lf for character to easty take hard bosses solo, can be mutant
thinking abaut
DESTRO/PAL -- good on bosses and trains
TYR/PAL -- ( friends say that huge atack speed makes this char use all the time AI)
TYR/DESTRO -- most popular
thx for sharing your expiriences
For soloing RB's tyr/destro is the best.
PAL/DE can tank fine, but he won't be able to solo kill it since he lacks the damage. He can't turn on his epic skills all the time.
nothing can be comparetd to bison+frenzy+zealot+ blunt
Quote from: Dag on October 20, 2009, 01:28:50 PM
nothing can be comparetd to bison+frenzy+zealot+ blunt
missed rage :P
whats the minimal equipment for owning RBs?:P
Quote from: lol on October 20, 2009, 05:50:39 PM
whats the minimal equipment for owning RBs?:P
depends on RB's level. :)
you can take down Leader of Cat Gang even in C grade.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 05:51:53 PM
depends on RB's level. :)
you can take down Leader of Cat Gang even in C grade.
I heard that now low lvl raids are almost unkillable... is that true?
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 20, 2009, 06:06:19 PM
I heard that now low lvl raids are almost unkillable... is that true?
Switch on servers and I'll tell you :)
let's say i have this PAL/DESTRO, with all his skills till 74 lvl (frenzy 3 lvl, AI 3 lvl, ZEALOT 3 lvl itd...) on 66 lvl :D. How's that? Is it would be able to own RB on 60 lvl, with let's say dragon slayer and tallum h set? :P
Easy. But drops wouldn't be that good, xp would suck plus it would take a long time (those lvl 3 skills of yours have a slow reuse).
angelic icon
P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, Atk. Spd. +30%,
HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +100
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
At 60% or less HP - P.Atk. +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100
At 30% or less HP - Critical changes from +100 to +400.
Pal/destro vs tyr/ de
but what abaut pal/tyr