Its all i wanna say in this topic .... really gf !
we had a lot of fun
Did The Infidels change side,once again?
i dont care who has castle, who had, who was on which side,
server is borring at least we had 2 hours of some pvp, gf
Quote from: G4rro on October 25, 2009, 01:50:16 AM
the most funny thing is that they changed sides twice in one siege :D
when Temps killed OwnedDose they was licking their asses to keep the castle :D:D
No comment on this, if you know nothing just stop talking.
You know how best lick some ass. GF all and thx 4 fun.
Quote from: Shreed on October 24, 2009, 09:54:34 PM
Its all i wanna say in this topic .... really gf !
arent u licking cb ass? and u r jealous cuz we helped them on shutgart or smtihng ? lol come on be realisctic we dont had any clan registered to take it and this freakk clan helped us before so we decided to help them back . dont be jealous :)
Quote from: jygh on October 25, 2009, 09:56:13 AM
arent u licking cb ass? and u r jealous cuz we helped them on shutgart or smtihng ? lol come on be realisctic we dont had any clan registered to take it and this freakk clan helped us before so we decided to help them back . dont be jealous :)
Maciek,it's not'bout that,TheInfidels have changed side many times.
Quote from: lFreak on October 25, 2009, 02:05:43 AM
No comment on this, if you know nothing just stop talking.
We just know that u'r a bad leader,a clan must choose an ally,and a side in this perma war,so that their members will establish a relationship with their ally friends,cooperation will be much better,and all the things that u should know.
Quote from: G4rro on October 25, 2009, 10:51:39 AM
PS. Nie ma to jak dobrze dobrac znajomosci ^^ Freak juz nizej nie mozesz upasc :D
jak to nie , zawsze moze byc z pro dn'ami lolz :))))
anway sephi i dont care what sides they were or smtihng . we came there to have fun . is not fun to go pvp vs temps when we have 2 pts vs 5-7 so we decided to go to shutagrt thats it ... same like cb wantedto get fun so they were with dn's . u guys r brainless or something to stand those facts?? kinda stupid...... so go qq more cuz dn alone cant killl a shit and act like omfg we r so good.. NOT
Quote from: G4rro on October 25, 2009, 10:51:39 AM
stop talking about CB bcoz we had 4-5 of them only in our partys , & they came just for fun . RoFL
If Invalidels helped u before i will not comment that guys :) gl with that friendship , i want just notice that before 1 month there were same brothers with temps , even in yesterday siege they were fighting with them vs us ^^
PS. Nie ma to jak dobrze dobrac znajomosci ^^ Freak juz nizej nie mozesz upasc :D
Twoje myślenie jest dość proste jeśli myślisz że jesteśmy w kochającym sie sojuszuz z OD to Ci współczuje. Nie jesteśmy po żadnej stronie a to że nam pomogli to jednorazowa akcja ktora sie fajnie udała.
Quote from: jygh on October 25, 2009, 11:24:10 AM
jak to nie , zawsze moze byc z pro dn'ami lolz :))))
anway sephi i dont care what sides they were or smtihng . we came there to have fun . is not fun to go pvp vs temps when we have 2 pts vs 5-7 so we decided to go to shutagrt thats it ... same like cb wantedto get fun so they were with dn's . u guys r brainless or something to stand those facts?? kinda stupid...... so go qq more cuz dn alone cant killl a shit and act like omfg we r so good.. NOT
I understand ur point,but,we,greenies,don't have good memories of'em,sooner or later it'll happen to u xD
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 25, 2009, 11:40:30 AM
I understand ur point,but,we,greenies,don't have good memories of'em,sooner or later it'll happen to u xD
but we r not in any pact with them . we just helped them with taking the castle... its better iff they ll have it than any temp clan or dn :) i still kill all of them when they have flag :P
kocham cie kaflaro jebana!!!!
Quote from: Shreed on October 24, 2009, 09:54:34 PM
Its all i wanna say in this topic .... really gf !
a small smile shows at my face when i see that pic, rly good work, just u cut my titile that i rly like ;<
Now plx go aden stairs and stay near Mark. i will make same pic with u guys, even more ill add an arrow from meh.
Reply to Garo is pointless since hes small brain cant get all that thigs that happen around so... nvm
Quote from: Curtis on October 25, 2009, 07:09:49 PM
wb armia :)
hey guys... I'll give you an English lesson, that will make things clear as far as Invalidels (good name :D) are concerned.
Fidelity = Loyalty.
Infidelity = Lack of loyalty.
Since their hardcore pvp clan is called Infidels, you shouldn't be much surprised they are changing sides like socks. :)
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 26, 2009, 12:29:34 AM
hey guys... I'll give you an English lesson , that will make things clear as far as Invalidels (good name :D) are concerned.
Fidelity = Loyalty.
Infidelity = Lack of loyalty.
Since their hardcore pvp clan is called Infidels, you shouldn't be much surprised they are changing sides like a socks . :)
like a sock
like socks
Looking for free english lessons pm me ;D
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 26, 2009, 12:29:34 AM
hey guys... I'll give you an English lesson, that will make things clear as far as Invalidels (good name :D) are concerned.
Fidelity = Loyalty.
Infidelity = Lack of loyalty.
Since their hardcore pvp clan is called Infidels, you shouldn't be much surprised they are changing sides like socks. :)
But you should look on ally name: OnlyHonor
So now its balanced with clan name
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 27, 2009, 12:06:44 AM
keep Mark out from this plz ! Mark is inactive as hell, Mark aint made any deal, Mark aint even know what happing on sieges nowodays! kurwa ssij <3
what what?
wait, what? ;D
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 27, 2009, 12:06:44 AM
keep Mark out from this plz ! Mark is inactive as hell, Mark aint made any deal, Mark aint even know what happing on sieges nowodays! kurwa ssij <3
kurwa ssij? :D im rolling at floor ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
anyway ye i should put cthon here since he said smthing like 'it was just an 1 time accident" :P also i used "Mark" as some1 who represents CB clan. <3
Quote from: Sali on October 28, 2009, 12:25:56 AM
kurwa ssij? :D im rolling at floor ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
anyway ye i should put cthon here since he said smthing like 'it was just an 1 time accident" :P also i used "Mark" as some1 who represents CB clan. <3
laughing my fcking ass off looking @ this topic, be sure that if i was active. The only way we would get close to DN is when we were chasing them in pvp. You know me im stubborn + hardheaded as fck.
<3 me more DN, the best part is you got the biggest mouth of all altho your loosing every single pvp when your not outnumbering the enemy.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 28, 2009, 12:14:30 PM
laughing my fcking ass off looking @ this topic, be sure that if i was active. The only way we would get close to DN is when we were chasing them in pvp. You know me im stubborn + hardheaded as fck.
<3 me more DN, the best part is you got the biggest mouth of all altho your loosing every single pvp when your not outnumbering the enemy.
You dont know a sh1t about DN and our current sytuation so pls stfu. And one more thing last time when you was activ (sunday?) we killed you on the eyes of CB without any problem and no words of opposition on the part of your clan. Coz you were too dazzled to understand the situation in gludio
Quote from: Shreed on October 28, 2009, 12:39:42 PM
You dont know a sh1t about DN and our current sytuation so pls stfu. And one more thing last time when you was activ (sunday?) we killed you on the eyes of CB without any problem and no words of opposition on the part of your clan. Coz you were too dazzled to understand the situation in gludio
If being active means logging 1x to chat with friends means that, then wow im active! 2nd of all, if i didn't attack any of you i wouldn't get attacked back. 3rd of all i chose to attack you noobcakes CB knew that + they said do what you want. 4th and last. i don't fcking care in what situation you were, i don't like your clan, in my eye's your the biggest fail clan on entire NM ESPECIALLY cause you are all talking big like "we are pro" while you are the total opposite.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 28, 2009, 01:21:48 PM
If being active means logging 1x to chat with friends means that, then wow im active! 2nd of all, if i didn't attack any of you i wouldn't get attacked back. 3rd of all i chose to attack you noobcakes CB knew that + they said do what you want. 4th and last. i don't fcking care in what situation you were, i don't like your clan, in my eye's your the biggest fail clan on entire NM ESPECIALLY cause you are all talking big like "we are pro" while you are the total opposite.
and I dont give a care about how many times and reason of your logging ... you are taliknig about our big mouth so I turned your attention to your words "IF I WAS ACTIV blablablabla" you were activ and this dont change a sh1t. I never heard or seen that any of my ppl use "we are pro" or similar sentence coz instead of attention we are looking for fun and your opinion mean less than nothing.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 28, 2009, 01:21:48 PM
cause you are all talking big like "we are pro" while you are the total opposite.
its same about both clans ... i mean cb and dn all from those 2 clans r saying how fkicng good and pro they r .... NOT
Quote from: jygh on October 28, 2009, 05:08:22 PM
its same about both clans ... i mean cb and dn all from those 2 clans r saying how fkicng good and pro they r .... NOT
i could say same about you ...
Quote from: Defoe on October 28, 2009, 05:10:07 PM
i could say same about you ...
Indeed,but that doesn't mean he's right.Nevertheless,u cannot compare the uber cool pro bigmouth of CBs/DNs ( Not all,srry for the generalization),with Maciek's...
Quote from: jygh on October 28, 2009, 05:08:22 PM
its same about both clans ... i mean cb and dn all from those 2 clans r saying how fkicng good and pro they r .... NOT
but we really are pro and fuking good...
For sure I am.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 28, 2009, 12:14:30 PM
laughing my fcking ass off looking @ this topic, be sure that if i was active. The only way we would get close to DN is when we were chasing them in pvp. You know me im stubborn + hardheaded as fck.
<3 me more DN, the best part is you got the biggest mouth of all altho your loosing every single pvp when your not outnumbering the enemy.
u got a point. But even outnumbering they are loosing so there is totaly no point to have such a big mouths
Quote from: Defoe on October 28, 2009, 05:10:07 PM
i could say same about you ...
well jygh is one of best story teller but he also can show smthing.
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 28, 2009, 10:46:28 PM
dont know about DN, but we are. and LOL @ you, you said we arent pro ? you who cant even buff himself well ? everytime we pvp-d , you get crits 4k+++ ... pathetic lol show us some skill, and hell i will confirm myself that you can play l2 well, but till you just suckin every single dk on the battleground STFU
Noone of u got the point,or at least,u'r not in the mood of accepting the (hard?) truth,that u'r a bunch of bigmouths.Even if u'r good,telling it to everyone and act cool makes u look rather like a tard than anything.
The best and the true pro players r those ones that don't need to tell it,cos they show it with actions,not with words.
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 29, 2009, 04:39:29 PM
okay lets prove your statement ! i invite you to make a party, i will make one too and lets try a 9v9 ! as a bet i offer you 200 coins! lets fix a time together for the weekend and pew pew ! plz, prove me that we arent able rape any team on the server in fair numbers / fair team pvp! also if you win i offer you delete my char and leave the server forever.
the only rule is that we both should appear with a party at the place what we will fix in time.
and for sure we will freak your asses till you fall in love with us :)
deal or no ?
Count me in .
Do or do not... there is no try.
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 03:19:02 PM
The best and the true pro players r those ones that don't need to tell it,cos they show it with actions,not with words.
WoW ...hold ur words my friend cause you talking non sense stuff...what more CB have to proove , since 6 months or more they are solo on server without any help vs whole server.They raping and killing everything on equal numbers or even double or 3x numbers(watch some of my videos will refresh ur memory) . For a while CB even had 3 castles at once .All that facts without any meatshields(ally) ,ah dont forget the 9vs9 pvp event that won into YOUR faces .
So you still calling CB big mouths and not PRO? I m sry but you are just jealous cause you are not one of US. You maybe got rejected or something .
I m not playing atm but i would easily log in and rape ur faces ,i m not even CB anymore but CB will be always in my heart <3
And please let me laugh about jhy-something ,the guy who you claiming knows to play ,blowing from me with low stuff 4k-5k average every chronicle every buffbar .
And for the records ,i would like to know who is hiding behind ur nick on forum ,i think i have asked you again but i never took an answer . So who are you in game?
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 29, 2009, 05:10:08 PM
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Hi Mark
« Sent to: mark_elesse on: June 06, 2009, 08:16:49 am »
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Sup,since I've made my archer,PR,soon BD/PR,and Kris ( EwpSoldier ),have talked to me so good'bout CB,I wanna join.Ye,I know u'll tell me a big NO,cos of my senseless posts in forum,retarded flames,etc...
But,as I've told to some ppl that meet me IG,forum and game r 2 different things,at least for me.I know that some ppl in CB wouldn't accept me,I'd not fit there at 1st,but at least I wanna try,to have fun with ppl like Kris,and,to reach my best as archer,since it's been almost a year since I don't play one.
If everything go right,I'll stay,otherwise,I'll leave.After all it's urs,and CB ppl choice.
At least I've tried.U know I'll accept a big NO.
So? A friend of mine was inside and I wanted to play with him,any problem with that lol?.
As I've proved,noone understood my words,bunch of tards.
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 29, 2009, 06:01:35 PM
what about my offer ? yes/no ?
Y,It seems u didn't understand my point.At the age of,25+? and still acting like a kid,and like that most of CBs,mi cool,mi rox,mi pwn.It's the same that if Stephen Hawking go everywhere "mi uber intelligent,u sux,mi better".The point,and I'm gonna tell u cos otherwise ur lil brain will never understand,is,that even if u'r better than somebody u musn't act like u,like kids do.
Quote from: Deavon on October 29, 2009, 05:06:53 PM
WoW ...hold ur words my friend cause you talking non sense stuff...what more CB have to proove , since 6 months or more they are solo on server without any help vs whole server.They raping and killing everything on equal numbers or even double or 3x numbers(watch some of my videos will refresh ur memory) . For a while CB even had 3 castles at once .All that facts without any meatshields(ally) ,ah dont forget the 9vs9 pvp event that won into YOUR faces .
So you still calling CB big mouths and not PRO? I m sry but you are just jealous cause you are not one of US. You maybe got rejected or something .
I m not playing atm but i would easily log in and rape ur faces ,i m not even CB anymore but CB will be always in my heart <3
And please let me laugh about jhy-something ,the guy who you claiming knows to play ,blowing from me with low stuff 4k-5k average every chronicle every buffbar .
And for the records ,i would like to know who is hiding behind ur nick on forum ,i think i have asked you again but i never took an answer . So who are you in game?
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 06:18:41 PM
Y,It seems u didn't understand my point.At the age of,25+? and still acting like a kid,and like that most of CBs,mi cool,mi rox,mi pwn.It's the same that if Stephen Hawking go everywhere "mi uber intelligent,u sux,mi better".The point,and I'm gonna tell u cos otherwise ur lil brain will never understand,is,that even if u'r better than somebody u musn't act like u,like kids do.
You could just answer : No i m bullshit lover and i m coward.
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 05:29:51 PM
So? A friend of mine was inside and I wanted to play with him,any problem with that lol?.
As I've proved,noone understood my words,bunch of tards.
isnt more retarded call those ppl who you wanted join "bunch of tards"?
Quote from: Deavon on October 29, 2009, 06:51:39 PM
You could just answer : No i m bullshit lover and i m coward.
U'r one of the columns of my arguements,thx for proving it.
Quote from: Defoe on October 29, 2009, 08:23:02 PM
isnt more retarded call those ppl who you wanted join "bunch of tards"?
If u read carefully that quote,and moreover,my 1st post in this discussion,u'll notice I said I was generalizating,search it,I don't feel like doing it for u.
Come on Sephitorth, don't take it as an offense or something like that. But you are kinda hypocrite. On the one hand you are applying for joining Carebears, but on the other hand you call them kids, tards and such. That's kinda lame. I don't want to offend you, afterall, we don't even know who are you ingame.. It might be cool from your point of view, playing an unknown stranger, but if you really want to play one, at least don't participate in such flames, because nobody really cares about opinions of anonymous writers.
I've been in BH with Deathand for a while (back when I was girl lol) and he doesn't really act like "mi cool, mi rox, mi pwn, mi better". I just suggest you to not condemn and generalize people by their clanship, but rather by their personality. ;)
Moreover, it seems to me that you are trying to avoid the 9vs9 challenge by very cheap insults..
P.S.: I am not licking anyone's ass if that would be your answer, I am happy clanless player doing my own business :)
That pm is from months ago,my friend told me to open my mind'bout'em,and,voi-la,didn't even get an answer,u know,a polite guy answer even if he's gonna say NO.
QuoteMoreover, it seems to me that you are trying to avoid the 9vs9 challenge by very cheap insults..
Challenge? Cheap insults? I'm just stating FACTS,I'm not talking'bout who's the best pvper,but'bout who got the biggest mouth,and CB,wins.And,as always,Mark came with the 9v9,since he cannot bear the truth,(That he's a bigmouth,among many things,since he cannot understand a discussion,something that u should have realised many time ago.
As I told to Defoe,read my 1st post on this shit,u'll read the word "generalization".
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 09:52:50 PM
That pm is from months ago,my friend told me to open my mind'bout'em,and,voi-la,didn't even get an answer,u know,a polite guy answer even if he's gonna say NO.
Challenge? Cheap insults? I'm just stating FACTS,I'm not talking'bout who's the best pvper,but'bout who got the biggest mouth,and CB,wins.And,as always,Mark came with the 9v9,since he cannot bear the truth,(That he's a bigmouth,among many things,since he cannot understand a discussion,something that u should have realised many time ago.
As I told to Defoe,read my 1st post on this shit,u'll read the word "generalization".
i ll focus only on 9vs9 since you dont want to say us who are you ,but guess what, since you dont tell us who you are ,auto means that you dont have the balls to accept the challence .
You calling us "big mouths" and bullshits like this but we have PROOVED big time who we are in stead of you who hiding behind a forum nick.
So in conclution or accept the bet and proove that we are not so PRO ,or shut ur mouth please.
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 09:52:50 PM
That pm is from months ago,my friend told me to open my mind'bout'em,and,voi-la,didn't even get an answer,u know,a polite guy answer even if he's gonna say NO.
Challenge? Cheap insults? I'm just stating FACTS,I'm not talking'bout who's the best pvper,but'bout who got the biggest mouth,and CB,wins.And,as always,Mark came with the 9v9,since he cannot bear the truth,(That he's a bigmouth,among many things,since he cannot understand a discussion,something that u should have realised many time ago.
As I told to Defoe,read my 1st post on this shit,u'll read the word "generalization".
so grab a party, kick them in a nuts and you can have big mouth too. It is as simple as this.
U guys still don't take the point,really,go to check ur IQ,for real...
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 29, 2009, 11:54:06 PM
U guys still don't take the point,really,go to check ur IQ,for real...
Whats the point of ur view Mr.genius? Cause here i see one point only ,a rejected-nobody-afterallcoward-smartass-bullshiter-pollyrapedhardtovarka guy who is talking non sense stuff.
Mark,darling,I didn't say that u weren't the best pvpers,I said that u'r a bigmouths.And I explained it,meaning that even if u r the best pvpers,the proper way of acting isn't going everywhere acting like gods,but with a mature actitude u all seem to lack.Imagine one day,a Temp pt roll u ( Just imagine it ),and they go everywhere insulting,and with ur same "Mi pro" style.I bet u'd get annoyed the 1st week.
So,it's not'bout who's the best or not,but who's talking shit 24/7 even if it's more or less true.
Quote from: G4rro on October 30, 2009, 10:22:00 AM
He was a SPS/EE in one of grennies clans , called Kikee or smth like that , weared apella robe set , now he is playing on another char called Sephiroth ( like in forum ) in Tallum robe set -> human mage ( necro/smth ) ;)
It's Apella Robe Set,once again,it's NE,wannabe BP/SK.
And aye,I was Kikee,later I played lEtervioNl (PR),later iShoot (HE/WK),and now,finally,I've been able to make a char with the same nick as here.
Now,if anybody has any question,don't hesitate to ask.
Quote from: cthon on October 28, 2009, 06:27:04 PM
but we really are pro and fuking good...
u are all just pro in donation kurwa
Quote from: Montana on October 31, 2009, 09:33:07 AM
u are all just pro in donation kurwa
especially me with my dc set.
I r Donator!
9vs9 on C grade ? :D
Quote from: Vegas on October 31, 2009, 11:45:38 AM
;D ;D ;D
yeah cuz dnet+6/7 and ic bow ++++ its easy ::)
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 31, 2009, 12:54:09 PM
funny that after 4 years thats the only what you can afford .....gz.
Quote from: Montana on October 31, 2009, 09:33:07 AM
u are all just pro in donation kurwa
Funny how you say that to the one CB member who didn't donate :P
Quote from: Zuluman on October 31, 2009, 09:53:53 PM
Funny how you say that to the one CB member who didn't donate :P
who of the 9 ?
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 31, 2009, 12:54:09 PM
funny that after 4 years thats the only what you can afford .....gz.
to make all on equal position kurwa :)
Quote from: Ungolianth on December 01, 2009, 05:08:16 AM