4M/Adam: GM 1 question its about atharas cuz we go inside (Pride&CB) kill all temps inside and outside start killing Epic Boss and when he have 1/3 hp server down ok its not a problem but why when server up 90% ppl who be inside be on town and some of us 5-6 ppl be still inside.. o that days we lose 3x passes to anth trying kill him but most of us got nerf and go away from PC and temps kill it.. WTF its fair??? LOL mby u will do smth with this?? we have antharas on hand and we lose it because of u server problem what ever? on valakas this same problems dc dc dc mby fix somethink when u check if any GOOD epic rb its not on resp time.. And we still wanna get that atharas with 1/3 hp do smth with this
+1 For 4m
Whinne more! ;D
happens dont make a big deal from it... server is going up and down for 3 days but only ary and some other no brain temps think we are donating for down times :D fuking smart ppl
Quote from: DarkMagician on March 19, 2010, 04:35:13 PM
So when u speak about English rules......4M 1st learn english or ask some1 to translate it in understable english so we can answer easier, second is it normal to get Disconect w/o any annunciation, for me this is not normal anyway we had awesome fight outside (inside was one big FAILURE xD). The lame was when Pride canceled all wars against TEMP (u shouldnt do this, untill now i see only CB as worthy enemy) and Pride is just how we/u always say zerg :) so everybody QQ including me and i wish we have more fights like those :D
First of all shout ur stupid mounth because 4m don't have so bad english and we understand it. Second DN don't stop war then shout up 1 more time. 3rd we should be inside after dc not in town idiot then it isn't normal. If it is normal u can chceck others servers. We don't want DC all time when we have any important action like EPIC RB or Siege. U said for u it is normal but when Temps lose Valky theye all flame about "DC helps pride win valky, lucky itp" and this topic isn't for u idiot.
Check it little idiot http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/4231/tempw.png
Since that Valkyria appeared servers have more lags and more sudden disconnects. Not only me noticed these.
DC is not a big problem... but why ppl inside get ported to town... bug?
I hope will be fixed asap :)
Quote from: Pawciu on March 19, 2010, 06:49:58 PM
DC is not a big problem... but why ppl inside get ported to town... bug?
I hope will be fixed asap :)
NM united ? :P
+1 for FIX disconnects every 10 minutes and mass critical errors every 3 minutes
+1 For Duxi Back !
Quote from: mark_elesse on March 19, 2010, 03:51:34 PM
xDDDD DNET pooooooooower ! :D
Its funny how someone who played 3 years here making jokes of DN, what a irony and 2 face.
About DC issue dont you think we already know about it? Yes we DO!! We are trying to solve it asap, spaming forum wont sped up the process. Thanks
Quote from: abbyssdancer on March 19, 2010, 04:57:35 PM
+1 I hope Duxel mean this seriously and come rly back to this nice "TEMP DOWN" actions haha ;D
Quote from: Shreed on March 19, 2010, 07:22:02 PM
+1 for FIX disconnects every 10 minutes and mass critical errors every 3 minutes
I just hope that tomorrow everything will be OK on siege
I have the hope tomorrow we will have a really good siege w/o lag and w/o criticals! ;D I want hit some enemy leaders ;D
Quote from: DarkMagician on March 19, 2010, 06:03:55 PM
blah if i have to corect u it will take my whole day, so to the point, after that DC we were outside too so what's the point to "donate" for that restart? second, u r not the guy who should say who's idiot and who's not, u don't know me same as i dont know u, and look in my previous post have i called u idiot or something like this - that's proves who's the "smart" guy here.
OK mayby it was rude from my side, I'm sory. But u angry my so much. U talking about DC is normal but it isn't. Not all people are so perfect like u. And not all people can english like u.
Now some message for Track we know u are doing all what can u do, but some times we have shit like this day with anthy. Anthy had below 30% hp and we lost it we need some recompensation for it. Because it was not fair. Not our fault not ur faoult. But u can do somthink with this we can't
Quote from: GutsPL on March 20, 2010, 12:27:16 AM
OK mayby it was rude from my side, I'm sory. But u angry my so much. U talking about DC is normal but it isn't. Not all people are so perfect like u. And not all people can english like u.
Now some message for Track we know u are doing all what can u do, but some times we have shit like this day with anthy. Anthy had below 30% hp and we lost it we need some recompensation for it. Because it was not fair. Not our fault not ur faoult. But u can do somthink with this we can't
his english is far from being good ... and fuk the anthy , let it pass ... happens sometimes :D
Quote from: GutsPL on March 20, 2010, 12:27:16 AM
Not our fault not ur faoult. But u can do somthink with this we can't
U r already crying, in forum thats something :D
Track will not give you Anthy with 30% hp back lol .. Just relax and try to take next one :P
About how you got in town :
In any epic RB like Frintezza, Valakas, Antharas ( dunno about Baium, i didn't check ) when you leaving game for more than 5+ minutes, you automatically get in town. This was made after some issues with people that were in "epic lairs" before and left chars there to pick up some drops in future ...!
It was made specially for this reason ! So, please, stop it dude ... Life sh1t and everything happens :D
Quote from: GutsPL on March 20, 2010, 12:27:16 AM
OK mayby it was rude from my side, I'm sory. But u angry my so much. U talking about DC is normal but it isn't. Not all people are so perfect like u. And not all people can english like u.
Now some message for Track we know u are doing all what can u do, but some times we have shit like this day with anthy. Anthy had below 30% hp and we lost it we need some recompensation for it. Because it was not fair. Not our fault not ur faoult. But u can do somthink with this we can't
+1 bro !
~~ Ok looks like is stable now we are 7h up without dc so lets see, thank you all for patience ~~