Hi, i have one question because Which version is current on the Dn servers? i want to play after a break (1year) and i have no infos wich version is it at the mainsite the Tutorial is a bit old or not?
the for info and sry for my English
They currently using Hellbound client.
any download link maybe Torrent or so?
Quote from: Darkviper4k on May 01, 2010, 07:32:03 PM
any download link maybe Torrent or so?
google , type free download hellbound client . !
Quote from: Darkviper4k on May 01, 2010, 07:32:03 PM
any download link maybe Torrent or so?
http://files-euaf-syd.games.on.net/download/355545250470-5794003603500-11170838947548-24de7d2834e54a5472cf97d2247c00b7-195413208672-2075556-49299749568/L2_CT1_Hellbound-Live.zip (http://files-euaf-syd.games.on.net/download/355545250470-5794003603500-11170838947548-24de7d2834e54a5472cf97d2247c00b7-195413208672-2075556-49299749568/L2_CT1_Hellbound-Live.zip)
Quote from: Darkviper4k on May 01, 2010, 05:16:56 PM
Hi, i have one question because Which version is current on the Dn servers? i want to play after a break (1year) and i have no infos wich version is it at the mainsite the Tutorial is a bit old or not?
the for info and sry for my English
Even gm from infinity section has posted link here to good client... just look for it ...