lets say u have dynsty shield 320pdef , use buff Arvenced block > Doubles Pdef of shield > 640pdef ( to your base pdef with successfull shield block)
Does shield fortress stack with pdef shield and than buff doubles Pdef? (320+560= 780) buff 2x = 1560pdef
(320 x2 = 640pdef ) + 560pdef (from Shield Fortress ) = 1200Pdef
What do u think
Shield Fortress 6 Shield P.Def. +560, MP regen per tick varies based on your level (base is 0.4)
Advanced Block 3 Shield P.Def. +100%
Quote from: greg270 on February 02, 2010, 11:43:27 PM
lets say u have dynsty shield 320pdef , use buff Arvenced block > Doubles Pdef of shield > 640pdef ( to your base pdef with successfull shield block)
Does shield fortress stack with pdef shield and than buff doubles Pdef? (320+560= 780) buff 2x = 1560pdef
(320 x2 = 640pdef ) + 560pdef (from Shield Fortress ) = 1200Pdef
What do u think
Shield Fortress 6 Shield P.Def. +560, MP regen per tick varies based on your level (base is 0.4)
Advanced Block 3 Shield P.Def. +100%
have no idea , i thinked advanced block and bless the shield increase chance for shield defence xDD but w/e
Ye the second option sounds more plausible since thats the way they got most other skillstacks setup.
Would be OP to have 1,5k shield p.def with just thoose buffs...... What if i used iron shield on top of that aswell? 3k p.def on shield? (don't actually know if ironshield gives +100%, but it's not impossible.)
Quote from: kidicarus on February 04, 2010, 10:29:31 AM
Ye the second option sounds more plausible since thats the way they got most other skillstacks setup.
Would be OP to have 1,5k shield p.def with just thoose buffs...... What if i used iron shield on top of that aswell? 3k p.def on shield? (don't actually know if ironshield gives +100%, but it's not impossible.)
And knight hood? or other passive that give shield p.def
Quote from: Dadghamor on February 04, 2010, 11:10:15 AM
And knight hood? or other passive that give shield p.def
I dunno, but i would guess Knighthood gives a small passive boost on base stats so you get that in your calculation before you start adding up all the extra % from buffs.
This is merely a guess though, can't find any info on it.