
Archive => Valkyria 9x server (Merged with Dragon x15) => Obsolete => Announcements => Topic started by: Descent on April 29, 2010, 03:51:13 PM

Title: Get your weekend rescheduled!
Post by: Descent on April 29, 2010, 03:51:13 PM
First of, please accept our appologies for keeping quiet for the past weeks, we have been working flat out as we said we would and also we found some exploit with the new sub system so this gave us some delay. We do read the forum on a very regular basis, is just that some questions needs to be thought over before answering and whats worst than giving misleading answers? Also beside the ‘To do’ list from the players we also have our own ‘To do’ list we need to implement/test for the server and so for this reason we chose not to give out empty promises and only reply when we are more than certain we can and will do.

Anyway after having the server up and tested for a few weeks I can give you the green light that Valkyria will be live within the next 30 hours, infact it is ready now but we thought its best to inform everyone so you all can start more or less together. So server will be live on Friday 30th April around 8pm GMT +1.
So now we got one of the important question answered lets move on to what this server is all about:

EXP rate: x9
SP rate: x12
spoil/drop: x3
Party EXP: 120%
quest rate: x10

Icarus weapons
They will not be at the donation manager. Icarus weapons are only available through crafting.

Farmed coin system
There will be 4 different types of farming coins. D and C use Bronze, B use Silver, A use Gold and S for Platimum.
All the mobs in the world map will have a chance to drop them, the type of coin will depend on the level of the mob.
After you’ve collected a certain amount you will beable to trade them for a weapon relative to your coin’s grade. Also at low upto C grade armors are available.
Also the higher level you are above the npc the lower the chance it will drop the coin.
You will see the full list when your in game, look for npc Igor who is in gludin and Magor in Heine.

All weapons obtained from these coins ranged between B to S grade are not tradable, however they can be enchanted, add SA like any other weapon.

Attribute system
The attribute system will stay on Valkyria. I have done a personal step by step test on this and have made some amendments. The existing system has capped on armor piece to 91 pdef of any given element where the weapon’s max patk is 452.
If we look at a 5 piece armor set for example, 91*5 = 455. So you can just about cover yourself from one element but vulnerable to 4 other elements, note we haven’t even took buffs and pots in account so if you mix and match you can probably cover for 1 element and 50% of another.

What I have done is risen the armor cap to 154, so just by armor resistance you can go up to 770 pdef. With this and combined with buffs/pots you should have a good resistance vs 2 elements and abit on 3rd, this is assuming that everyone is running around with maxed out elemental weapons.

Here is a my test result â€" each damage you see are taken an average of 10 hits excluding critical hits.

http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AveGtpMhHP-udE1UTjlPcUNGRDUzcmh2ZzZOcldsdXc&hl=en_GB (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AveGtpMhHP-udE1UTjlPcUNGRDUzcmh2ZzZOcldsdXc&hl=en_GB)

Offline shop
Yes, after the topic we saw about offline shop on the forum we decided to take this on board for Valkyria.
This is how it works, first of all remeber to do full check on your DN loader.
Then in game you will see npc will be selling them, they are called Offline shop tickets. Each ticket last for 48 hours, they can be stacked meaning if you consume 2 of them your character will have 96 hours worth of offline shop time.
To set it up is simple, upon purchasing the ticket, decide which character you want to set up the offline shop, use the ticket on that character. In your system message you will see the time remaining for offline shop (in minutes). Once you see that set up a store to buy/sell/craft along with any message you desire and start the shop. Inside the chat box type ‘~~offline’ you will get disconnected immediately and thats it! Others will see you with the sleep animation.

These tickets will be available at merchant npcs.

Valkyria-Dn sub system
As you can see from the poll result dn sub will be staying but with a new system.
Let me explain how it will work.
Every character will beable to dn sub three times, once on every retail subclass it has.
For example, you started as a dwarf lets say bounty hunter and took retail subclass hawkeye, now once you have reached level 80 and obtained 3rd class you can go to our subclass manager named Astral in Aden and request to take a stacking class. The classes you will beable to choose from will depend on the race you took as retail.
For example, you took Blade dancer as retail sub, classes you can choose for stacking sub will be from the Dark Elf race. As mentioned when you take dn sub what happens normally on other DN servers is you will lose xp, but not on Valkyria, you will keep whatever level your on and your newly taken subclass will be on 3rd class too.
Obviously a Golkonda horn is required for EACH sub, so 1 character needs 3 horns if he/she wants to take sub on each retail class. Kamaels can sub only to their own race so they have very limited option but its possible for them to have subs too now.

To help everyone get a horn we have made Golkonda and family’s spawn twice as fast for the first opening month.

So this means your original class can not take dn sub. We took this decision so you can enjoy Lineage 2 differently from all the other DN servers. We have restricted some areas where you can only go in with your main class (single class). There you will have to rethink who to take to your party, no more one man army or super damage dealers.

So areas which will be locked to single class only:
All Catacombs and Necro
All of Hellbound
Valakas’ lair
Anthras’ lair
Frintezza’s room

With the exception of Olympiad you will have a more team work dependant area and also a different play style, you will need to know your class’ duty.
Currently class based Olympiad still disabled and the number of fights/wins required for hero is same as other servers. We will take a closer look once we get more players at this stage.

Bots and Dualbox
Straight and simple, bots if caught will be permanatly banned without notice.
Personally I don’t agree to dualbox at all but for the sake of those who think this a single player game we will allow 1 on dualbox.

In game rules are here:
http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,217817.0.html (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,217817.0.html)