
Archive => Infinite Nightmare 20x server => Obsolete => Siege => Topic started by: Neozinhu on July 04, 2010, 07:43:10 PM

Title: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 04, 2010, 07:43:10 PM
Innadril: "Kill the friends 1st, and target the rest later".   Thx Weezer  ;D

A bit moar action after the 1st hour, and its fun how to Temp says that we help Pride...and Pride says that we help Temp =X

Giran: Wasnt, but the "Our CL isnt on to engrave made me laugh"

Gludio: Heard about one engrave saved in the last second.

Schutt: When i logged...45 min left to finish the siege, we took it back...and stay rebuffin only...

Happy B-day USA :P

And any flame is welcome...
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: jygh on July 04, 2010, 07:58:31 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 04, 2010, 07:43:10 PM

Giran: Wasnt, but the "Our CL isnt on to engrave made me laugh"

Schutt: When i logged...45 min left to finish the siege, we took it back...and stay rebuffin only...

on shutgart when our 1 pt killed 2 pt of pride ( hello enclave  +7 on u XD )  i heard that i ve 5 bishops in pt . too bad i had just 1 :<
anyway gz to everyone :P
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 04, 2010, 08:26:45 PM
Quote from: jygh on July 04, 2010, 07:58:31 PM
on shutgart when our 1 pt killed 2 pt of pride ( hello enclave  +7 on u XD )  i heard that i ve 5 bishops in pt . too bad i had just 1 :<
anyway gz to everyone :P
damn i miss smth :D
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Weezer on July 04, 2010, 10:08:56 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 04, 2010, 07:43:10 PM
Innadril: "Kill the friends 1st, and target the rest later".   Thx Weezer  ;D

Kill Neoz1nhu 1st, and the rest later...  ;)
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Sephiroth on July 05, 2010, 12:02:12 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 04, 2010, 11:55:51 PM
Im started to study English Philology , so you can see the results of it : D

Actually we can't.
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Sephiroth on July 05, 2010, 12:55:06 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 05, 2010, 12:22:03 AM
Im started thats mean - in this year , you can see  - now

So its correctly , also im on first year , so dont campare me to a doctor or prof.

I'd rather say I've started,actually I've never seen I'm+past simple or in that case didn't pay attention.

Anyway learning English is more or less easy if u write here and speak it with a native guy.
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 05, 2010, 04:11:40 AM
eeee garo mi best fun...you go on lessons for english to spam forum? :OOOOO
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 05, 2010, 04:53:51 AM
Quote from: trooperXkoki on July 05, 2010, 04:11:40 AM
eeee garo mi best fun...you go on lessons for english to spam forum? :OOOOO
i didnt need'em
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 05, 2010, 05:16:25 AM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 05, 2010, 04:53:51 AM
i didnt need'em
same :D
but you donot understand gayro...he wanna loooks sooo damn cool :D
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Arienrod on July 05, 2010, 08:51:23 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 04, 2010, 08:46:16 PM
you killed 2 pt there ? seems you was tottally blind cuz there was my pt only ( mixed DN + Lemons ) so as always dream mind mode on . And no1 wrote that you have 5 bishops but 4 healers , same like voudas , but still you had a 10 mins of problems with my pt . For sure , if there would fight with you , full pt of DN members you gonna die like yesterday on varka serveral times . So as i already wrote , enjoy ur dream mode .

you should not insult lemonsquad and yourself in same time imo: you mean that with real DN mages you could have been good versus us, lemonsquad will enjoyt it. and 2 ask yourself why you were not included in the party of so so good DN mages XD XD

maciek> shame on us they sent us the losers party :D ahahahaa

anyway gf and lot of fun sunday  :P
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: 666VeNoM on July 05, 2010, 02:04:34 PM
Couldnt be there on sunday, had to go out with family.

But saturday was a fun siege. We had like 6/7 pts from ally. Sunday siege is a really big problem for brazilians (it starts exactly at 12:00h, so we r having lunch with family).

At least I got 21 pvp points from temps on saturday and 4 more yesterday.


Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: alinutza on July 05, 2010, 02:05:36 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 05, 2010, 12:48:16 PM
I have to dissapoint you ,bcoz mostly I am or Jeane is  creating mage pt in DN clan , and yesterday we just hadnt good online in that time , thats why i take Lemons , and im not saying that they were not good , but for sure they wasnt on our TS and most of them was on their char first time , like WC/BP  ,so as we prooved yesterday on HB and 2 days ago on Varka , Full DN squad can own your lolally in 1 pt , and it could be archers or mages party w/e , and for the future , we will visit u much more often on HB  :D :D
Gratz for Giran ..oh u lost it..Then gz for new owners ::)
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Teh noob on July 06, 2010, 02:49:12 AM
everytime smth interesting happens, im asleep.  QQ

for a decent fee i can promise our enemies to be online on every siege because it seems they need more my bad luck than their own skills  ;D  ;D  ;D

ppl say that if i target our bishop, it goes out of mana in 10 seconds. smth like evil eye, but l2 based.
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 06, 2010, 03:51:32 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 06, 2010, 02:25:33 PM

For sure its true , moslty bcoz you was rerolling to another char every single month , so ofc it was bcoz of ur OP chars , also Movie from Deathand shows us how good you are on Sorc/Tank xD

hf in Real life dude.
who talk... :X
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 06, 2010, 04:54:21 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 06, 2010, 04:20:44 PM
dude i reroll only once , from G4rro to JustMast3r , since 1 year of playing , dont compare me to Ungo xD
tell me ungo's chars? if you know them
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: jygh on July 06, 2010, 07:48:39 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 06, 2010, 06:11:18 PM
ganjaman , ungolianth , loldagger ? and he was relloing every 1 month xD
ganjaman is not his char plus he had 3 chars since 4 years lol so umm yeah reroll even every week ! lolz....
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 06, 2010, 08:40:20 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 06, 2010, 06:11:18 PM
ganjaman , ungolianth , loldagger ? and he was relloing every 1 month xD
he was on Mungo 1year+++, then on 920102002007 was like 4-5 or more months? and 2 days on dagger :D
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 08:31:21 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 05, 2010, 12:48:16 PM
Full DN squad can own your lolally in 1 pt , and it could be archers or mages party w/e.

Believe me or not...i was testing fraps when we did that pvp @ varka today (or yesterday? O_O), and i saw the "pro" DN pt falling.

And ye...i frapsed also the 2 pts that came later...but nvm...the fun was @ 1pt x 1pt...wasnt?  ;)
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 08, 2010, 12:41:01 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 08:31:21 AM
Believe me or not...i was testing fraps when we did that pvp @ varka today (or yesterday? O_O), and i saw the "pro" DN pt falling.

And ye...i frapsed also the 2 pts that came later...but nvm...the fun was @ 1pt x 1pt...wasnt?  ;)
link xD
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 08:25:46 PM
Quote from: trooperXkoki on July 08, 2010, 12:41:01 PM
link xD
i'm trying to make smth with the video in vegas...but after render..the resolution is kinda fcked up...

and the normal file is 3,5gb O_o

<- noob in fraps/vegas QQ

Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 08, 2010, 08:52:34 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 08:40:31 PM
pro pt DN ? dude  Shreed + Orlen + wc/bp and me is a pt of DN ? wake up XD  When we gather a full pt , not even one us died , and you didnt came back ^^
no, he said that you came 2 pts...u just waste money on ur 'pro' english lessons Q_Q go on some vacation wash ur head coz i see flame in ur eyes, possible you suicide if situation go wrong
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 09:00:25 PM
Budynios                                             |  Maciekbiba
Shreed                                                |  Guenaz0r
Enclave                                               |  Alinutza (she's > u)
Orlen                                                   |  Viktorov (pwning in mage buffs)
Marchewka                                        |  Me (newp)
Zerita                                                  |  Ordek (d0rf)
Krd0                                                   |  Herza
ckYzz                                                | xStecfiax

8 ppl                                                  | 8 ppl

U had 2 bishops / we had 1 bishop , u spammed SoF till u havent it anymore, we just used it once
I bet that...krd0 and cKY wasnt helping u...for sure  ::) ::), was just...common enemies (/ironic)

Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 08:40:31 PM
pro pt DN ? dude  Shreed + Orlen + wc/bp and me is a pt of DN ? wake up XD  When we gather a full pt , not even one us died , and you didnt came back ^^

2 pts u mean...one mage and one archer......but ur ego made u blind that u didnt see what i wrote \/
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 08:31:21 AM
And ye...i frapsed also the 2 pts that came later...but nvm...the fun was @ 1pt x 1pt...wasnt?  ;)
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: alinutza on July 08, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 08, 2010, 09:00:25 PM
Budynios                                             |  Maciekbiba
Shreed                                                |  Guenaz0r
Enclave                                               |  Alinutza (she's > u)
Orlen                                                   |  Viktorov (pwning in mage buffs)
Marchewka                                        |  Me (newp)
Zerita                                                  |  Ordek (d0rf)
Krd0                                                   |  Herza
ckYzz                                                | xStecfiax

8 ppl                                                  | 8 ppl

U had 2 bishops / we had 1 bishop , u spammed SoF till u havent it anymore, we just used it once
I bet that...krd0 and cKY wasnt helping u...for sure  ::) ::), was just...common enemies (/ironic)

2 pts u mean...one mage and one archer......but ur ego made u blind that u didnt see what i wrote \/
Neo dont waste ur time on this dude ..rly isnt worth it..he ll prolly say he never saw krd0  and his party or even that they  fought them so its just w/e
A link with fight will be great, if not just let it be ....
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: jygh on July 08, 2010, 10:21:02 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 10:07:47 PM
stop counting Katamarans like a part of DN party , they never was in our pt and they was running alone , we were there with 4-5 ppl and we failed cuz 3 of you was trancing us like 5 mins , and we hadnt enough ppl to make some seriously dmg on you . But when we gather full pt , you wasnt even able to trance some1 in first minute ,and after it you was in town , so if you want pvp 1 pt vs 1 pt we can make it without problems , but it will ends like always so think about it .
u fkcing moron died like shit . we died in ur second rush cause u took 1 pt of renesance and more dn's for 6 ppls ( - 2 bots ) and  we were not even buffed u dkhead and still like 5-6 ppls from u died lol . hard to not die when u catch us unbuffed .  plus u should count those dogs from katamaran as ur ally since they r everywhere u go ... MORON  , btw  neo stefcia is bot to dance XD yeah good oponent for dn clan
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Shreed on July 08, 2010, 10:22:22 PM
lol this sieges topic become topic about some 1 pvp on varka ? we didnt had even activ sws in party ... but nvm enjoy this momment as your great victory....

if you wanna real 9 vs 9 comon

DN vs any 9 ppl form your ally

i can bet any ammount of DC ... just pm me with resonable time and place :P
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: jygh on July 08, 2010, 10:36:05 PM
Quote from: Shreed on July 08, 2010, 10:22:22 PM
lol this sieges topic become topic about some 1 pvp on varka ? we didnt had even activ sws in party ... but nvm enjoy this momment as your great victory....

if you wanna real 9 vs 9 comon

DN vs any 9 ppl form your ally

i can bet any ammount of DC ... just pm me with resonable time and place :P
u would win cause u ve better geared ppls in clan i admit it but from post like this enclave do all just laught at ur clan cuz of this guy stupidity k and renevan XD start count ppls who help u cause u just act lame and i ve rly no idea why all of them still lick ur ass when u dont give a fck about them proving it everyday ( btw stefcia aka our bd was on garden of beast spawn for half of time cuz she got stucked in wall ) btw u had bot sws same as we had bot bd so... excuse with no point
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Shreed on July 08, 2010, 10:38:35 PM
Quote from: jygh on July 08, 2010, 10:36:05 PM
u would win cause u ve better geared ppls in clan i admit it but from post like this enclave do all just laught at ur clan cuz of this guy stupidity k and renevan XD start count ppls who help u cause u just act lame and i ve rly no idea why all of them still lick ur ass when u dont give a fck about them proving it everyday ( btw stefcia aka our bd was on garden of beast spawn for half of time cuz she got stucked in wall ) btw u had bot sws same as we had bot bd so... excuse with no point

bet or stf !
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: alinutza on July 08, 2010, 10:50:53 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 10:40:01 PM
i will not even read ur answers cuz they are same everytime , 3 partys of Pride zerged 6 ppl from BA , also you was unbuffed and everyone was helping us to kill you , ofc ofc , next time i will just make SS and post it every single pvp againts you , and then you will be not able to create more fairytales.
And then u woke up and was morning....and u had a nice dream....then u woke up again 3 years later (english lessons finished) and still no improvement....
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 09, 2010, 04:21:19 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 10:40:01 PM
i will not even read ur answers cuz they are same everytime , 3 partys of Pride zerged 6 ppl from BA , also you was unbuffed and everyone was helping us to kill you , ofc ofc , next time i will just make SS and post it every single pvp againts you , and then you will be not able to create more fairytales.
and you woke up and on ur right side Poster with Trooper...on right side poster with maciek....on ur top-wall poster with Maciek and trooper how they rape ur dirty polish, not at all hairy ass
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 04:53:32 AM
Same and Same things all the time

Quote from: G4rro on July 04, 2010, 08:46:16 PM
you killed 2 pt there ? seems you was tottally blind cuz there was my pt only ( mixed DN + Lemons ) so as always dream mind mode on . And no1 wrote that you have 5 bishops but 4 healers , same like voudas , but still you had a 10 mins of problems with my pt . For sure , if there would fight with you , full pt of DN members you gonna die like yesterday on varka serveral times . So as i already wrote , enjoy ur dream mode .
/\ Lemons is ur ally...deal with it.

Quote from: G4rro on July 08, 2010, 10:07:47 PM
stop counting Katamarans like a part of DN party , they never was in our pt and they was running alone
/\ Oh ye...i bet they u were pvping eachother before we came, in sieges also, u are enemies  ;D ;D ;D

About the pvp, Maciek is right, u win against us if u make one full pt, bcuz of the better gear, since i'm sure that u can make one full pt with DNET sets/boss sets , and i still have some tate jewelz...u already know the result.

The fact is...when i win...u're pro, when u lose...the world is against you, stop with ur lies all the time, and show some respect sometimes... bcuz if DN are so "pro"....why need all the server (except BH, Origins, BrokenAngels and <CB?>) to go in sieges?

W8ing for next excuse....bcuz...for sure...no one help you in sieges...they come bcuz they want to ..right?  ;D
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Furesy on July 09, 2010, 10:04:51 AM
It's funny to see people who used to die like 10 vs 1 or 2 are now talking about me > you :P
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: jygh on July 09, 2010, 12:33:37 PM
Quote from: Furesy on July 09, 2010, 10:04:51 AM
It's funny to see people who used to die like 10 vs 1 or 2 are now talking about me > you :P
they became like temps lately lol u die u r noob u win u r noob anyway XDDD
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: 666VeNoM on July 09, 2010, 01:57:46 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 04:53:32 AM
About the pvp, Maciek is right, u win against us if u make one full pt, bcuz of the better gear, since i'm sure that u can make one full pt with DNET sets/boss sets , and i still have some tate jewelz...u already know the result.

Meh. My jewel set is tateo... And I still kick some asses

Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 05:24:03 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 02:09:37 PM
dude we dont need all the server to win in siege , bcoz all ppl who fights against temps except (BH, Origins, BrokenAngels and <CB?>) are already in our ally , so wtf you talking about ? and we are still getting castles , epics without ur help , so we dont need any excuse  ;)
Katamarans?  ::)

Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 09, 2010, 06:03:09 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 05:29:29 PM
yup Nitopami and his bot bd/se and Krd0 are helping us a lot !
and irock, buly, keen, mesalina, etc etc
nitopami bot bdse > you
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 06:32:54 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 06:30:05 PM
keen , messalina was kicked from DN 2-3 days ago , so dont count them as a katamarans helpers in Sieges/Epics , stop joking guys .

nitopami bot bdse > you

propably it could be true , but still he have better dmg than you , mr 250 dmg dealer  :-*
when u came with 2 pts (1  full pt for u), they came also, and after we die...i didnt see u pvping eachother...Nito were also in Baium PVP with Pride some days ago...

I know, i know...its just coincidences right?
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 07:33:59 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 07:10:32 PM
what 2 ptys ? Katamarans can't gather 1 pt and you are writing than we came with 2 ptys ,  and whats wrong with that , if nito is going with us to epics ? he have friends in renesence and he got pt from them , yesterday gaimardi was with us in valakas , thats mean BA is our helper too ? lol
Gaimaldi is anywhere...dont blame him...  ;D, he's helping pride against temp in sieges sometimes also...but dont attack us  :)

i Still dont get why u treat Lemons and Renessance like "its thier fault not our" . . . "he have friends in renesence and he got pt from them" <- its ur ally...isnt?, be with them = be with you.

One ally is one ally, u cant blame one or other clan...its ally fault..or ally merit...

If u dont agree...disband ally and do it alone =]

Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 08:22:44 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 08:00:06 PM
dude you are telling me that without 2-3 ppl from Katamarans , Pride cant kill epics, win pvp or get castles ? cuz i still didnt get ur point at all
my point is: u're always using excuses to everything

Isnt about katamarans, but in everything, if u check this topic, u already said that "we died bcuz wasnt full DN pt, was mixed with lemons", "Katamarans were with renessance, not with us", "they wasnt with us, they were running alone", and as i said, be in pt with you = help you, even 3 or 4 ppl make difference.

And, i'm not sure if ally x ally only, u can beat temp in sieges, bcuz normally our pt stay out of siege zone...and we pvp against temps, always

BUT HEY!!, last weekend we were in our castles,didnt go giran, and what happened to giran?

Ps.: I have no proofs, but i know how<that> u killed valakas 2 days ago. <- say me that i lie, but u know what i'm talking about. =]
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 09, 2010, 09:08:32 PM
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 08:22:44 PM
my point is: u're always using excuses to everything

Isnt about katamarans, but in everything, if u check this topic, u already said that "we died bcuz wasnt full DN pt, was mixed with lemons", "Katamarans were with renessance, not with us", "they wasnt with us, they were running alone", and as i said, be in pt with you = help you, even 3 or 4 ppl make difference.

And, i'm not sure if ally x ally only, u can beat temp in sieges, bcuz normally our pt stay out of siege zone...and we pvp against temps, always

BUT HEY!!, last weekend we were in our castles,didnt go giran, and what happened to giran?

Ps.: I have no proofs, but i know how<that> u killed valakas 2 days ago. <- say me that i lie, but u know what i'm talking about. =]
Neo stop waste ur time for some kids like g4yro, i know that you re locita spamerita but srsly. He do not deserve attention like this

@g4yro: dude, ofc i hit you 250 dmg on sof, lol on ur 900 with no buffs
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 09, 2010, 09:19:46 PM
Quote from: trooperXkoki on July 09, 2010, 09:08:32 PM
Neo stop waste ur time for some kids like g4yro, i know that you re locita spamerita but srsly. He do not deserve attention like this
still have to make 5,5k posts QQ
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 09, 2010, 09:42:48 PM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 08:00:06 PM
dude you are telling me that without 2-3 ppl from Katamarans , Pride cant kill epics, win pvp or get castles ? cuz i still didnt get ur point at all
do you wanna say that you do not wanna ally with katamaran? or??? xD
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: trooperXkoki on July 10, 2010, 01:27:42 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
i cant stop laugh at you dude xD using sof for you ? you made my day xDD  :D :D :D :D
no for your grandma
i think you have to stop take english lessons, you ve to go to ask some help from doctor specialist for kids with psyho-problems
Title: Re: 3.4/07/2010 Weekend Sieges
Post by: Neozinhu on July 10, 2010, 05:40:19 AM
Quote from: G4rro on July 09, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
so stop talking bullshits that ur pt are stoping temps
Erhm...did i say that we stop temps?, i've said that we pvp against them, most of the times we get them grouping near of siege zone...and its take them time, bcuz they have to kill us to start to organize the rush. Take some time, bcuz we kill some temps also, they have to w8 summon delay, rebuff...and tada...we came again...and a bit moar time...

If i'm lying, why did temps say that we help u in siege? bcuz they pvp against us...and dont see we pvp against u...

but ok ok...i'll stop here, u're the "pro", i'm the newp that never pvp, but i'm realist at least, i know who play better than me...and the ones that kill me bcuz of the better stuff/subcombo =]