Fun....fck castles again... ;D
Quote from: Neozinhu on June 27, 2010, 07:26:29 PM
Fun....fck castles again... ;D
dunno how Oren but Inside Rune was boring... meybe one rush of voudas was nice
anyway gz for new owners of both castles
ahh and today we have 27. the day of england big fail :P GZ germany
Quote from: Shreed on June 27, 2010, 07:28:33 PM
dunno how Oren but Inside Rune was boring... meybe one rush of voudas was nice
anyway gz for new owners of both castles
There's no Fun inside of castle...but in the way to it...
moar fun when u have to fight against 2 enemies that hate eachother also ;D
Edit: Thx god that i didnt died once ... =D
Quote from: Shreed on June 27, 2010, 07:28:33 PM
dunno how Oren but Inside Rune was boring... meybe one rush of voudas was nice
anyway gz for new owners of both castles
ahh and today we have 27. the day of england big fail :P GZ germany
u r not from PL anymore
there was a looot of fun but outsid siege zone xD almost all the time fights :P urs fault u didnt left siege zone
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 12:42:22 AM
gz for Oren :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
ty :) but funny is u open ur retarded mouth always and it was urs ally who failed to take it cause temps raped u and yeah it was on oren so imo stay silenced moron . whole server laught at dn cause of u :) u r more retarded than ary and well gz to u for it also :)
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 01:37:46 AM
well whole DN is laught at u and ur moobs clan , and its enough for me , i dont really care what others think about me LoL , its internet game rofl , we are getting fun raping you hardly and seriously its enough for me , also gz for last non atacked castle , after Dion and Gludio that you take xD , seems its all what you can get week by week , but its nothing new ::)
ye we r moobs that u needed 3 pt;s on godard to kill our 1 :D keep living in ur own world lol mix of ary+nitopami
Quote from: jygh on June 28, 2010, 01:39:33 AM
ye we r moobs that u needed 3 pt;s on godard to kill our 1 :D keep living in ur own world lol mix of ary+nitopami
not myb 3pts but they had as manny bishops as 3pts need :D
@Enclave(no more garo since u failed as 'nuker')
i dunno what to say about their "tactic" in making parties...3bishops MINIMUM!!! + 2 shilenelders (same like bishops) 1 nuker
and still their pt members are falling on the floor like dilapidated apples...after 4x SOFs ofc...
really, good luck and cya on around, just take it easy do not panic
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 02:46:21 AM
dude seems you lost that part when we killed you 4 times without dying infront of goddard siege zone , even with 4 friends of temps xD so as I said before , sit in aden stairs and leave town only to defend ur fortress cuz you cant get anything else .
there with 1 pt and we took it
We took it with bug, ye we can w.o bug but we are pussies(only we know that bug)
i never stay at aden stairs more then 1min, just if i talk and joke with friends(i understand you, you cant do it coz u have no friends-even in ur clan u dont have friends...pathetic...i have more friend from DN then you-.-)
u see my char on aden stairs all day, ye possible, afk ofc. when im out of town i pwn ur ass. you need more bishops dude, srsly
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 02:46:21 AM
bla bla bla...
U always talk about "we pwnt u", "we rox". . . i was during 2h in today/yesterday (sunday) siege....and i didnt see any pvp...
Hiding inside castle?
Quote from: Neozinhu on June 28, 2010, 07:12:21 AM
U always talk about "we pwnt u", "we rox". . . i was during 2h in today/yesterday (sunday) siege....and i didnt see any pvp...
Hiding inside castle?
u right +1 ;D
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 01:37:46 AM
well whole DN is laught at u and ur moobs clan , and its enough for me , i dont really care what others think about me LoL , its internet game rofl , we are getting fun raping you hardly and seriously its enough for me , also gz for last non atacked castle , after Dion and Gludio that you take xD , seems its all what you can get week by week , but its nothing new ::)
Good fight EnSclave ..oh w8 i didnt saw u ..prolly u were playing hide and seek ..btw ur posts rly amuse me lately cause i realised that its the best ur lille brain can come up with.
For the rest gf ..rly nice fights!
don't be harsh with him he was here but playing a bot summoner surely ... or something like that ::) :P
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 02:46:21 AM
c'mon wake up , we rush there with 1 pt and we took it from you and your lolmates . So wtf you talking about 3 ptys ? You were on another siege or what ???
yeah cause there were no weezer and his pt + some more peeps lolz :D ncie to see u dont give a fck about ally m8;s
jin lol u QQ?
Quote from: Montana on June 28, 2010, 10:52:22 AM
jin lol u QQ?
u dont know how QQ looks like so why u write anything ? XD i just laught at ensclave stupidity and that r 2 different things
a definition of fratricide:
enclave cutting trees.
Quote from: Teh noob on June 28, 2010, 11:50:38 AM
a definition of fratricide:
enclave cutting trees.
hahhaha..well now be kind enough to get him aswell a nice version of google translator cause i doubt his english knowledges ;D and not only ..(dont count noob, cry, mobs qq, owned , jajja, xaxaxxa)
Quote from: alinutza on June 28, 2010, 11:55:04 AM
hahhaha..well now be kind enough to get him aswell a nice version of google translator cause i doubt his english knowledges ;D and not only ..(dont count noob, cry, mobs qq, owned , jajja, xaxaxxa)
Quote from: jygh on June 28, 2010, 11:00:08 AM
u dont know how QQ looks like so why u write anything ? XD i just laught at ensclave stupidity and that r 2 different things
Quote from: Arienrod on June 28, 2010, 09:45:09 AM
don't be harsh with him he was here but playing a bot summoner surely ... or something like that ::) :P
YE YE.......... Go take 2 bogs from gludin and 0,5 bog from dion..
Quote from: 4M. on June 28, 2010, 12:07:14 PM
YE YE.......... Go take 2 bogs from gludin and 0,5 bog from dion..
Well if we would care about castle we would..sad is that u are so dumb that u cant set Godard manor right so u take even less bogz the we..
Quote from: 4M. on June 28, 2010, 12:07:14 PM
YE YE.......... Go take 2 bogs from gludin and 0,5 bog from dion..
i ve more bogs than ur whole clan togheter lol xD
Quote from: G4rro on June 28, 2010, 01:18:53 PM
they came at the end of the siege , and it was 1 pt , so let me count it , 1 pt of DN mages + 1 pt of Lemons vs 1 pt of BA mages + 1 pt of BA archers + Ur ally . and out of siege zone , fighting with kookaburas around 1.5 pt of Strafko .
Thx again for goddard ( you failed like always ) take and enjoy ur Oren / Gludio / Dion castles .
I tought only "fratricide" word will put u in trouble but as far as i see ur counting skills sux as well..oh well since im not the one responsable with ur education ill let u be..
Np, ty for pvp points, thank u very much we will.
PS : that 3 pts of BA + origins were in fact a total of 13 ppl (bots included)
Cya around Enslave..
It was a fun siege. I had the opportunity to play with my new char, still low lvl, but helped my clan and ally.
The only time I saw Jin marico and his pt, they where running away from Rune castle bridge. After that, never saw they again during siege.
Saw some rushes from temp, but our ally was well organized.
GF and we meet again next week
PS: Neo biba!
PS2: Jin marico!
guess who
Quote from: 666VeNoM on June 28, 2010, 03:40:45 PM
It was a fun siege. I had the opportunity to play with my new char, still low lvl, but helped my clan and ally.
The only time I saw Jin marico and his pt, they where running away from Rune castle bridge. After that, never saw they again during siege.
PS: Neo biba!
PS2: Jin marico!
We just found ur pt 1 time...but u saw the result :D <eu tva falando com o luck ...qdo desci ali e ele tava ali, eu falei LAWL xD>
We didnt go many times to siege zone...moar pvp in the way to it
Quote from: 4M. on June 28, 2010, 12:07:14 PM
YE YE.......... Go take 2 bogs from gludin and 0,5 bog from dion..
i see who are here for fun, who are for bogs
Quote from: trooperXkoki on June 28, 2010, 05:07:17 PM
i see who are here for fun, who are for bogs
Case Solved, Epic Win
dude pls close ur dirty mouth, u know that i dont hate you. iluvya
nice siege , gf pplz
lot of fight on the way to rune castle , that was really fun :)
Quote from: Arienrod on June 28, 2010, 09:45:09 AM
don't be harsh with him he was here but playing a bot summoner surely ... or something like that ::) :P
aren t you the french f4g from hmm don t remember
see i am more unlucky i know u ;D