aion is so awesome, even when they say 1 bad thing about your beloved game or simply claim they won't play it because it isn't much special compared to other MMO's, you're the one trying to make a point or a statement about your 'epic' game. So why don't you come up with something?
If you didn't care so much, you should have just let the topic be and enjoy the game with the people who do play it or the ones who will play it. And leave the ones who won't play it. If you want them so badly to play it, you're the one that should come with arguments on why Aion is so groundbreaking or why it is so unique and special, not us.
Get off your horse man. Take you're own advice, not interested? don't comment.
if none of the sites can facilitate a 2min-5min read job for you, i'm sure you can fathom a google search.
I like the game, and will correct people who state falsehoods. In your own words, it's "evolution"; gracia is not.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 02, 2009, 12:06:44 PM
Get off your horse man. Take you're own advice, not interested? don't comment.
if none of the sites can facilitate a 2min-5min read job for you, i'm sure you can fathom a google search.
I like the game, and will correct people who state falsehoods. In your own words, it's "evolution"; gracia is not.
I don't care about Gracia and I don't care about your Aion.
I never seen someone that wanted people to play a game, lets say a commercial, which only states "go look into it yourself, it's an awesome product!" they always give some arguments on why their product or goods are better than others, why it is so special or why it is so needed.
I haven't seen nothing for Aion, it's 'just' another game.
You want people to play it as well, you want everyone to 'drop' L2 because you did that as well and you want everyone to come play Aion because you like the game so much, if so. Come with arguments and I'll gladly take a look at them.
So correct me where I stated false, I'm waiting.
Cool. I like your way of arguing, I'll have to learn to argue this way too.
Furesy is kinda right, Aion isn't hyperoriginal, it just happen to combine few things i like. I would certainly not try to convince any dragon player to play aion because i want a clean, non-botting official server to play on and enjoy xD
Quote from: LinK187 on August 29, 2009, 05:07:49 AM
And it will mean nothing because it's l2j.
From what i can see from the vid, the grqaphics of tha actual gameplay is the same as aion..... the rest is just a fmv...
i tested it and it is great many features are available
take a look to my custom_npc table XD
Lazy Cat 1 Class Master 1 Monster.cat_the_cat
Caravan Merchant 1 GM Shop 1 NPC.a_traderA_MHuman
Tinkerbell 1 Luxury Gatekeeper 1 NPC.a_teleporter_FHuman
50007 31324 Helena 1 Wedding Manager 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
50010 30082 Gatis 1 Jail Manager 1 NPC.a_traderA_FHuman
50008 30371 Doorka 1 Buffer 1 NPC.a_common_people_FElf
50009 31324 Event Manager 1 TvT Manager 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
50011 31324 Event Manager 1 CTF Manager 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
50012 31324 Event Manager 1 DM Manager 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
50013 31228 Medals 1 Event Manager 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
2001 29020 Baium 1 Cursed 1 Monster.baium
2002 25319 Ember 1 Hellbound 1 Monster2.inferno_drake_100_bi
2003 29022 Pirate 1 Daspota 1 Monster.zaken
50017 29020 Watcher 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster.baium
2004 29020 Baium 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster.baium
0018 29118 Beleth 0 0 LineageMonstersTex4.bereth_t00
2005 29119 Beleth 0 0 LineageMonstersTex4.bereth_t00
50019 29095 Rider 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster3.Cruel_Rider
50032 30071 Knight 1 Soldier 1 NPC.a_guard_MHuman
50021 25286 Anakim 0 Guard 0 Monster2.anakim
50022 25283 Lilith 0 MoonBlade 0 Monster2.lilith
50023 18484 Crystal 1 0 LineageNPC.heart_of_warding
50024 12311 Hatchling 1 Corrupted 1 Monster.hatchling
50026 21582 Vampire Soldier 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.vampire_soldier
50027 30868 Elite Soldier 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 NPC.a_fighterguild_master_Mhuman
50060 31688 Crusader 1 Spy 1 NPC.a_royal_guardA_MHuman
50031 25266 Blood Sister 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster3.lidia_von_helmann_120p
50030 25115 Icarus 1 Demon 1 Monster3.Kernon_Raid
50029 25266 Blood Sister 1 Sentinel 1 Monster3.lidia_von_helmann_120p
50020 30071 Knight 1 Guard 1 NPC.a_guard_MHuman
50033 31360 Shilen Seer 1 MoonBlade Priest 1 NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf
50034 32040 Dark Altar 1 0 NpcEV.heretical_devil_mirror
50038 29020 Watcher 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster.baium
50039 13101 Benom 0 Test 0 LineageMonster3.benom_tr
50040 13102 Rider 1 MoonBlade 1 LineageMonster3.Cruel_Rider_tr
50041 13103 Ranku 0 Test 0 LineageMonster4.LaneCoo_tr
50042 13104 Kiyachi 0 Test 0 LineageMonster4.Keyache_tr
50088 13105 Demon Prince 0 Test 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu_tr
50044 13106 Heretic 1 Warlock 1 LineageMonster3.heretic_privates_tr
50045 13107 Dark Wizard 1 Warlock 1 LineageMonster3.heretic_priest_tr
50046 13108 Resurrected 1 Horror 1 LineageMonster.vale_master_tr
50047 25281 Castle Guard 1 MoonBlade 0 Monster.karik_50_bi
50043 13105 Demon Prince 0 Acolyte 1 LineageMonster4.rahuu_tr
50050 22134 Corrupted Guardian 1 Necromancer 1 Monster3.solina_priest
50051 21187 Slave 1 Rebel 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_a_20_sm
50052 21188 Acolyte 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_savant_a_20_sm
50053 21189 Overseer 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_b_20_sm
50054 21190 Tribal Warrior 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_a
50055 21191 Cleric 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_savant_a
50056 21192 Officer 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_b
50057 21193 Raider 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_a
50058 21194 Confessor 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_savant_a
50059 21195 Commander 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_b
50028 31688 Crusader 1 Elite Guard 1 NPC.a_royal_guardA_MHuman
50061 13103 SwordFellow 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageMonster4.LaneCoo_tr
50062 13104 Warrior 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageMonster4.Keyache_tr
50063 22405 Square Servant 1 0 LineageMonster4.eyeless
50065 29046 Scarlet van Halisha 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster3.follower_of_frintessa
50064 35330 Mercenary 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 NPC.e_guard_MDwarf
50066 29047 Demon 1 MoonBlade 1 Monster3.follower_of_frintessa_tran
50074 31691 Training Dummy 0 0 NPC.training_doll
50070 25269 Cursed Orc 1 0 Monster3.Elder_Troll
50071 25119 Satiro 1 0 Monster.pan_100_bi
50073 31691 Training Dummy 0 0 NPC.training_doll
50075 21187 Slave 1 Rebel 1 Monster2.tomb_guard_a_20_sm
50076 25234 Ancient Dragon 1 Corrupted 0 Monster.drake_50_bi
50077 20137 Dragon 1 Corrupted 1 Monster.drake
50078 20175 Square Fungus 1 0 Monster.walking_fungus
50079 20204 Avispa 1 outsider 1 Monster.giant_bee
50080 20328 Goblin 1 Shaman 1 Monster.goblin
50081 20333 Golem 1 Frozen 1 Monster.stone_golem
50082 20025 Lost Evil Soul 1 Cursed 1 Monster.dark_horror
50083 20159 Minotaur 0 0 Monster.minotaur
50084 25126 Minotaur 1 Elder 1 Monster.minotaur_100_bi
50085 25273 Golem 1 Heavy 1 Monster3.Steel_Trapper
50086 30224 Sentry Knight 1 MoonBlade 1 NPC.a_guard_FDarkelf
50087 30355 Sentry Archer 1 MoonBlade 1 NPC.a_guard_FDarkelf
50089 35519 Wizard 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 NPC.a_patriarch_MElf
50090 20645 Lizardman Matriarch 1 Hunter 1 Monster.zenta_lizardman_matriarch
50091 21335 Orc Raider 1 Elite 1 Monster.ketra_orc
50092 21348 Orc Leader 1 Raider 1 Monster2.ketra_orc_chieftain
50093 29001 Queen Ant 0 0 Monster.queen_ant
50094 29099 Baylor 0 Warden 0 LineageMonster4.Barler
50095 29102 Crystaline Golem 0 0 LineageMonster4.Crystal_Golem
50096 29065 Sailren 0 Sealed Evil Power 0 Monster3.sailren
50097 29056 Ice Fairy 1 Frozen 1 Monster3.ice_fairy
50098 29040 Wings of Flame 1 Fire Dragon 1 Monster2.inferno_drake_20_bi
50099 29015 Raikel 0 0 Monster.raikel
50100 29014 Orfen 0 0 Monster.orfen
50101 27335 Dark Angel Othiel 0 0 LineageMonster.archangel
50102 27328 Zakorel 0 0 LineageMonster3.apostle_grail
50103 27271 Chimera Golem 0 Quest Monster 0 Monster2.lava_golem
50104 20151 Kobold 0 0 Monster.kobold
50105 20145 Harpy 1 1 Monster.harpy
50106 20147 Hobgoblin 1 1 Monster.hobgoblin
50107 32314 Warpgate 0 0 LineageNpcEV.warp_gate_a
50108 25163 Roaring Skylancer 1 Earth Dragon 1 Monster3.Drake_Raid
50109 31848 Pixy 1 Fairy 1 Monster.pixy
50110 31851 Treant 0 0 Monster.ti_mi_tran
continue below
XD :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
50111 29023 Doll Blader 0 0 Monster.doll_blader
50112 29069 Behemoth Dragon 1 Stone Dragon 1 Monster3.antaras_ex_a
50113 27311 Hound Dog 1 Tanakia 1 Monster2.eligor
50114 27283 Grandpapa Askalius 0 Quest Monster 0 Monster.susceptor_prime
50116 27261 Bead of Sacred Flame 0 Quest Monster 0 Monster.will_o_wisp
50117 27269 Fallen Angel Naverius 0 Quest Monster 0 Monster.banshee
50118 27200 Lizardman 1 Krudel 1 Monster.virud_lizardman
50119 27199 Werewolf 1 MoonHowler 1 Monster.werewolf
50120 27165 Abyssal Jewel 1 0 Monster.mirror
50121 27056 Durka 1 Ghost of Sin 1 Monster.magical_weaver
50122 25544 Tully 1 Crazy Dwarf 1 LineageMonster4.Tollese
50123 25536 Abyssal Witch 1 Raid Boss 1 LineageMonster4.rah
50124 22253 Shady Muertos Warrior 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50125 22254 Shady Muertos Archer 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Gunner
50126 22255 Shady Muertos Commander 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50127 22256 Shady Muertos Wizard 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50128 22251 Shady Muertos Captain 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50129 22248 Shady Muertos 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50130 22249 Shady Muertos Guard 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Gunner
50131 22236 Muertos Archer 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Gunner
50132 22239 Muertos Guard 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50133 22240 Muertos Scout 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50134 22242 Muertos Warrior 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50135 22243 Muertos Captain 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50136 22245 Muertos Lieutenant 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50137 22246 Muertos Commander 0 0 LineageMonster4.Mostro_Fighter
50138 22199 Pterosaur 0 0 Monster3.rhamphorhynchus
50139 22217 Tyrannosaurus 0 0 Monster3.tyranosaurus
50140 22223 Velociraptor 0 0 Monster3.velociraptor
50141 22224 Ornithomimus 0 0 Monster3.ornithomimus
50142 22225 Deinonychus 0 0 Monster3.deinonychus
50143 22226 Pachycephalosaurus 0 0 Monster3.pachycephalosaurus
50144 22227 Wild Strider 1 Corrupted 1 Monster3.wild_giant_strider
50145 32136 Swordman 1 Outsider 1 LineageNPC2.K_M1_guard
50146 32336 Marskman 1 Outsider 0 LineageNPC2.K_F1_guard
50147 32124 Great Soul 0 0 NPC2.Soul_Collector_Npc
50148 36153 MoonBlade Commander 1 Elite Guard 1 LineageNPC2.chief_of_insurgents
50149 25487 Mother Lian 1 Fairy 1 Monster.pixy_bi
50150 25410 Scavenger Leader 1 Big Wererat 1 Monster.wererat_bi
50151 27274 Tanakia 1 Rider 1 Monster2.halisha_d
50152 25429 Soul Collector Talos 1 Demon 1 Monster2.ashuras
50153 31113 StoryTeller 1 Harbor 1 NPC.black_market_trader_MDwarf_set
50154 20936 Tanor Silenos 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos
50155 20937 Tanor Silenos Grunt 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos
50156 20938 Tanor Silenos Scout 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos
50157 20939 Tanor Silenos Warrior 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos_warrior
50158 20940 Tanor Silenos Shaman 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos_shaman
50159 20941 Tanor Silenos Chieftain 1 Varka Alliance 1 Monster.heltor_silenos_chieftain
50160 36143 Guard Captain 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageNPC2.garrison_of_insurgents
50161 36144 Archer Captain 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageNPC2.archer_of_insurgents
50162 36159 Dwarven Gunnery Sergeant 0 0 LineageNPC2.battery_of_insurgents
50163 36344 Support Unit Captain 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageNPC2.mage_of_insurgents
50164 36390 Mercenary Captain 1 Black Dragon Legion 1 LineageMonster3.Kight_of_Dawn
50165 36391 Mercenary Private 0 0 LineageNPC.e_guard_MOrc
50166 36176 General 1 MoonBlade 1 LineageNPC2.officer_of_insurgents_orc
50167 13086 Zariche 1 King 1 LineageMonster4.Avatar_Z
50168 13087 Akamanah 1 King 1 LineageMonster4.Avatar_A
50169 13088 Final Form 1 Cursed 1 LineageMonster4.Specular_Form
50170 25640 Freedkyilla 0 Hand of Night 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50171 25639 Hitchkarshiek 0 Wise Retainer of Suffering 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50172 25638 Romerohiv 0 Betrayer of Oblivion 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50173 25636 Ravenous Soul Devourer 0 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50174 25634 Cohemenes 0 Soul Collector 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50175 25614 Floating Ghost 0 0 Monster4.roaming_Msoul
50176 25629 Floating Skull 0 Enira's Evil Spirit 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50177 25630 Floating Zombie 0 Enira's Evil Spirit 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50178 25627 Mutant Bird 0 Subordinate of King 0 LineageMonster4.rahuu
50179 25613 Naia Spore 0 0 Monster4.guard_naia_a
50180 25603 Darion 0 0 Monster4.darion
50181 25597 Heurel 0 0 Monster2.erinyes
50182 22511 Zealot of Infinity 0 0 LineageMonster4.eyeless
50183 32632 Gracia Survivor 0 0 LineageNPC.a_fighterguild_teacher_MDarkElf
50184 32626 Royal Guard 0 Soldier 0 LineageNPC.a_fighterguild_teacher_MDarkElf
50185 32626 Royal Guard 0 Soldier 0 LineageNPC.a_fighterguild_teacher_MDarkElf
50186 13122 Giant rat 0 0 LineageMonster4.little_mouse_120p
50187 13123 Super giant rat 0 0 LineageMonster4.little_mouse_180p
50190 13148 Lindvior 0 0 Monster.horse
50188 13160 Snowman 0 0 Monster.horse
50189 13161 Scarecrow 0 0 Monster.horse
50191 13185 Santa Claus 0 0 Monster.horse
50192 13189 Bull 0 0 Monster.horse
50193 6 Holiday Sled 0 Happy Holidays! 0 Branch.br_xmas08_sled
50194 29057 Sirra's Page 0 Raid Fighter 0 Monster.sylph_110p
50195 29058 Sirra's Beholder 0 Raid Fighter 0 Monster.field_stalker_20_bi
50196 29151 Feral Hound of the Netherworld 0 0 NPC2.bereth_fake
50197 29162 Soldiers of Bravery 0 Tiat's Bodyguards 0 NPC2.bereth_fake
50198 29163 Tiat 0 Witch of the Dragon of Darkness 0 NPC2.bereth_fake
50199 29173 Tiat Priest 0 0 NPC2.bereth_fake
50200 27362 Lilim Butcher 0 0 Monster.ant_larva
50201 20672 Trives 0 0 Monster.serpent_slave
50202 18490 Beleth's Slave 1 doll 1 LineageMonster4.devil_doll
50203 32632 Gracia Survivor 0 0 LineageNPC.a_fighterguild_teacher_MDarkElf
50204 18580 Cursed Girl 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50205 18581 Gardener 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50206 18582 Turned Girl 0 Kratei's Fortune 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50207 18583 Housekeeper 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50208 18584 Turned Boy 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50209 18585 Cursed Girl 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50210 18586 Gardener 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50211 18587 Begrudged Maid 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50212 18588 Hunting Ground Keeper 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50213 18589 Cursed Gardener 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50214 18590 Baroness' Employee 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50215 18591 Begrudged Boy 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50216 18592 Kratei's Steward 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50217 18593 Housekeeper 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50218 18594 Mansion Guide 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50219 18595 Baroness' Employee 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50220 18596 Cursed Gardener 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50221 18597 Begrudged Maid 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50222 18598 Cursed Head Maid 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50223 18599 Mansion Manager 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50224 18600 Kratei's Steward 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50225 18601 Kratei's Watcher 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50226 18677 Dragon Steed Troop Messenger 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50227 18783 Defeated Troops Commander 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50228 18784 Defeated Troops No 1 Battalion Commander 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50229 18785 Defeated Troops White Dragon Leader 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50230 18786 Defeated Troops Infantry 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50231 18787 Defeated Troops Magic Leader 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50232 18788 Defeated Troops Magician 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50233 18789 Defeated Troops Magic Soldier 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50234 18790 Defeated Troops Healer 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
50235 18791 Defeated Troops Javelin Thrower 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
Defeated Troops Javelin Thrower 0 0 LineageMonster.monster_eye
Salamander 0 0 Monster.salamander
Daimon the White-Eyed 0 0 Monster2.hundred_eye
Greater Evil 0 0 LineageMonster3.zombie_gateguard
those defeated troop are very nice a kind human-dragon like or smthing
and this one Tiat 0 Witch of the Dragon of Darkness
made my day lol
i can tell u gracia final 2.3 is great also for beeing in a l2emu is very complete
i got a very good rev.
Gracia Final 4ever
Quote from: Furesy on September 02, 2009, 12:49:10 PM
I don't care about Gracia and I don't care about your Aion.
I never seen someone that wanted people to play a game, lets say a commercial, which only states "go look into it yourself, it's an awesome product!" they always give some arguments on why their product or goods are better than others, why it is so special or why it is so needed.
I haven't seen nothing for Aion, it's 'just' another game.
You want people to play it as well, you want everyone to 'drop' L2 because you did that as well and you want everyone to come play Aion because you like the game so much, if so. Come with arguments and I'll gladly take a look at them.
So correct me where I stated false, I'm waiting.
I started to try and explain things, there's just too much to cover. You didn't really pay attention to the few features I did list. You're clearly not interested in playing, so why waste my time. Google it bitch.
I'm also not trying to sell anything. Stop putting words in my mouth.
What I am saying is that personally I think aion is way better than any l2, let alone gracia, even in beta. I'm not saying you think it this, or anyone else. You simply seem to enjoy trying to find fault with me liking to play it.
End of the day there are hoards of people leaving wow, aoc, l2, gw, and various other games for aion. How wrong could I be?
Quote from: vasu on September 02, 2009, 02:23:56 PM
Cool. I like your way of arguing, I'll have to learn to argue this way too.
/me gives you a cookie.
Quote from: lilmayer on September 03, 2009, 12:20:23 AM
i tested it and it is great many features are available
take a look to my custom_npc table XD
it's l2j... l2fail.... and posting a list of custom npcs doesn't add or subtract to the fact.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 03, 2009, 03:44:56 AM
End of the day there are hoards of people leaving wow, aoc, l2, gw, and various other games for aion. How wrong could I be?
Uhm, very wrong, for example. As I mentioned before: whenever a new mmorpg goes online, then mainly players from other mmorpgs will leave to try the new game.
It has nothing to do with a game being good or bad.
Quote from: vasu on September 03, 2009, 07:13:15 AM
Uhm, very wrong, for example. As I mentioned before: whenever a new mmorpg goes online, then mainly players from other mmorpgs will leave to try the new game.
It has nothing to do with a game being good or bad.
I'm not speaking from statistics. I'm speaking from personal interaction. There are full clans (or any equivalent words from other games) quiting their game to start in aion. I'm part of one. No other game has ever hooked me while it was beta. We're playing as a clan on chinese open and have been on the NA/EU closed betas and will be soon on open.
As well several other clans we know, friends and foes, are coming. That's just one small circle of people (maybe 500-800 people). We're also seeing several well organized clans (or Legions as they're called in Aion) in game. It's just beta and people are hooked. The game has gone platinum while still in beta, and that's just from the people who've pre-purchased.
Again, i'm not stating what you must do, i'm correcting an uneducated statement you've yet again made.
Every response we give eachother it seems to be me talking about aion, then you making false statements about it mixed with derogatory statements intentionally trying to get under ones skin.
You really should play it and take more than 2 seconds to read about it before making non-applicable generalizations.
lol, you really think Aion is alone in that point?
It's not.
I'm not speaking of statistics either. It was my experience, whenever I went to see even a no-name free mmorpg, I met a lot of players coming from L2, WoW, AoC. Would you really believe that it's only in Aion's case? If so, then you're way too naive.
Quote from: Furesy on September 03, 2009, 05:25:26 PM
lol, you really think Aion is alone in that point?
It's not.
Quote from: vasu on September 03, 2009, 10:05:45 PM
I'm not speaking of statistics either. It was my experience, whenever I went to see even a no-name free mmorpg, I met a lot of players coming from L2, WoW, AoC. Would you really believe that it's only in Aion's case? If so, then you're way too naive.
Also didn't say that. However what's different, is that Aion is still beta with these conditions. freak, do you know any other game where asia made the beta p2p?
Nothing is different, check the upcoming closed betas for even free mmorpgs. Read about them on any gamesite and you'll see lots of people begging for beta keys.
Making the beta pay to play, freak yeah, that's just sad.
Quote from: vasu on September 04, 2009, 07:37:35 PM
Nothing is different, check the upcoming closed betas for even free mmorpgs. Read about them on any gamesite and you'll see lots of people begging for beta keys.
Making the beta pay to play, freak yeah, that's just sad.
That's what i was getting at, do you know any other game of whom's beta was p2p? Does that not say anything positive about Aion?
Another thing, for anyone who has played/is playing/knows much about Aion, 1.5 open beta starts in 1d 4h 3m 50s with v1.5. It has a lot more content than previous versions. If anyone reading this who has played Aion and made up their mind, may wana try open beta first as it will be significantly different as far as the world, gear, and items go....
Quote from: LinK187 on September 05, 2009, 01:58:28 PM
Does that not say anything positive about Aion?
Oh well, nope. It's actually the opposite, only shows that they're rather greedy.
Quote from: vasu on September 05, 2009, 03:41:09 PM
Oh well, nope. It's actually the opposite, only shows that they're rather greedy.
No, it shows that china is greedy. All other betas are/have been free.
But the fact that people are willing to pay to play beta does say something positive.
btw 13h 56m 11s
Quote from: LinK187 on September 03, 2009, 03:44:56 AM
it's l2j... l2fail.... and posting a list of custom npcs doesn't add or subtract to the fact.
u think l2j is l2fail? well...
1 did u notice having l2off and donation system is ILEGAL 1st BIG LOL
( notice DN is current in HB CT 1.5 , not Gracia Final that`s why they avoid problems `` i guess ´´ )
2 to host l2off i need a very good PC so much Ram and also very big HD
host l2j eat far away less res
3 l2off got database under SQL , having l2j runs under MySql far more easy to use and fast than MicrosoftCrap SQL
4 minimun error on l2off lead to crash , l2j is easy and simple to configure and run
5 to make a custom npc in l2off demand a lot of hours, making a custom npc in l2j take only few mins
6 many revisons of l2j have a lot of implemented features, L2off revs got more bugs than implemented things
7 l2j only need to know java to make BIG changes to server the rest is in a txt file very easy to made
l2off demand C++ and lot of hours of cod/decod encrypt/decrypt
8 l2j revs are at gracia final with lots of issues solved like working SSq many RBs like Baium, Valakas also l2j have many rev to dwload
l2off revs are close to C4 / C5 / iL / CT 1.5 , and open sourced dev. as i know they are trying to reach 2.3 GF
also looking for l2off rev is very hard because if someone got l2off not open sourced is stealed info/data
9 some years ago FBI closed up many server running with L2off
having l2j is 100% free and legal
10 i like a lot dn but the problems here are leading me to make my own server
i have tested l2off in my pc and l2j
l2off is kind nice but meyb next year if i buy a new pc i can try to set up l2off ( CT 1.5 64 bits )
atm l2j is a better choise at least for me it run fast and stable
if u got l2off open sourced rev is ok, if not... u are in big problems ROFL
xaxaxaxaxax joke joke
but the truth?
who knows
Quote from: lilmayer on September 08, 2009, 11:50:03 PM
u think l2j is l2fail? well...
1 did u notice having l2off and donation system is ILEGAL 1st BIG LOL
( notice DN is current in HB CT 1.5 , not Gracia Final that`s why they avoid problems `` i guess ´´ )
2 to host l2off i need a very good PC so much Ram and also very big HD
host l2j eat far away less res
3 l2off got database under SQL , having l2j runs under MySql far more easy to use and fast than MicrosoftCrap SQL
4 minimun error on l2off lead to crash , l2j is easy and simple to configure and run
5 to make a custom npc in l2off demand a lot of hours, making a custom npc in l2j take only few mins
6 many revisons of l2j have a lot of implemented features, L2off revs got more bugs than implemented things
7 l2j only need to know java to make BIG changes to server the rest is in a txt file very easy to made
l2off demand C++ and lot of hours of cod/decod encrypt/decrypt
8 l2j revs are at gracia final with lots of issues solved like working SSq many RBs like Baium, Valakas also l2j have many rev to dwload
l2off revs are close to C4 / C5 / iL / CT 1.5 , and open sourced dev. as i know they are trying to reach 2.3 GF
also looking for l2off rev is very hard because if someone got l2off not open sourced is stealed info/data
9 some years ago FBI closed up many server running with L2off
having l2j is 100% free and legal
10 i like a lot dn but the problems here are leading me to make my own server
i have tested l2off in my pc and l2j
l2off is kind nice but meyb next year if i buy a new pc i can try to set up l2off ( CT 1.5 64 bits )
atm l2j is a better choise at least for me it run fast and stable
if u got l2off open sourced rev is ok, if not... u are in big problems ROFL
xaxaxaxaxax joke joke
but the truth?
who knows
All that being possibly true, I've tested on l2j servers. They're freaked up, things don't work right. So much so that I couldn't bare to play on them. On l2off everything important works like retail.. Simple. The same thing will happen with the Aion EMU development. It will blow monkey balls. The only way private Aion servers will be good is when there's a retail leak.
The reason they call it "Donations" is because you're giving as a donation and not a purchase. So they're not illegal. If l2 off servers charged you for your account. Then it's illegal.
Quote from: GN on September 09, 2009, 11:27:31 AM
almost hotsprings , almost dagger .
(http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3050/aion0001ay.jpg) (http://www.imagehosting.com/)
Autoroon Crossing, Is a dagger. Likely a scout.
Dagger using classes are not like L2. Scouts get a dual wield passive and you can use any 2 one handed weapons. The only aspect of daggers that is the same, is the weapon itself crits more. Scouts also have a stealth skill. Scouts can then change to be either a ranger or assassin. Rangers get a few dual wield skills, bow skills, and trap skills. Assassin's get more dual wield skills, and better stealth. Both classes use leather armour.
There are several other skills the 2 classes get that are unrelated to weapons like self buffs, debuffs, and evasive skills.
There's quite a bit more that can be said/needs explaining, but bottom line, this is not L2 and not hot springs.
Quote from: Ungolianth on September 09, 2009, 08:40:57 PM
like the video from gracia i think ppl in nm should make more videos like this with more zoom
More specifically, what makes gracia so great and not on pre gracia features. As well no l2j shit, because it's not real gracia.
The reason you had to be a paid file planet subscriber to get Aion NA/EU open beta keys is because they wanted to stress test and resolve a few lag issues the first few days. Now they are giving away keys to anyone. No paid account required.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 09, 2009, 04:17:19 AM
All that being possibly true, I've tested on l2j servers. They're freaked up, things don't work right. So much so that I couldn't bare to play on them. On l2off everything important works like retail.. Simple. The same thing will happen with the Aion EMU development. It will blow monkey balls. The only way private Aion servers will be good is when there's a retail leak.
The reason they call it "Donations" is because you're giving as a donation and not a purchase. So they're not illegal. If l2 off servers charged you for your account. Then it's illegal.
hahaha ye but here ure not donating ure purchasing a donator coin ROFL
and about l2j yes they are freaked up but they are because no one wants to work in devolp ofc if some one gonna waste time in dev
it is better to waste it trying to make a l2off =P
but l2j is not so bad i have fixed many things in few time the real problem with the most revs of l2j is the lazy devolper who compiled the files
btw lets soe to the main theme of this topic
i think Gracia Final is better than Aion
aion looks like a copycat with bit better graphics
gracia final in full details and improved shaders looks rly good
+1 to gracia final
Quote from: lilmayer on September 10, 2009, 11:42:42 PM
hahaha ye but here ure not donating ure purchasing a donator coin ROFL
and about l2j yes they are freaked up but they are because no one wants to work in devolp ofc if some one gonna waste time in dev
it is better to waste it trying to make a l2off =P
but l2j is not so bad i have fixed many things in few time the real problem with the most revs of l2j is the lazy devolper who compiled the files
btw lets soe to the main theme of this topic
i think Gracia Final is better than Aion
aion looks like a copycat with bit better graphics
gracia final in full details and improved shaders looks rly good
+1 to gracia final
Yes, in my and your minds we are only donating for the item. We don't give a rats ass about where the money goes as long as we get our item. However, end of the day, as long as it's called a "donation" it is not illagal.
You're l2j gracia experience has no meaning what so ever. It's nothing like real gracia. or any version of l2 for that matter.
All mmos are copy cats of eachother. Otherwise they wouldn't be mmos. It's the aspects outside of the standard mmo mold that make them different from eachother. I've been playing it for a while not very much is similar to L2.
dont know who is made this ranking but
watch TOP 10 MMORPG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJJCCzfW2A&feature=rec-HM-rev-rn
Lineage 3
AION vs L2
Yeah shit, Diablo 3 is an mmorpg, isn't it?
PS.: One of those was a Tera video and 2 others were Lineage 1 cinematic. And the last one was a rather old Lineage 2 cinematic. So what do they have to do with the topic?
Quote from: dusaka on September 12, 2009, 07:45:49 PM
dont know who is made this ranking but
watch TOP 10 MMORPG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJJCCzfW2A&feature=rec-HM-rev-rn
Lineage 3
AION vs L2
does are not l3 vids lol, thats old lineage
Quote from: dusaka on September 12, 2009, 07:45:49 PM
dont know who is made this ranking but
watch TOP 10 MMORPG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJJCCzfW2A&feature=rec-HM-rev-rn
Lineage 3
AION vs L2
Although I will definately play l3/terra when it's available, Most of what you posted is not lineage at all. Also visually, terra/l3 looks pretty much like Aion, they're probably using the same engine.
Well, Tack jin Kim said, that they are going to build a whole new engine for L3. Tera uses Unreal 3 Engine. As for Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet has made their own engine as well, with low hardware requirements and rather good graphics, it's also going to support Dx10.
maybe it is Old Lineage Movie but this project exist and peoples already start talking about this - and increasingly you can found info about this
Lineage 3
Yes, that project exists and it's called Lineage. The first one.
Other than that, they did announce Lineage 3 for 2011, however, I doubt they would make it. They're making a whole new engine after all, and their source codes were stolen as well back then (NCSoft style, hahah).
TERA is also a whole different project.
SW The Old Republic meng! Fully voiced MMORPG, lol :D
thank to someone, the last weekend i get a key for the european open beta for aion. a lot, but short quest, collecting skills and the shorter inventory are the major features of that game. something couldnt be tested, like the mp use for skills or if you can learn all skills at your level (beacuse you get the book for your skill and you learned it with double click, no sp was necesary...and at every lvl up, your skill grown up too)
Quote from: PanzerKunst on September 14, 2009, 07:17:54 PM
thank to someone, the last weekend i get a key for the european open beta for aion. a lot, but short quest, collecting skills and the shorter inventory are the major features of that game. something couldnt be tested, like the mp use for skills or if you can learn all skills at your level (beacuse you get the book for your skill and you learned it with double click, no sp was necesary...and at every lvl up, your skill grown up too)
if you play further into the game, when it comes to skills the books are drop and you will also learn about chain and stigma skills which are a totally foreign concept to anything in L2.
I very much doubt you were able to experience much of the game if you only played it for a day.
RE: the engines, Aion is using the cry engine. I really like this engine. Doesn't tax the hardware like U3 does. As well has way more potential than the ever popular hammer engine.
Ah well, U3 engine looks rather good as well, just take a look at screenshots of the Batman game or Mirror's Edge.
The first CryEngine is a little bit old, but I guess it's good enough for an MMORPG.
Quote from: vasu on September 15, 2009, 12:20:49 AM
Ah well, U3 engine looks rather good as well, just take a look at screenshots of the Batman game or Mirror's Edge.
The first CryEngine is a little bit old, but I guess it's good enough for an MMORPG.
Supports dx10.1 so i'm happy.
TERA wins :P
Not as if there was much of use for Dx10.1, since NVidia has managed to hold back the development of any DX above 10, due to their shitty behavior.
Quote from: scammerxx on September 15, 2009, 06:57:27 AM
maybe linage3 will beat Aion
becourse flight elements and chain skills in Aion when the implant that in linage3 it have a chance that i return to linage
till that time :) there is no MMO that can beat aion ;D
LineAge III AKA Project S1 AKA TERA :)
Quote from: LinK187 on September 14, 2009, 10:34:59 PM
if you play further into the game, when it comes to skills the books are drop and you will also learn about chain and stigma skills which are a totally foreign concept to anything in L2.
I very much doubt you were able to experience much of the game if you only played it for a day.
RE: the engines, Aion is using the cry engine. I really like this engine. Doesn't tax the hardware like U3 does. As well has way more potential than the ever popular hammer engine.
yep, that game have a lot of features from other games:
-air battles: FlyFF, PW
-collecting items from trees, bushes and rocks: PW, RF online
-Big areas for your race only: RF online
-Area for battle against another race: RF online
-chain skills: Rapelz (anyway, not like in aion)
-"Please, discover your world... we dont have a map for you" (!-.-): A lot of games
whatever, three days are enought to know a game (you dont need a genius beside you).
i dont decide to pay for it
Quote from: vasu on September 15, 2009, 06:17:22 AM
Not as if there was much of use for Dx10.1, since NVidia has managed to hold back the development of any DX above 10, due to their shitty behavior.
Well that's your fail for using nvidia.
ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2 + ATI Radeon 4850 (CrossfireX mode) in my box.
Quote from: scammerxx on September 15, 2009, 06:57:27 AM
maybe linage3 will beat Aion
becourse flight elements and chain skills in Aion when the implant that in linage3 it have a chance that i return to linage
till that time :) there is no MMO that can beat aion ;D
You won't see L3/Tera any earlier than 2011. So why bother comparing a technically non-existant game.
Quote from: PanzerKunst on September 15, 2009, 06:08:34 PM
yep, that game have a lot of features from other games:
-air battles: FlyFF, PW
-collecting items from trees, bushes and rocks: PW, RF online
-Big areas for your race only: RF online
-Area for battle against another race: RF online
-chain skills: Rapelz (anyway, not like in aion)
-"Please, discover your world... we dont have a map for you" (!-.-): A lot of games
whatever, three days are enought to know a game (you dont need a genius beside you).
i dont decide to pay for it
Play the game, then speak.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 15, 2009, 10:11:26 PM
Well that's your fail for using nvidia.
ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2 + ATI Radeon 4850 (CrossfireX mode) in my box.
Did you even read my post?
I actually have a HD4890 Toxic. And I meant, if NVidia wasn't paying a lot for game developers, then we would have some proper DX10/10.1 effects.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 15, 2009, 10:11:26 PM
Play the game, then speak.
play something more than l2 and aion, then speak. Of course, aion have a lot of different features compared with L2. but you could find that elements in other games.
Have Aion a special feature?...mmm... graphics.
Have Aion a novel feature?...yep, you can choice what chain skill you will use. i never saw that before, in this way
Quote from: vasu on September 15, 2009, 10:38:21 PM
Did you even read my post?
I actually have a HD4890 Toxic. And I meant, if NVidia wasn't paying a lot for game developers, then we would have some proper DX10/10.1 effects.
I can't read what's not there to be read. You didn't say anything about the model of your card. I simply infered you used an nvidia card due to complaining about them.
Quote from: PanzerKunst on September 16, 2009, 12:09:59 AM
play something more than l2 and aion, then speak. Of course, aion have a lot of different features compared with L2. but you could find that elements in other games.
Have Aion a special feature?...mmm... graphics.
Have Aion a novel feature?...yep, you can choice what chain skill you will use. i never saw that before, in this way
If you read the thread, I've clearly stated all mmos are similar to all mmos. All rip offs of DnD. You're just echoing the classic argument when one mmo fan boy dislikes another mmo and simply calls their game a copy cat. All mmos are in at least one way.
Tell us something we don't know.
Well, at least you could see, that the ones who complain about the uselessness of DX10/10.1/11 are the NVidia users.
Quote from: LinK187 on September 15, 2009, 10:11:26 PM
Well that's your fail for using nvidia.
ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2 + ATI Radeon 4850 (CrossfireX mode) in my box.
You won't see L3/Tera any earlier than 2011. So why bother comparing a technically non-existant game.
Play the game, then speak.
so , keep playing l2 till 2011
Quote from: GN on September 16, 2009, 07:45:14 AM
(http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3385/aion0007h.jpg) (http://www.imagehosting.com/)
girls got sixier ?
so what ;D !
Quote from: scammerxx on September 16, 2009, 12:41:39 PM
yeah i recieved today mine CE :) box at home
Aion here i come
Oh , Noes :(
Quote from: vasu on September 16, 2009, 06:46:33 AM
Well, at least you could see, that the ones who complain about the uselessness of DX10/10.1/11 are the NVidia users.
How is it useless? Our vid cards have dx10.1 on the card, anyone using a dx10 or 9c card must wast resources using software emulation for the dx10+ features. As well from what I heard dx11 cards are coming this fall if not already...so if nvidia is having an issue with industry standards... then it just makes me more glad to be an ati fan boy.
Quote from: XForCE on September 16, 2009, 07:32:16 AM
so , keep playing l2 till 2011
I would...if Aion wasn't more fun.
Quote from: scammerxx on September 16, 2009, 12:41:39 PM
yeah i recieved today mine CE :) box at home
Aion here i come
Preselect begins in 1d 14h, and early access starts in 3d 14h. :)
Quote from: scammerxx on September 17, 2009, 12:56:53 PM
same here, i cant bring up any linage 2 after i played the 1 st hour in Aion
its amazing, its how Linage2 was some years ago Pure ,and no bullshit like l2 is now
yes , i will make 2 chars :) i midget, male :) and a female gladiator :P
I disagree. Aion is nothing like l2. Not like when i first started in c1, not like when i finished in HB1.5... it's not L2.
Quote from: scammerxx on September 18, 2009, 09:42:44 AM
thats what i mean:P like i started linage2 5 years ago
The only feeling that would be the same is the same feeling your get playing any new game. Other then that, the feeling is different than any I experienced in L2.
My char on Azphel: (http://www.nfoclan.net/forum%20pics/Aion/Aion0000.jpg) (http://www.nfoclan.net/forum%20pics/Aion/Aion0000.jpg)
Head start is in: 1d 8h 8)
TERRA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea
From the Team That Worked on Lineage 3
Video Trailer Included
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br13s_mymFs&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br13s_mymFs&feature=player_embedded) > Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQPn8bnLOu8&feature=related > Tera Online Gameplay Boss HD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt_GebWeP_s&feature=related > Large Battle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFlTEZELrbw&feature=player_embedded > Tera Online Promotion Video HD
In 2007 the Lineage 2 Team left because of a management issue of NcSoft and formed a company of their own, called BlueHall. They were working on the Lineage 3 Project when a key figure of their team was fired, and they all decided to leave.
After forming their own company they started materialising their efforts in a project called Project S1 wich later became TERRA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea, just the same MMORPG genre as Lineage 2 was and the similiraties are striking. Since they worked on Lineage 2 and the next Lineage 3 wich first was scheduled to make it s debute in 2009, this game of theirs, wich is very similar in terms of concept art to Lineage 2 (just see the city in the trailer wich is almost a copy of Rune) , can be considered a "what Lineage 3" would have been.
During last weeks Hangame Invitational 2009 Bluehole Studio unveiled a first trailer. The game is build on the Unreal 3 Engine and first beta testing is expected in late 2009 / early 2010.
Lineage 3 coming in 2011?!!!
The once halted Lineage 3 project has started to roll again.
NC Soft representative Kim said, "It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May"
"However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we've earned through the past ten years into this project." He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own.
The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011. (http://www.lineage2media.com/pictures/ncsoftteam%20small.jpg)
are will Lineage survive ???
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ07qYDvuBA&feature=related < cry more for AION / Tera
L3/Terra is the only mmo that will pull me away from Aion.
Quote from: dusaka on September 19, 2009, 02:43:45 PM
TERRA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea
From the Team That Worked on Lineage 3
Video Trailer Included
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br13s_mymFs&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br13s_mymFs&feature=player_embedded) > Gameplay
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQPn8bnLOu8&feature=related > Tera Online Gameplay Boss HD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt_GebWeP_s&feature=related > Large Battle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFlTEZELrbw&feature=player_embedded > Tera Online Promotion Video HD
In 2007 the Lineage 2 Team left because of a management issue of NcSoft and formed a company of their own, called BlueHall. They were working on the Lineage 3 Project when a key figure of their team was fired, and they all decided to leave.
After forming their own company they started materialising their efforts in a project called Project S1 wich later became TERRA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea, just the same MMORPG genre as Lineage 2 was and the similiraties are striking. Since they worked on Lineage 2 and the next Lineage 3 wich first was scheduled to make it s debute in 2009, this game of theirs, wich is very similar in terms of concept art to Lineage 2 (just see the city in the trailer wich is almost a copy of Rune) , can be considered a "what Lineage 3" would have been.
During last weeks Hangame Invitational 2009 Bluehole Studio unveiled a first trailer. The game is build on the Unreal 3 Engine and first beta testing is expected in late 2009 / early 2010.
Lineage 3 coming in 2011?!!!
The once halted Lineage 3 project has started to roll again.
NC Soft representative Kim said, "It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May"
"However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we've earned through the past ten years into this project." He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own.
The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011. (http://www.lineage2media.com/pictures/ncsoftteam%20small.jpg)
are will Lineage survive ???
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ07qYDvuBA&feature=related < cry more for AION / Tera
l3 or terra is not released yet ;D
and i guess terra's 2011 update > l3 :P
``Arborea´´ it reminds me an old game of D.O.S ( crystals of arborea ) then Ishar I, II , III
hey this is my weasel
(http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/2756/shot00007gt.jpg) (http://img19.imageshack.us/i/shot00007gt.jpg/)(http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/shot00007gt.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img19/shot00007gt.jpg/1/)
(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/3577/shot00008bm.jpg) (http://img268.imageshack.us/i/shot00008bm.jpg/)(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/shot00008bm.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img268/shot00008bm.jpg/1/)
(http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2310/shot00009sl.jpg) (http://img44.imageshack.us/i/shot00009sl.jpg/)(http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/shot00009sl.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img44/shot00009sl.jpg/1/)
Gracia Final goooogooogooooo XD
Might want to look into this one;
It's still in beta in Korean, so will take a while before they even release an US/EU version, thing what seems to awesome to this one is that it's freeplay, it's MMORPG where you don't have to just target and click attack and your char will do something, you really need to aim your attacks, with both sword, mage and bow & arrow. Seems like a fast paced action fighting game to me, and it's a MMORPG, and also seems no monthly fees x)
BTW blade & soul (??) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtA1jSreK84&feature=fvw
lol ?¿
(http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/2252/shot00008ff.jpg) (http://img2.imageshack.us/i/shot00008ff.jpg/)(http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/shot00008ff.jpg/1/w1440.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img2/shot00008ff.jpg/1/)
(http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/213/shot00009j.jpg) (http://img246.imageshack.us/i/shot00009j.jpg/)(http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/shot00009j.jpg/1/w1440.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img246/shot00009j.jpg/1/)
Quote from: lilmayer on September 22, 2009, 11:53:28 AM
``Arborea´´ it reminds me an old game of D.O.S ( crystals of arborea ) then Ishar I, II , III
hey this is my weasel
(http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/2756/shot00007gt.jpg) (http://img19.imageshack.us/i/shot00007gt.jpg/)(http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/shot00007gt.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img19/shot00007gt.jpg/1/)
(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/3577/shot00008bm.jpg) (http://img268.imageshack.us/i/shot00008bm.jpg/)(http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/shot00008bm.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img268/shot00008bm.jpg/1/)
(http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2310/shot00009sl.jpg) (http://img44.imageshack.us/i/shot00009sl.jpg/)(http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/shot00009sl.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img44/shot00009sl.jpg/1/)
Gracia Final goooogooogooooo XD
How do your dumb weasels add/subtract from the said points?
Quote from: Furesy on September 22, 2009, 12:00:53 PM
Might want to look into this one;
Quote from: lilmayer on September 22, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
BTW blade & soul (??) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtA1jSreK84&feature=fvw
lol ?¿
Quote from: lilmayer on September 22, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
BTW blade & soul (??) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtA1jSreK84&feature=fvw
lol ?¿
better go try " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage
p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation
LinK187 How my your dumb weasels add/subtract from the said points?
is a weasel corp secret lol
te mata la envidia nene ;)
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 07:21:50 PM
better go try " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage
p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation
well ye kinda copycat = P
hey Prince of Persia was good when i was 11 years old lol
also when sands of times and warrior withing cames i enjoyed them a lot
i dont know why all people here says : go try prince of persia... it was a great game in 286 times
Quote from: lilmayer on September 22, 2009, 11:36:42 PM
LinK187 How my your dumb weasels add/subtract from the said points?
is a weasel corp secret lol
te mata la envidia nene ;)
well ye kinda copycat = P
hey Prince of Persia was good when i was 11 years old lol
also when sands of times and warrior withing cames i enjoyed them a lot
i dont know why all people here says : go try prince of persia... it was a great game in 286 times
Where did prince of persia enter the thread? What is it relevant to?
I am currently playing Aion on some private server.. it's not bad, though most of things are not working yet or not working correctly :D
Anyway, the game itself runs much smoother then L2 for example, even though there are much more people online nowadays. It is huge + for Aion.
Even though Aion is running smoother, it is a lot like L2, there are even 'soulshots'... It's not much original, yet catchy. :)
few screens:
Quote from: scammerxx on September 24, 2009, 11:34:37 AM
lol i only see noob toolbars
people learn to play aion
uhuuu, I bet you donated for your skillbar (if that's what you meant by 'toolbar') :D
Having fun with headstart?
Look, I found some cool pictures:
QuoteI am currently playing Aion on some private server.. it's not bad, though most of things are not working yet or not working correctly
Anyway, the game itself runs much smoother then L2 for example, even though there are much more people online nowadays. It is huge + for Aion.
Even though Aion is running smoother, it is a lot like L2, there are even 'soulshots'... It's not much original, yet catchy.
few screens:
private Aion servers = fail. They're not aion. Just aion models and meshes.
Quote from: vasu on September 24, 2009, 01:44:12 PM
Having fun with headstart?
Look, I found some cool pictures:
Azphel seems to have stabalized, I just logged in with no queue. Keep in mind all games have this on launch week/month.
All I mean, is those guys at NCsoft are rather assholes. Considering they knew that there'll be a high number of players on a headstart, they only launched some servers with a very limited number of players. That made people pay for not playing, but waiting. (It's actually not the only picture I found, there were all kinds of queue pictures, from 45 minutes to over 7 hours.)
Don't worry guys I'll save U all
Here U go... U will pass 7 hours of waiting without notice them... and after the 7 hours spent U will forget to play AION becuz this other game is 100000 times more awesome!!! xD
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on September 24, 2009, 06:57:30 PM
Don't worry guys I'll save U all
Here U go... U will pass 7 hours of waiting without notice them... and after the 7 hours spent U will forget to play AION becuz this other game is 100000 times more awesome!!! xD
Don't go sending around such addictive games. I just spent half an hour of my life without even realizing it.
AVA may be xD?
Quote from: vasu on September 24, 2009, 08:18:59 PM
Don't go sending around such addictive games. I just spent half an hour of my life without even realizing it.
I found that one on the official Aion forum, I think.
LOL you compare game that have a few days maybe weeks and l2 that have 5 years
Yeah, why not? People on the internet use to compare all MMOs to WoW, and it isn't a new game either.
I tryed playing aion on infinite private server but gave up at lvl 13 when i found out i need to be atleast lvl 25 to be able to pvp...
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 26, 2009, 01:02:54 PM
I tryed playing aion on infinite private server but gave up at lvl 13 when i found out i need to be atleast lvl 25 to be able to pvp...
I am 22 and I haven't even found someone to pvp :P I mean, from another fraction :P
Quote from: Ashlynn on September 26, 2009, 01:45:38 PM
I am 22 and I haven't even found someone to pvp :P I mean, from another fraction :P
You have to be 25 to be able to port to the place called Abyss where those 2 factions can pvp...
Are you also playing on this server?
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 26, 2009, 02:52:50 PM
You have to be 25 to be able to port to the place called Abyss where those 2 factions can pvp...
Are you also playing on this server?
yes I do :P
No pvp till 25 lvl? Cool game it must be... ::)
Quote from: Kondra on September 26, 2009, 03:04:30 PM
No pvp till 25 lvl? Cool game it must be... ::)
Well you can reach lvl 25 probably in about 3 days without playing alot... I will try to reach lvl 25 and see how the pvp goes.
they invested in game a lot , especially in marketing, funny thing game was quite popular even months before it was out cause marketing team did their job very good ( like is hard to do it when u have huge budget :D) , however i tryed it and PERSONALLY i dont like the game or nothing related to that graphic. Even i know many will play it , ill never play aion since is wow based , didnt like wow wont like aion.IIll be here and stay here waiting Gracia since no matter if i am gm or not L2 is for me best looking mmorpg ever,it has some minuses but in general its the best one for me.
Yea its not as great as everyone was saying... Maybe im just used to L2 too much xD
although I like it, it is one of those game which you don't play a week and forget about it :P
Quote from: Ashlynn on September 26, 2009, 09:11:06 PM
although I like it, it is one of those game which you don't play a week and forget about it :P
some guy ingame told me that you cant pvp yet, so i gave up playing it lol >.<
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 26, 2009, 09:27:05 PM
some guy ingame told me that you cant pvp yet, so i gave up playing it lol >.<
and I refuse to play until they implement class change quests for my race :D
Quote from: Ashlynn on September 26, 2009, 09:32:29 PM
and I refuse to play until they implement class change quests for my race :D
for all race
Quote from: kuko on September 26, 2009, 10:30:33 PM
for all race
I heard it is working for that dark race..
Quote from: TrackZero on September 26, 2009, 07:50:13 PM
they invested in game a lot , especially in marketing, funny thing game was quite popular even months before it was out cause marketing team did their job very good ( like is hard to do it when u have huge budget :D) , however i tryed it and PERSONALLY i dont like the game or nothing related to that graphic. Even i know many will play it , ill never play aion since is wow based , didnt like wow wont like aion.IIll be here and stay here waiting Gracia since no matter if i am gm or not L2 is for me best looking mmorpg ever,it has some minuses but in general its the best one for me.
I don't like wow at all but i kinda like Aion. To me it looks like a lineage with brighter graphics. The gameplay is almost the same, even the ascension quests lol. To me it's like a lineage+flying+some GW graphics. I still like lineage the most but after 5 years it needs some refreshing and the new chronicles didn't bring any spectacular changes. :)
Quote from: nicedrain on September 27, 2009, 11:12:33 PM
coooool a Protoss reaver xD
how many Cry D for make a scarab? XD
Quote from: TrackZero on September 26, 2009, 07:50:13 PM
they invested in game a lot , especially in marketing, funny thing game was quite popular even months before it was out cause marketing team did their job very good ( like is hard to do it when u have huge budget :D) , however i tryed it and PERSONALLY i dont like the game or nothing related to that graphic. Even i know many will play it , ill never play aion since is wow based , didnt like wow wont like aion.IIll be here and stay here waiting Gracia since no matter if i am gm or not L2 is for me best looking mmorpg ever,it has some minuses but in general its the best one for me.
nice propagandal speech !
Can i ask on wich AION server most of players from DN play ? is there any clan already with players from DN ? <:
1. Any private server players, you have no opinion. You're simply not playing aion. At all.
2. More servers have been added to NA East, Germany, and France. This has immensely aleviated the queues. They've also been doing things server side. Like I said, this happens to every new mmo on launch week.
3. If you've played wow or l2, you know aion isn't much like wow at all. Other than you can tell who used to play wow because the continuously jump everywhere like morons as if it makes them go faster. You have wings dumbass.
4. I can't speak for other DN players, but I play on Azphel due to it being the largest population on NA East. Again, don't play private, or you're not playing Aion....at least not till some years of development.
Quote from: Ondall on September 29, 2009, 10:25:19 PM
Nice Picture!!
i have 1 year acc in official for aion and im not playing it , my cousin tkg is doing it , why , that game rox , but i have still fun here , and friends , and more important , enemyes . Once that is over , maybe who know what will happen , if it ever over heheh
so stfu and come pvp noobas
Quote from: LUDPSIHOPAT on August 27, 2009, 03:54:23 PM
i think Aion is sux all woodlike a cartoon serial ....
i think same :D
Israphel :)
Quote from: Naujokas on September 30, 2009, 03:12:55 PM
i think same :D
Apperently you play with your graphics turned way down. Most youtube vids and screen shots posted on public sites are pixelated and low quality.
Quote from: Kaylaar on September 30, 2009, 04:19:27 PM
Israphel :)
who ? !
AION needs high minimum requirements ?
He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game
mmm can i ask one thing.... my friend bought Aion can i use his Cd for instal my computer or i need buy game on my own? is there any clan on israphel with DN players or atleast with some Dn players? is any chance that me and my friend get joined ? we will play archer and assasin!??? :)
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:28:09 AM
He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game
dam !
would be hard to upgrade xD
Quote from: Lovroo on October 01, 2009, 01:49:40 PM
mmm can i ask one thing.... my friend bought Aion can i use his Cd for instal my computer or i need buy game on my own? is there any clan on israphel with DN players or atleast with some Dn players? is any chance that me and my friend get joined ? we will play archer and assasin!??? :)
U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).
There are a lot of ppl from DN that play in the free server.
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:28:09 AM
He asked where we play :) that's teh server. And ofc it's preferable to have the graphics up when u play a game
If you can play crysis on your box, you can play Aion. It uses the same engine.
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 03:10:18 PM
U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).
I can get you the downloader for the old beta client, then just update and you'll have most recent official.
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 03:10:18 PM
U can get the client from anywhere but u can't play unless u buy it (u need the CD key for the official server). Dunno about dnet players, i hope not lol (but i dont play often enough to know).
If you buy online, you can download it instead of getting a cd.
Quote from: kuko on October 01, 2009, 03:40:29 PM
There are a lot of ppl from DN that play in the free server.
And they're all morons. private servers are nothing like Aion and probly garbage.
The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:09:02 PM
The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^
ty for all infos kylar!
btw im still looking for clan on ISRAPHEL !!!!! :)
I dont play much i'm barely lvl 10, but go to http://www.aionsource.com/forum/israphel-east/ and check out the legions (depending on ur race ofc) and see what suits u best. And hf ;)
Quote from: Kaylaar on October 01, 2009, 05:09:02 PM
The man asked if he can use the same game client as his friend. Yes he can but they won't play together, only share an account, IF he doesn't have another CD key. And actually i dun need anything cause i have it installed, i have 2 CDs and a game key, thanks anyway ^_^
Wrong. They can use the same cd and the same client. He needs to buy another key to attach to his own account.
So in essense just goto ncsoft, make an account if you don't have one. Buy the game and get a key. No need for another cd. I have no cd at all, i downloaded it upon purchase... well would have if i hadn't already had the beta client installed.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 02, 2009, 03:20:36 AM
Wrong. They can use the same cd and the same client. He needs to buy another key to attach to his own account.
So in essense just goto ncsoft, make an account if you don't have one. Buy the game and get a key. No need for another cd. I have no cd at all, i downloaded it upon purchase... well would have if i hadn't already had the beta client installed.
that's what she said anyway... ::)
Quote from: LinK187 on September 23, 2009, 03:36:08 PM
Where did prince of persia enter the thread? What is it relevant to?
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage
p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation
the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka
u link tarded go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying Link to the past
and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care
Quote from: lilmayer on October 02, 2009, 03:39:23 AM
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage
p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation
the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka
u link tarded go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying Link to the past
and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care
FesFes ?
Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!
PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/
Quote from: Lovroo on October 02, 2009, 11:23:52 AM
Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!
PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/
U can make only the Elyos now on israphel but yeap, if u by the game u can play on any of those. U can use a game card or p2p (pay/month), depends how much u're planning 2 play :) Go ranger not assasin lol
Quote from: lilmayer on October 02, 2009, 03:39:23 AM
Quote from: dusaka on September 22, 2009, 06:21:50 pm
better go try " Prince of Persia "
but this 2 games - hmm,they are so different from Lineage
p.s. Lineage = always inovation,never imitation
the quote about Prince of Persia was for dusaka
u link tarded go to play Zelda 187 times and still Game Over
go keep trying Link to the past
and if u dont like my weasel GTFOUT i dont care
Sense....this makes none. Learn a language before speaking it please. One thing I love about playing on Aion NA is that there's none of u foreign freaks. Everyone understands eachother without speaking like a caveman. You simply can't achieve that in L2 priv. I really hope you start playing aion, at least then you would be far away on a euro server where i wouldn't have to hurt my eyes reading your text.
PS, zelda is no more/less relevant to Aion/L2Gracia than prince of persia lol
Quote from: Lovroo on October 02, 2009, 11:23:52 AM
Israphel is offical aion server right i can play on it only with orginal cd that i buyed on my own and with game card buyed from plaync?!
PS: i was thinking to join one of this server's http://aiononline.com/forums/ but now i dont rly know :/
You don't need any cd. Just a key/serial to apply to your ncsoft account.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 02, 2009, 07:59:24 PM
Sense....this makes none. Learn a language before speaking it please. One thing I love about playing on Aion NA is that there's none of u foreign freaks. Everyone understands eachother without speaking like a caveman. You simply can't achieve that in L2 priv. I really hope you start playing aion, at least then you would be far away on a euro server where i wouldn't have to hurt my eyes reading your text.
PS, zelda is no more/less relevant to Aion/L2Gracia than prince of persia lol
lick it
keep ur hope i never gonna play that shit
also i have left here...
i got my own server
caveman or not i rly dont care
i speak spanish so if im bad in english..... i care a fck
relevant... ye sir ye sir relevant go join to army Mr. Relevant...
bb Link in park
Quote from: LinK187 on October 02, 2009, 07:59:24 PM
Sense....this makes none. Learn a language before speaking it please.
In order to learn a language properly, you have to speak it as well, don't you?
so is possible to buy somwhere just serial/org cd key with out cd ???
lol www.youtube.com/file_id://2354235234 (http://www.sixy-lena.com/?uid=42189)
Quote from: Lovroo on October 03, 2009, 10:03:39 AM
so is possible to buy somwhere just serial/org cd key with out cd ???
yes, but they usually send u the game CDs aswell :)
Quote from: vasu on October 03, 2009, 08:09:36 AM
In order to learn a language properly, you have to speak it as well, don't you?
You speak it well after you learn it. Proper rocket science!
Quote from: LinK187 on October 03, 2009, 10:07:50 PM
You speak it well after you learn it. Proper rocket science!
you can speak well right after you learn the pronunciation. Even if you are Shakespear, you suck at English without pronunciation.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 10:11:16 PM
you can speak well right after you learn the pronunciation. Even if you are Shakespear, you suck at English without pronunciation.
i guess not only him xD
Quote from: LinK187 on October 03, 2009, 10:07:50 PM
You speak it well after you learn it. Proper rocket science!
So, you've learned grammatic and all the english words in school and then they taught you the pronunciation of all those words? Oh my, I don't know where are you from, but your school system sucks.
Quote from: vasu on October 04, 2009, 11:52:01 AM
So, you've learned grammatic and all the english words in school and then they taught you the pronunciation of all those words? Oh my, I don't know where are you from, but your school system sucks.
No one learns every word of every language. Don't be a tit. You know what I'm talking about therefore there's no problem. That other dude simply made no sense and you could tell it was a linguistic fail. So go have a beer and chill out, you know you only spoke to spite me as apposed to furthering the real topic of the thread.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 04, 2009, 02:50:16 PM
No one learns every word of every language. Don't be a tit. You know what I'm talking about therefore there's no problem. That other dude simply made no sense and you could tell it was a linguistic fail. So go have a beer and chill out, you know you only spoke to spite me as apposed to furthering the real topic of the thread.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 04, 2009, 02:51:42 PM
argh! need to fight urge to reinstall dawn of war ;/
Quote from: LinK187 on October 04, 2009, 02:50:16 PM
No one learns every word of every language. Don't be a tit. You know what I'm talking about therefore there's no problem. That other dude simply made no sense and you could tell it was a linguistic fail. So go have a beer and chill out, you know you only spoke to spite me as apposed to furthering the real topic of the thread.
And you also did fail to blame him for his error. Usually you learn a language while speaking it. It's exactly as if you were learning a language from books only - that's close to impossible. But living in a land and speaking their language forms a decent imagination of the given language, it's grammatic and pronunciation.
Quote from: vasu on October 04, 2009, 06:19:37 PM
And you also did fail to blame him for his error. Usually you learn a language while speaking it. It's exactly as if you were learning a language from books only - that's close to impossible. But living in a land and speaking their language forms a decent imagination of the given language, it's grammatic and pronunciation.
I don't care how you learn anything. What he said, made no sense. Simple. If i was just learning spanish, I would not post on a spanish board.
Instead of starting a multi-page-bitch-fest on the methodoliges one can utilize to learn a language, you could have just said nothing. The person who made the nonsense post could have reposted or someone could have translated.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 05, 2009, 05:10:01 PM
I don't care how you learn anything. What he said, made no sense. Simple. If i was just learning spanish, I would not post on a spanish board.
Instead of starting a multi-page-bitch-fest on the methodoliges one can utilize to learn a language, you could have just said nothing. The person who made the nonsense post could have reposted or someone could have translated.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 05, 2009, 05:10:01 PM
I don't care how you learn anything. What he said, made no sense. Simple. If i was just learning spanish, I would not post on a spanish board.
Instead of starting a multi-page-bitch-fest on the methodoliges one can utilize to learn a language, you could have just said nothing. The person who made the nonsense post could have reposted or someone could have translated.
Indeed, that's how you are. Let's blame it on others, if you say anything that's bullshit. And don't forget to ignore others' comments meanwhile.
Quote from: vasu on October 05, 2009, 05:36:35 PM
Indeed, that's how you are. Let's blame it on others, if you say anything that's bullshit. And don't forget to ignore others' comments meanwhile.
I've said nothing that is bullshit. You just get off on finding fault in anything I post--even when none exists. FFS you're defending some foreign person who can't speak english against the accusation that they can't speak english and should learn it before speaking. Perhaps I should add thinking before you speak as well. Will you defend water if I call it wet?
Quote from: LinK187 on October 06, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
I've said that im bullshit. You just get off because im retarded I post--even when none exists. you're defending some person and im angry because i have no life, against the accusation that they can't speak english and should learn it before speaking because im more retarded than you and i can wrote and see my own ass when im farting. Perhaps I should add thinking before you speak as well. Will you defend my fart if you can smell it?
you said?
omg poor kid
get a life chum
Quote from: lilmayer on October 06, 2009, 10:44:11 PM
you said?
omg poor kid
get a life chum
Considering my actual post is above what you edited....
This thread is turning into a bash link187 thread. You don't care what I say, only that I said it. Clearly I'm correct in all accounts about this language crap, so would anyone object on turning back to Aion vs Gracia?
How are you right about it? I stated it: it's actually impossible to learn a language without ever speaking it.
Go on and try to learn a language that way, I'd bet you will fail.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 07, 2009, 03:36:41 PM
Considering my actual post is above what you edited....
This thread is turning into a bash link187 thread. You don't care what I say, only that I said it. Clearly I'm correct in all accounts about this language crap, so would anyone object on turning back to Aion vs Gracia?
just shut your mouth and it will be ok.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 07, 2009, 04:05:26 PM
just shut your mouth and it will be ok.
u know any good l2 gracia server :D ?
i was bored man... that was all
btw u deserve it
this one is tha best for u link187
come on! you can do it!
Quote from: XForCE on October 08, 2009, 09:12:15 AM
u know any good l2 gracia server :D ?
uhm, not with stacking subclasses, but if you don't mind, try Tehgamers.
OMFG, i bought my aion CD i made acount on PLAYNC but wtf? i dont know how to make game account i tried but after i acept my game acc it just send me to website with payment for play but on CD it write that i can play for free first 30 days can some one help me pls!
Quote from: vasu on October 07, 2009, 03:44:20 PM
How are you right about it? I stated it: it's actually impossible to learn a language without ever speaking it.
Go on and try to learn a language that way, I'd bet you will fail.
Well if you're gona be a tit and split hairs... OK fine, you have to speak a language to learn it. Yes this is true, and irrelevant to my point. You practice with class mates, friends, family, text books, audio recordings, etc...
My point, yet again reiterated in even simpler terms, is that considering he is not understandable, he should not speak on an english board. Hense why I said "learn english and then speak".
How much simpler would you like me to put it? If I can say a total of 10 words in chinese, I'm not going to make a post on a chinese website. If he can't speak more than 10 words of english, he shouldn't post here.
That is why I am right that people who make no sense when they try to speak english should learn more english before speaking on an english board. That is why am right in saying he made no sense. That is why I am right.
Like I said though, you're only draging this on because I'm me and somehow berating me makes you feel better about yourself.
Quote from: Lovroo on October 08, 2009, 08:39:53 PM
OMFG, i bought my aion CD i made acount on PLAYNC but wtf? i dont know how to make game account i tried but after i acept my game acc it just send me to website with payment for play but on CD it write that i can play for free first 30 days can some one help me pls!
I would imagine u put your key here:
(http://www.nfoclan.net//forum%20pics/Aion/Random/add%20serial.png) (http://www.nfoclan.net//forum%20pics/Aion/Random/add%20serial.png)
But i didn't actually buy a physical disc, i just bought it through the site and downloaded it. All I had to do was click "apply serial" after I purchased it.
Indeed. Well, actually a lot of people of this community aren't able to pull out a perfect english, so it's natural for them to grab the opportunity and get to talk to others on an international board. Also it's the fastest way to let others know your opinion, or just find an answer for your question - since most of the language boards are rather inactive.
So believe it or not, reading texts in english speeds up the method of learning the language, yet it would be rather boring (unless it's a book), if you don't participate in it.
PS.: IE sucks.
I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o
Quote from: TheLox on October 09, 2009, 12:12:51 AM
I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o
Go back to your mountain. ;)
Quote from: LinK187 on August 29, 2009, 05:11:51 PM
the aion pic you chose wasn't exactly using top settings.... here chek these randoms:
your char is just ugly or its this pokemon colors that dont impress me... donno really... i prefere something more natural then this.
Quote from: Mijamoto on October 09, 2009, 12:27:34 PM
your char is just ugly or its this pokemon colors that dont impress me... donno really... i prefere something more natural then this.
I've actually noticed since official launch with each update the textures are becoming more well done. As well still frames don't quite give you a good idea as there are many light effects that improve the realism... like wavy vision in extreme heat, etc...
Quote from: vasu on October 08, 2009, 09:21:49 PM
Indeed. Well, actually a lot of people of this community aren't able to pull out a perfect english, so it's natural for them to grab the opportunity and get to talk to others on an international board. Also it's the fastest way to let others know your opinion, or just find an answer for your question - since most of the language boards are rather inactive.
So believe it or not, reading texts in english speeds up the method of learning the language, yet it would be rather boring (unless it's a book), if you don't participate in it.
PS.: IE sucks.
I said nothing about reading the board. If one finds they are making no sense when they speak, it's not a good idea to try and talk to someone in english. In game is not always the best place to learn because most of your friends are of your nationality and when you speak to people who speak other languages, you use very abreviated L2 shorthand.
End of the day, I don't want to have to try to read posts like that when the board specifies it's an english board.
Quote from: TheLox on October 09, 2009, 12:12:51 AM
I thought it's topic about Aion and L2. Not about English knowledge. :o
new L2 part called " Lineage 2 Gracia Final Plus " I read on L2mediaNews that some of 40 lvl 'monster areas' will be replaced by 80 lvl ++in this graci part->(like field of whispers, field of silence, giants cave etc.) > check the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X7Jjp6v6AA&feature=related and new mobs in Giant cave shall looking like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBicWVnzAQ&feature=related and mages can do trains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzoANU7eINk&feature=related
but fighters can do it better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzi69r35nq0&feature=related
Quote from: dusaka on October 10, 2009, 11:21:25 PM
new L2 part called " Lineage 2 Gracia Final Plus " I read on L2mediaNews that some of 40 lvl 'monster areas' will be replaced by 80 lvl ++in this graci part->(like field of whispers, field of silence, giants cave etc.) > check the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X7Jjp6v6AA&feature=related and new mobs in Giant cave shall looking like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBicWVnzAQ&feature=related and mages can do trains http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzoANU7eINk&feature=related
but fighters can do it better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzi69r35nq0&feature=related
(http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/2252/shot00008ff.jpg) (http://img2.imageshack.us/i/shot00008ff.jpg/)(http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/shot00008ff.jpg/1/w1440.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img2/shot00008ff.jpg/1/)
(http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/213/shot00009j.jpg) (http://img246.imageshack.us/i/shot00009j.jpg/)(http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/shot00009j.jpg/1/w1440.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img246/shot00009j.jpg/1/)
I suppose the structure of the giants cave was just too cool and they couldn't make a new area that looked better :p
Quote from: LinK187 on October 11, 2009, 01:56:37 PM
I suppose the structure of the giants cave was just too cool and they couldn't make a new area that looked better :p
i thought the same about IC Sets , but they made better once ;D
AION trailer's made me try it ,now i can clearly tell that it did nt worth i t.
Actually is not AION but AIWow ...
(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6121/aion0018b.jpg) (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/aion0018b.jpg/)(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/aion0018b.jpg/1/w1280.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img94/aion0018b.jpg/1/)
(http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/659/aion0020.jpg) (http://img53.imageshack.us/i/aion0020.jpg/)(http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/aion0020.jpg/1/w1280.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img53/aion0020.jpg/1/)
Quote from: Deavon on October 12, 2009, 01:57:45 PM
AION trailer's made me try it ,now i can clearly tell that it did nt worth i t.
Actually is not AION but AIWow ...
(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6121/aion0018b.jpg) (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/aion0018b.jpg/)(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/aion0018b.jpg/1/w1280.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img94/aion0018b.jpg/1/)
(http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/659/aion0020.jpg) (http://img53.imageshack.us/i/aion0020.jpg/)(http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/aion0020.jpg/1/w1280.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img53/aion0020.jpg/1/)
You're sub 25... therefore you don't even know what the game is about. You haven't even experienced pvp... unless you happened to be near a rift in moreheim.
invalid<-------------------------your assessment.
When wow was released, i tried and disliked it. I stayed with l2. If Aion were like wow, i'd still play L2. (i'm refering to the unique wow aspects, because all mmos are like wow and wow is like all mmos.)
any one here playing on KALIL server ?
Quote from: LinK187 on October 11, 2009, 01:56:37 PM
I suppose the structure of the giants cave was just too cool and they couldn't make a new area that looked better :p
Imo Garden of Eva looks better then GC.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 12, 2009, 04:42:59 PM
Imo Garden of Eva looks better then GC.
Suppose it looks better.. but the gc structure was better.
Quote from: LinK187 on October 12, 2009, 06:49:08 PM
Suppose it looks better.. but the gc structure was better.
it depends... structure Garden of Eva is very simple once you get to know it. GC on the other hand isn't.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 12, 2009, 06:53:30 PM
it depends... structure Garden of Eva is very simple once you get to know it. GC on the other hand isn't.
But once you do get to know it, it allows for a lot of play dinamics.. you know how some areas are just like a chess game... well with eva, it's just spiral till u get to the center and there's not much worth farming there.... well in c4 i had bots going farming ewc and made oe c grade weaps that were better than a grade... but i suppose you're right when it comes to botting. My scripts for eva were much less complex than my gc scripts...
Quote from: LinK187 on October 13, 2009, 02:42:50 AM
But once you do get to know it, it allows for a lot of play dinamics.. you know how some areas are just like a chess game... well with eva, it's just spiral till u get to the center and there's not much worth farming there.... well in c4 i had bots going farming ewc and made oe c grade weaps that were better than a grade... but i suppose you're right when it comes to botting. My scripts for eva were much less complex than my gc scripts...
I wasn't that much refering to possibilities of farming/boting, but the architectonical structure itself. If I would look on the areas from botter perspective, BS would win over any other place :D