Hi, as in topic could anybody (preferably track) ask drake to fix that?
Cant remove SA from icarus, dynasty and weapons added in Interlude (basically we have C4 data for that case). Sometimes its necessary to remove old SA if u think it doesnt work for you anymore so will be nice if u fix that.
Icarus/dynasty SA's are working as they are on weapons of previous grade e.g. icarus bow's focus = DB's focus, but it adds 88 and icarus focus should add 116
same goes to all icarus/dynasty weapons, CD from dyna/icarus daggers works as angel slayer's CD while it should be 2 times stronger. Most of improved icarus/dynasty SA's give very important boost so will be nice if you fix them.
Similiar topics were created a while ago, but nothing was fixed. So I decided to make a new one while drake feels like fixing server as it seems now.
I think that bonuses on dyna/icarus weapons are enough... it doesn't need anything more
if they do this fix, smth will be wrong with sa's or they will not function correctly, better to keep it this way xd
Quote from: cristianvernal on February 11, 2010, 04:14:51 AM
if they do this fix, smth will be wrong with sa's or they will not function correctly, better to keep it this way xd
I think a point of him is also that it should be able to remove SA's from Dynasty / ICarus Weapons.
totally agree with Alex...
Fixed , check and let me know please .
Quote from: Kain on February 12, 2010, 12:29:56 AM
Fixed , check and let me know please .
Could you be more specific with what you exactly fixed?
Dynasty / Icarus weapons @ Black marketeer of mammon still won't appear to be removed from SA's.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on February 12, 2010, 09:33:10 AM
Could you be more specific with what you exactly fixed?
Dynasty / Icarus weapons @ Black marketeer of mammon still won't appear to be removed from SA's.
Black marketeer can't remove SA's above A grade.
You need blacksmith to remove S and S80 SA's.
Quote from: Furesy on February 12, 2010, 10:01:32 AM
Black marketeer can't remove SA's above A grade.
You need blacksmith to remove S and S80 SA's.
Allright, thanks for info. But as mentioned above Alex asked 2 questions.
1) SA's of Icarus don't work correct
2) SA's can't be removed.
Answer was "its fixed", but may i know exactly what is fixed? the incorrect SA's or the ability to remove the SA's.
Quote from: Kain on February 12, 2010, 12:29:56 AM
Fixed , check and let me know please .
with "Fixed " i meant the removeing SA part , can someone confirm it please?
Quote from: Kain on February 12, 2010, 03:03:24 PM
with "Fixed " i meant the removeing SA part , can someone confirm it please?
if ull refund me crystal, ye i can go anytime xD