Well there is some problem with drop. We killed that rb 9999x times, and it didnt droped nothing.
I cant see yrs "reasonable drop rate" there.
Plx do smth with that rb. :P
In Dragon it drops, rare but sometimes it drops dyna ring recipe (at least we got it twice)
But anyway, it is not worth to spend time for getting that sh1ty recipe ..
Quote from: Fildonka on February 27, 2010, 11:12:11 PM
In Dragon it drops, rare but sometimes it drops dyna ring recipe (at least we got it twice)
WoW ...people becoming more greedy day by day ,in stead of telling a simple "Thank you " for spending your time to update (with awesome drops) more than 30 raids...
Quote from: Kain on February 28, 2010, 12:02:54 AM
WoW ...people becoming more greedy day by day ,in stead of telling a simple "Thank you " for spending your time to update (with awesome drops) more than 30 raids...
"Thank you."