Since the other topic is about TY/DE and rb's, i'd like to start a new topic actually about the rb boost, and how it <might> affect the server.
k so, now we get custom drops on higher lvl rb's which also got order to make rb's not a 1 person + supports thing, and add value to them.
and now my opinion:
we get another way to get dynasty weaps in the server, that means more dynasty weapons on server => prices will fall.
now the funny thing, it is pretty much safe to say small clans can't kill those rb's, so you leave them with only one way to
craft dyn weaps and maybe earn some money: HB. However, the dyn weap's price will fall cos of this new update, which
means you're actually making it harder for growing clans/new ppl to earn money. Remember that big clans will still have the
chance to kill the rb's AND do HB, which in the end is an advantage. If growing clans can't...ehrm...grow, odds that they stay
will be way lower.
Big clans already have QA, Zakken, Baium, etc. Please, give a hand to the small/growing clans.
If you want to make rb's interesting again, make those rb's lvl crystals to 14-15, remove the custom drops, and make decrease their strenght a little (btw, i also find it just weird that on updates track posted smth about "decreasing rb's strenght" and now boosts some lol). These are just ideas ofc.
Also, Anakazel is smth good, but its value got decreased, badly, same with 4S, you could do smth about that too
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))
Quote from: lKentl on January 30, 2010, 06:31:18 AM
1) If you want to make rb's interesting again, make those rb's lvl crystals to 14-15, remove the custom drops,
2) and make decrease their strenght a little (btw, i also find it just weird that on updates track posted smth about "decreasing rb's strenght" and now boosts some lol). These are just ideas ofc.
1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
i have iq -10
RB r ok for bigger clans but for growing clan in a grades r no chance now to kill them and bullshiting about inviting more ppls from temp guy who take half of ally to kill rb so ofc u ll succes is kinda stupid ....
especialy when temps can always call zerg on ally so u ll simple pk those ppls ..
track made nice update about rb but hmm.... is not in 100% ok for smaller clans :P
plus he is not QQing u moron just raporting smthing since he is CL of his clan and they were killing rb's before to get simple s grades :P
tbh kent option about halisha / anakazakiel to stage cry to 14 is not that stupid in my opinion since crystal stage 13 cost like 2 coins ? became totally useless and u ll use more coins to buy dimension fragmets to enter rift before u ll stage crystal finally for those stupid 2 coins
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
dude... u are a definitely a tard
PS : shoot the freak and walk away
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
Read his post again and try to understand what he explained before start telling BS here.
More Dynasty Weapons = Lower Price = Hard to get coins to buy DNET Set for some clan member
For some clans that's not a problem, cause u can donate, kill RB, but for some that r growing atm this is a problem, cause some still dont have enough people to kill some Raids or not good equips to make it. Some that was boosted r hard to kill (take a lot of time) even with good gear, now imagine people killing it on A Grade Equips?!? Mages sucks on RB, Archers r only good DD with good equips and DE/TY same.
Also craft price (that i think is needed materials) isnt a problem, problem is rate of spoil or lvl of mobs to spoil some interesting thing in most of cases (not talking about materials for S80).
Quote from: Weezer on January 30, 2010, 11:54:54 AM
Read his post again and try to understand what he explained before start telling BS here.
More Dynasty Weapons = Lower Price = Hard to get coins to buy DNET Set for some clan member
For some clans that's not a problem, cause u can donate, kill RB, but for some that r growing atm this is a problem, cause some still dont have enough people to kill some Raids or not good equips to make it. Some that was boosted r hard to kill (take a lot of time) even with good gear, now imagine people killing it on A Grade Equips?!? Mages sucks on RB, Archers r only good DD with good equips and DE/TY same.
Also craft price (that i think is needed materials) isnt a problem, problem is rate of spoil or lvl of mobs to spoil some interesting thing in most of cases (not talking about materials for S80).
yep T_T 7k mattack and hitting Ipos for 280 lol
Quote from: jygh on January 30, 2010, 08:17:45 AM
RB r ok for bigger clans but for growing clan in a grades r no chance now to kill them and bullshiting about inviting more ppls from temp guy who take half of ally to kill rb so ofc u ll succes is kinda stupid ....
especialy when temps can always call zerg on ally so u ll simple pk those ppls ..
track made nice update about rb but hmm.... is not in 100% ok for smaller clans :P
plus he is not QQing u moron just raporting smthing since he is CL of his clan and they were killing rb's before to get simple s grades :P
tbh kent option about halisha / anakazakiel to stage cry to 14 is not that stupid in my opinion since crystal stage 13 cost like 2 coins ? became totally useless and u ll use more coins to buy dimension fragmets to enter rift before u ll stage crystal finally for those stupid 2 coins
hahahaha nub clans with A grade want to sell S80 weapons to earn money, instead of using those weapons
dont ignore mage clans, make update witch allow mages kill rb we need fun too
In order to balance the server structure between the already rich, big clans and the small, growing clans, it is needed to be implemented smth that big clans won't do: higher rewards on long term ferming.
RBs are taking a few minutes to kill in a well equiped, full buffed party of warriors for example, so that big clans can go kill it and move to the next activity later.
What needs a tweak aren't RBs, but rewards for farming different things. lets say, lower number of tomes needed for dyna recipes and parts, higher drop rate for marks of betrayal, implementing dyna recipes from shards of evil (currently are there any place where black/white shards of evil drop?), boosting farming in Blazing with moonstones, boosting drops in terms of adena from mobs overall etc.
Quote from: lKentl on January 30, 2010, 06:31:18 AM
Since the other topic is about TY/DE and rb's, i'd like to start a new topic actually about the rb boost, and how it <might> affect the server.
k so, now we get custom drops on higher lvl rb's which also got order to make rb's not a 1 person + supports thing, and add value to them.
and now my opinion:
we get another way to get dynasty weaps in the server, that means more dynasty weapons on server => prices will fall.
now the funny thing, it is pretty much safe to say small clans can't kill those rb's, so you leave them with only one way to
craft dyn weaps and maybe earn some money: HB. However, the dyn weap's price will fall cos of this new update, which
means you're actually making it harder for growing clans/new ppl to earn money. Remember that big clans will still have the
chance to kill the rb's AND do HB, which in the end is an advantage. If growing clans can't...ehrm...grow, odds that they stay
will be way lower.
Big clans already have QA, Zakken, Baium, etc. Please, give a hand to the small/growing clans.
If you want to make rb's interesting again, make those rb's lvl crystals to 14-15, remove the custom drops, and make decrease their strenght a little (btw, i also find it just weird that on updates track posted smth about "decreasing rb's strenght" and now boosts some lol). These are just ideas ofc.
Also, Anakazel is smth good, but its value got decreased, badly, same with 4S, you could do smth about that too
Actually the rate is quite low already, but okey i will revise it again.
About eveyrthing else you wrote i agree mostly but new update wave is coming (low lvl raids , fog ,etc...) will be interesting again, i just need find time again.Ill upda you with news when its done.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 30, 2010, 12:29:46 PM
in my opinion RB boost was rly fine, increased the team work to kill some RB, not only DE/TY + bots, but still possible in some RB.
Mark of Betrayal should be increased the rate drop, while i was making quest for it i got 1k+ Scorpion Stingers and only 30 Marks (and i was in a spot that have 3 Caravans and 3 Scorpions near.
Boost farm on Blazzing will bring more bots back to server, we dont need l2w, we need players.
Some time ago Adena drop was decreased, but things took too much time to decrease their prices too, maybe increase the Adena drop only on some XP spots would be good, to help new players. Dont increased Adena drop on high lvl places, but in lower/middle lvl places.
Shards from Isle of Prayer quest maybe added on some mobs that already exist there, since those mobs that should drop it dont exist.
And i also agree about mages on RB, they should have a bigger damage, or at least make the curses or debuffs more effective on Raids.
Quote from: jygh on January 30, 2010, 08:17:45 AM
RB r ok for bigger clans but for growing clan in a grades r no chance now to kill them and bullshiting about inviting more ppls from temp guy who take half of ally to kill rb so ofc u ll succes is kinda stupid ....
especialy when temps can always call zerg on ally so u ll simple pk those ppls ..
track made nice update about rb but hmm.... is not in 100% ok for smaller clans :P
plus he is not QQing u moron just raporting smthing since he is CL of his clan and they were killing rb's before to get simple s grades :P
tbh kent option about halisha / anakazakiel to stage cry to 14 is not that stupid in my opinion since crystal stage 13 cost like 2 coins ? became totally useless and u ll use more coins to buy dimension fragmets to enter rift before u ll stage crystal finally for those stupid 2 coins
lick and finger fast in same time
Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 30, 2010, 12:29:46 PM
In order to balance the server structure between the already rich, big clans and the small, growing clans, it is needed to be implemented smth that big clans won't do: higher rewards on long term ferming.
Temps has been once more underestimated ;D
Quote from: Weezer on January 30, 2010, 01:08:14 PM
in my opinion RB boost was rly fine, increased the team work to kill some RB, not only DE/TY + bots, but still possible in some RB.
Mark of Betrayal should be increased the rate drop, while i was making quest for it i got 1k+ Scorpion Stingers and only 30 Marks (and i was in a spot that have 3 Caravans and 3 Scorpions near.
Boost farm on Blazzing will bring more bots back to server, we dont need l2w, we need players.
Some time ago Adena drop was decreased, but things took too much time to decrease their prices too, maybe increase the Adena drop only on some XP spots would be good, to help new players. Dont increased Adena drop on high lvl places, but in lower/middle lvl places.
Shards from Isle of Prayer quest maybe added on some mobs that already exist there, since those mobs that should drop it dont exist.
And i also agree about mages on RB, they should have a bigger damage, or at least make the curses or debuffs more effective on Raids.
yep cuz 10 marks on 6 days lol
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
ahahah +1 for maciek : -10 iq, And may temp stop with this CRY shit everywhere? it become annoying especialy when some1 using it in wrong moments....
Quote from: our4n0s on January 30, 2010, 01:14:14 PM
lick and finger fast in same time
good one
Maybe boost and incearse lvl moobs in Lair of Antharas? (LOA). Add some parts for dynasty weapons in spoil chance and will be cool!.
More ppl will go to kill/spoil Karik and other moobs in LOA (like c3 <3) and maybe economy move from Aden to Giran (ofc not all but better few than nothing like is now... )
Quote from: Pawciu on January 30, 2010, 04:08:20 PM
Maybe boost and incearse lvl moobs in Lair of Antharas? (LOA). Add some parts for dynasty weapons in spoil chance and will be cool!.
More ppl will go to kill/spoil Karik and other moobs in LOA (like c3 <3) and maybe economy move from Aden to Giran (ofc not all but better few than nothing like is now... )
+1 for this idea. Maybe something in BS too ...
... eh dreaming for old time. mass pvp in LOA and BS rulz !!!
Quote from: Pawciu on January 30, 2010, 04:08:20 PM
Maybe boost and incearse lvl moobs in Lair of Antharas? (LOA). Add some parts for dynasty weapons in spoil chance and will be cool!.
More ppl will go to kill/spoil Karik and other moobs in LOA (like c3 <3) and maybe economy move from Aden to Giran (ofc not all but better few than nothing like is now... )
v. nice idea tbh and i am sure old grannies like windpenis will love it ;D
Quote from: our4n0s on January 30, 2010, 04:32:21 PM
v. nice idea tbh and i am sure old grannies like windpenis will love it ;D
only if i get back old merrow :D
Quote from: Pawciu on January 30, 2010, 04:08:20 PM
Maybe boost and incearse lvl moobs in Lair of Antharas? (LOA). Add some parts for dynasty weapons in spoil chance and will be cool!.
More ppl will go to kill/spoil Karik and other moobs in LOA (like c3 <3) and maybe economy move from Aden to Giran (ofc not all but better few than nothing like is now... )
pvp to control some XP spot on LOA was rly cool, or clans making mass PK there to control bridge. :D
maybe add some recipes for S weapons and parts, but S80 must keep on HB, just add the spoil rate in some cases to help people.
cant make all things too easy or soon people will ask for GM Shop. ;D
Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 30, 2010, 04:34:41 PM
only if i get back old merrow :D
even now the merrow is better than u. ;)
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
Why don't u finally get your head out of your asshole and learn to read what ppl actually write?
Please do cut the crap about the "more ppl not just one de/ty" cause I saw exactly the same "just one de/ty" on the bosses that r boosted.Yea there were more ppl that were standing and watching the same old "just one de/ty" kk?
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
this is not an "i have a bigger e-penis than you" thread, ty
@jygh, exactly, lvling to 14 would make rift good again :D
@track, thx for reading :D
Quote from: Weezer on January 30, 2010, 04:36:02 PM
even now the merrow is better than u. ;)
ololololo so true :D
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 30, 2010, 07:24:49 AM
LOL cry more plox. The change is good.
Dynasty wepons will be easier to get, and the price will be lower.
Gm should also change craft price from latest chronicles if he want people to craft it.
Growing clans may always camp . We dont camp all rb them 24/h. And don't say bullshit that u with your growing clan want to kill baium if u cant kill stupid rb. QA u can capm a lot gl&hf if u want to camp stupid respawn for 2 dc (if qa costs 2 dc (i think dynasty ring is better for mage))1) U forget about saying bullshit that all rb should drop donator coins, and wepons with sa, U would make the rb's boring not interesting
2) these are raid bosses,(not mobs to kill by 1 player) if u decrease their power people will kill it with just tyr/destro and some bots. Now is good cause u need more damage dealers too, so u need more people(if u want to kill it alone, with no pk event). If u r growing clan so u should recruit more people.
Farmer 4 life eh?
Quote from: lKentl on January 30, 2010, 04:49:19 PM
this is not an "i have a bigger e-penis than you" thread, ty
@jygh, exactly, lvling to 14 would make rift good again :D
@track, thx for reading :D
not only that we could do something about lilith/anakin ^^
QQ i cant make 5 box xD
Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 30, 2010, 12:29:46 PM
boosting farming in Blazing with moonstones
I agree with this one :D
Quote from: Weezer on January 30, 2010, 01:08:14 PM
Some time ago Adena drop was decreased, but things took too much time to decrease their prices too, maybe increase the Adena drop only on some XP spots would be good, to help new players. Dont increased Adena drop on high lvl places, but in lower/middle lvl places.
Frankly, I don't think boosting adena drop in low level locations would be any good since afterall, we are on 30x rate. You already exp too fast to make a decent income out of f.e. Ol Mahums and similar low lvl places. That would only lead to more walkers imo. But I may be wrong as well :)
Quote from: jygh on January 30, 2010, 08:17:45 AM
tbh kent option about halisha / anakazakiel to stage cry to 14 is not that stupid in my opinion since crystal stage 13 cost like 2 coins ? became totally useless and u ll use more coins to buy dimension fragmets to enter rift before u ll stage crystal finally for those stupid 2 coins
+1 for the idea
or maybe just do this instance zone like "crystal cavens" working with raid bosses that lv up cry to 14 stage
Quote from: Inferna on January 30, 2010, 04:39:03 PM
Why don't u finally get your head out of your asshole and learn to read what ppl actually write?
Please do cut the crap about the "more ppl not just one de/ty" cause I saw exactly the same "just one de/ty" on the bosses that r boosted.Yea there were more ppl that were standing and watching the same old "just one de/ty" kk?
even u boost or not rb u will always kill them with tyr/destro.
So there are 2 solutions:
1) delete all destro-tyr
2) make reflect damage high enough so tyr destro will kill himself, and if he is immortal for some time if he make hand to hand (not ranged attack ) he should be shocked / petrified
Quote from: Marinella on January 30, 2010, 11:31:30 PM
+1 for the idea
or maybe just do this instance zone like "crystal cavens" working with raid bosses that lv up cry to 14 stage
Quote from: lKentl on January 30, 2010, 04:49:19 PM
this is not an "i have a bigger e-penis than you" thread, ty
@jygh, exactly, lvling to 14 would make rift good again :D
@track, thx for reading :D
If u want crystal stage 14 make one ally and come and get them. Temp isn't all server. Just one ally vs company of children, who thinks they have know everything, argue all time about nothing, and think the other people are just retards. If u start cry that we have better equipment i will say u tell bullshit. You just have to make zerg and good strategy. If u dont have quality make numbers. (i dont mean all of u come on dual ;) )
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 31, 2010, 07:25:08 PM
even u boost or not rb u will always kill them with tyr/destro.
So there are 2 solutions:
1) delete all destro-tyr
2) make reflect damage high enough so tyr destro will kill himself, and if he is immortal for some time if he make hand to hand (not ranged attack ) he should be shocked / petrified
If u want crystal stage 14 make one ally and come and get them. Temp isn't all server. Just one ally vs company of children, who thinks they have know everything, argue all time about nothing, and think the other people are just retards. If u start cry that we have better equipment i will say u tell bullshit. You just have to make zerg and good strategy. If u dont have quality make numbers. (i dont mean all of u come on dual ;) )
and BAM... he strikes again
n/c imo
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 31, 2010, 07:25:08 PM
If u dont have quality make numbers.
Quote from: Astri
We have 3 alternative clone-chars made with hardcore l2w scripting for every char in temp
Make some sense
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 31, 2010, 07:25:08 PM
even u boost or not rb u will always kill them with tyr/destro.
So there are 2 solutions:
1) delete all destro-tyr
2) make reflect damage high enough so tyr destro will kill himself, and if he is immortal for some time if he make hand to hand (not ranged attack ) he should be shocked / petrified
If u want crystal stage 14 make one ally and come and get them. Temp isn't all server. Just one ally vs company of children, who thinks they have know everything, argue all time about nothing, and think the other people are just retards. If u start cry that we have better equipment i will say u tell bullshit. You just have to make zerg and good strategy. If u dont have quality make numbers. (i dont mean all of u come on dual ;) )
Quote from: lKentl on January 30, 2010, 04:49:19 PM
this is not an "i have a bigger e-penis than you" thread, ty
how did you miss it really? need it on a bigger font or something?
Quote from: Ungolianth on February 01, 2010, 01:10:38 AM
btw who the freak are u? i was in temp 1 year but i never heard a word about some alicja or wtf ur u playin....i bet u must be some sheva zerg
read his signature :P sheva%eva
Quote from: moonbreaker on January 31, 2010, 07:25:08 PM
i would say, a couple of veterans having fun while company of kiddos farm 4 life... but well some brains are to small, and some egos are to big to understand this, and let me guess, ull never get it :)
@topic: well the reflect dmg would be an solution, but what about other poor classes that are going for rb, arent op in this case but fight in close cobat? kinda fukked up. so mby disable vampiric effect from rb, so ty/de will be forced to have healer and his back, and kinda imposible, or hard enough, to kill it alone w/o any help. Tho reflect dmg should be removed right then.
Quote from: Ungolianth on February 01, 2010, 01:10:38 AM
btw who the freak are u? i was in temp 1 year but i never heard a word about some alicja or wtf ur u playin....i bet u must be some sheva zerg
phi, moonbreaker- sh/ps, one of those "2 shoots im dead" :<
if there's no reflect on rb and no vr, it pretty much turns rb's into ty/de + healer x)
it is kinda hard to solve
Quote from: Sali on February 01, 2010, 04:40:30 AM
, moonbreaker- sh/ps, one of those "2 shoots im dead" :<
I don't play cause I must own everythink. I play for fun. Fun isn't always killing everyone and call other 2 shoots people. yeah i know u probably play archer and what u use all the time f1- f2 ?? ;P ohh sry from time to time f3 - f4 ?? ;)
Quote from: lKentl on February 01, 2010, 12:51:56 AM
how did you miss it really? need it on a bigger font or something?
U talk all the time about e-penis. U don't need bigger font just bigger thing u want bigger ;P
Quote from: Ungolianth on February 01, 2010, 01:10:38 AM
btw who the freak are u? i was in temp 1 year but i never heard a word about some alicja or wtf ur u playin....i bet u must be some sheva zerg
Yeah i make numbers ;P