wow who scammed u bro ?
its imposible Alina gave u wrong date , it was 11-12 august , and lol 2/3 items was them ..... and u say somethink about Rzeszow and Warszawa , they lives near Rzeszow . And u can't do anythink? All items have ID yes? U can find it maybe and say who scam ... i think it isnt take you many time , I play here more than 6 year u can do one thing . TY
to jak te znikajace dnet sety z kwasa :)
Quote from: Sali on August 19, 2010, 12:03:01 AM
to jak te znikajace dnet sety z kwasa :)
Gdzie one są?! Gdzie są one?! Słyszałam maćkową wersję tego zajścia :D
Quote from: Mioo on August 19, 2010, 07:22:24 PM
Gdzie one są?! Gdzie są one?! Słyszałam maćkową wersję tego zajścia :D
a co maciek mowil? :o
:o , i hope track will do something in this case gnori :-[
Quote from: Sali on August 20, 2010, 05:37:32 AM
a co maciek mowil? :o
tanio tego nie sprzedam :-*
Quote from: Gnori on August 18, 2010, 11:57:18 PM
its imposible Alina gave u wrong date , it was 11-12 august , and lol 2/3 items was them ..... and u say somethink about Rzeszow and Warszawa , they lives near Rzeszow . And u can't do anythink? All items have ID yes? U can find it maybe and say who scam ... i think it isnt take you many time , I play here more than 6 year u can do one thing . TY
nic nowego banuje za nic :) jak Cię ojebią to ma to w dupie .... czyli tak jak zawsze na tym servie nic się nie zmienia poza coraz mniejszą ilością grających osób xD
Quote from: Gnori on August 18, 2010, 09:14:49 AM
RETIREDIt's ur time ...
And soon it will be my time as troller " P.S. I will clean the rubbish on forum in next 48h and of course ban the one who deserved "
Quote from: Gnori on August 18, 2010, 11:57:18 PM
its imposible Alina gave u wrong date , it was 11-12 august , and lol 2/3 items was them ..... and u say somethink about Rzeszow and Warszawa , they lives near Rzeszow . And u can't do anythink? All items have ID yes? U can find it maybe and say who scam ... i think it isnt take you many time , I play here more than 6 year u can do one thing . TY
Warszawa >>> Its population as of June 2009 was estimated at 1,711,466,
Rzeszów >>> with a population of 172,813 (2009)
(source> wikipedia.org)
gogogog Gnori no time to lose :P you have only 1,9kk possibilites to check :P
Quote from: Shreed on August 20, 2010, 06:44:32 PM
Warszawa >>> Its population as of June 2009 was estimated at 1,711,466,
Rzeszów >>> with a population of 172,813 (2009)
(source> wikipedia.org)
gogogog Gnori no time to lose :P you have only 1,9kk possibilites to check :P
Well, as far as I know, it's maximum 4-5 people near Rzeszów to check ;D
Quote from: Mioo on August 20, 2010, 03:08:37 PM
tanio tego nie sprzedam :-*
a ja nie mam czym placic ::)
Quote from: Sali on August 20, 2010, 08:48:12 PM
a ja nie mam czym placic ::)
a tak chciałam jechać na męskie granie! :(
w takim razie nie ma njusów :<
Quote from: Gnori on August 18, 2010, 09:14:49 AM
i got scammed at well, bro, i share your pain. I lost like 80 coins.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on August 21, 2010, 01:22:19 AM
i got scammed at well, bro, i share your pain. I lost like 80 coins.
Oh wow :(
Quote from: Sali on August 20, 2010, 08:48:12 PM
a ja nie mam czym placic ::)
To ponapierdalaj w zakena dobrze Ci szło ::)
Quote from: AmenN on August 21, 2010, 12:13:12 PM
To ponapierdalaj w zakena dobrze Ci szło ::)
to miala mnie w jakis sposob obrazic? kiepsko wyszlo...
Quote from: Mioo on August 20, 2010, 10:39:54 PM
a tak chciałam jechać na męskie granie! :(
w takim razie nie ma njusów :<
no znajde w garazu jakies wolne miejsce na namiot jak chcesz :D
Quote from: Sali on August 21, 2010, 04:01:09 PM
no znajde w garazu jakies wolne miejsce na namiot jak chcesz :D
Ojej, a od kiedy mieszkasz w Koneserze? ;< Nie jestem z tych, które sypiają w namiotach.
@ topic. Track should do sth with it. But yea, giving passes to anyone is quite stupid idea. I know it, coz I made the same mistake as yours. ;<
po chuj spamujecie omg
wind i lost dnet light+6 dnet robe dyn fist+6 rb jewellery without neacle .. and some items
Quote from: Gnori on August 21, 2010, 10:03:25 PM
po chuj spamujecie omg
wind i lost dnet light+6 dnet robe dyn fist+6 rb jewellery without neacle .. and some items
Quote from: WindPhoenix on August 21, 2010, 11:49:36 PM
but not even a half of this items were his, so ye ouch!
Quote from: Sali on August 21, 2010, 04:01:09 PM
to miala mnie w jakis sposob obrazic? kiepsko wyszlo...
Czytaj ze zrozumieniem ! chyba ze masz powody aby się wstydzić ,jak bym chciał Cie obrażać dał bym " dobrze"
Quote from: Gnori on August 21, 2010, 10:03:25 PM
po chuj spamujecie omg
wind i lost dnet light+6 dnet robe dyn fist+6 rb jewellery without neacle .. and some items
Gnori obudź się .Ty naprawdę myślisz że któregoś z tych pseudo Gm to obchodzi ,wzuć na luz i zajmij sie lepiej farmieniem lub z korzystaj z linka http://www.dragon-community.net/index-donation.php :'( :'(
ps. sry za spam
Quote from: AmenN on August 22, 2010, 02:10:19 AM
Czytaj ze zrozumieniem ! chyba ze masz powody aby się wstydzić ,jak bym chciał Cie obrażać dał bym " dobrze"
Gnori obudź się .Ty naprawdę myślisz że któregoś z tych pseudo Gm to obchodzi ,wzuć na luz i zajmij sie lepiej farmieniem lub z korzystaj z linka http://www.dragon-community.net/index-donation.php :'( :'(
ps. sry za spam
piszac "dobrze" oznaczalo by ze szlo mi to tak ja Draksowi, czyli gorzej niz zle, a chyba bylo na odwrot :) to i tak nie zmienia faktu ze nie rozumiem...
Quote from: Gnori on August 18, 2010, 11:57:18 PM
its imposible Alina gave u wrong date , it was 11-12 august , and lol 2/3 items was them ..... and u say somethink about Rzeszow and Warszawa , they lives near Rzeszow . And u can't do anythink? All items have ID yes? U can find it maybe and say who scam ... i think it isnt take you many time , I play here more than 6 year u can do one thing . TY
nie grasz tu 6 lat bo grasz krócej odemnie a ja nie gram 6 lat, co do itemów to track ci nie pomoże nic nie odzyskasz, nawet się nie dowiesz jakie ip mial ten co ci na konto wszedł, co jest najprostszą rzeczą do sprawdzenia dla tracka
a tego doom lighta i B grade-owych fistów Ci nie zadziobali , to mi się z Tobą kojarzyło ;x
no chlipus juz bedzie okolo 6lat :)
a and track don't help me because i insult him once time .... no comment
ale Panowie!!!
Dragon - Network
Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x9 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 4500 players! 100% uptime.Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped in 6 years.
Quote from: macris-0007 on August 22, 2010, 07:35:24 PM
ale Panowie!!!
Dragon - Network
Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x9 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 450 players! 100% uptime.Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped in 6 years.
some english plox...
and sorry to hear that ppl that play here 6 years have an end like that...
gl mate!
Quote from: Gnori on August 22, 2010, 06:35:03 PM
a and track don't help me because i insult him once time .... no comment
i never insulted him. and i'm stillw aiting for him to help me :)
Quote from: Kamillo29 on August 22, 2010, 03:23:07 PM
a tego doom lighta i B grade-owych fistów Ci nie zadziobali , to mi się z Tobą kojarzyło ;x
dc i som ale biedaaaaaaaaaaaa
Quote from: Kamillo29 on August 23, 2010, 11:57:18 AM
da/necro na 2 hity
chyba mnie z kims pomyliles mr.ilwilllcancelthemtothebone
ale Panowie!!!
Dragon - Network
Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x9 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 4500 players! 100% uptime.Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped in 6 years.
bez agresji mi tu tylko !
Quote from: Ungolianth on August 24, 2010, 09:27:24 PM
its topic bout scamm u know,,,dont wanna be mean but u could do this love chat on msn...
topic about scams are usually in Bad Users, ops...
Quote from: macris-0007 on August 24, 2010, 01:25:02 AM
ale Panowie!!!
Dragon - Network
Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x9 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 4500 players! 100% uptime.Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped in 6 years.
LOLED at ur video on Arion bro :D
sali grubasie , wypierdalaj :| pizza czeka
btw who scammed u gnori?!?
yyyy i dont know.... track help me a lot
Quote from: Gnori on August 25, 2010, 08:57:01 PM
sali grubasie , wypierdalaj :| pizza czeka
bycie wulgarnym raczej ci nie pomoze w tej chwili, no chyba ze czujesz sie teraz lepiej to czekam na wiecej
to po chuj tu spamujesz? masz całe forum ,a jesli nie masz zamiaru pomoc tylko mnie wkurwiac to po prostu , wypierdalaj
Quote from: Ungolianth on August 26, 2010, 05:29:59 PM
and normal ppl usually respect when some1 is scammed...
dude, i respect a lot person that is scammed, Juri, bcos most valuable items stolen from Gnori belongs to Juri, so WTF ur talking about if u dont even have idea whats going on here. Since Juri said he dont give a flying freak about this game anymore Gnori looking for good chance to gear up himself, and let me guess after geting items back (what wont happend i guess) he will not say even a single word to Juri about it. So ye some ppl deserve respect, others dont. eot for me
salli faking idiot u dont know nothing , than stfu , maybe juri sold all for him friend , cuz he atm sold all him acounts for him .........
Gnori, I'm really sorry about ur situation but Track have you and your problems in center of his beatiful sixy ass :) BTW He is only interested about updates to next chronicles... Next chronicle = next 20% ppl disapear so old players must donate more and buisness are still working :)
Quote from: Gnori on August 26, 2010, 06:58:41 PM
salli faking idiot u dont know nothing , than stfu , maybe juri sold all for him friend , cuz he atm sold all him acounts for him .........
so u didnt had his jewels and set huh?
Quote from: Ungolianth on August 26, 2010, 07:52:30 PM
still no point spamming scam topic with love message...u got msn for that
wow the last guardian of morality at this forum? Nah it cant be u...
i got him neacle and set but rest items was mine , and now dont have anything 0 adena 0 in wh 0 nobless gate passes ... and it's not your business
Quote from: Gnori on August 26, 2010, 10:21:10 PM
i got him neacle and set but rest items was mine , and now dont have anything 0 adena 0 in wh 0 nobless gate passes ... and it's not your business
well im somehow involved in this case since its to many times when some items disapearing from accounts and u somehow got passes to them all, and ur way of begging for items bcos for 5 years of playing u couldnt get anything on ur own make u look even funnier
Quote from: Ungolianth on August 26, 2010, 10:36:13 PM
justice is back :D
at least im not trying to looks cool by defending a fool :-*
Huh and u got pass on kwas than stfu . Who took all items from him? You and u buy dnet+6 for 3x dnet set. I only play for fun , dont have time to farm , your life is computer , my is real life it is a diffrence between us . Stop banging horse and finally find girl i dont speaking about your computer .
Quote from: Gnori on August 27, 2010, 07:33:13 AM
Huh and u got pass on kwas than stfu . Who took all items from him? You and u buy dnet+6 for 3x dnet set. I only play for fun , dont have time to farm , your life is computer , my is real life it is a diffrence between us . Stop banging horse and finally find girl i dont speaking about your computer .
Quote from: Gnori on August 27, 2010, 07:33:13 AM
Huh and u got pass on kwas than stfu . Who took all items from him? You and u buy dnet+6 for 3x dnet set. I only play for fun , dont have time to farm , your life is computer , my is real life it is a diffrence between us . Stop banging horse and finally find girl i dont speaking about your computer .
Calm down bcos when ur nervous ur english geting even worse. And ofc i had passes to Kwas, thats why i put my dnet robe there, and ur telling me now i stolen my own set? I wasnt sure its u at 1st scam bcos kwas messed up with passes and wasnt sure who got em, but 2nd scam was after pass changed and only me. u and sooth had passes, seems clear for me who took set. About set +6, yes i bought it for 3 dyna sets and baium, got any problem about that? ive told u, come to zaken get profits, but u prefer begging for items, well not my buisness anymore. About my real life, its bit silly ur accusing a retired player of being noliffer, sounds funny but its u who loose precious hours of his life playing this silly game.
Quote from: Ungolianth on August 27, 2010, 03:52:22 PM
hihi :) sali tell us close info bout kwas case...too many of ur old clan mates talk about u like about scammer :P defend it
change a informator, this 1 seems to be retarded
Quote from: Gnori on August 27, 2010, 07:33:13 AM
Huh and u got pass on kwas than stfu . Who took all items from him? You and u buy dnet+6 for 3x dnet set. I only play for fun , dont have time to farm , your life is computer , my is real life it is a diffrence between us . Stop banging horse and finally find girl i dont speaking about your computer .
huh so for what u crying here bro , take a break gl in real life . its only game, only game ^^ if u wanna start from 0 i have rly good server full gracia no lags no bugs x7 over 3500 people :)
imo u should be happy cos is just lil sucky... change serv or leave l2 ....
sebo which movie u mean was 3 ;) atm break 26 september after that new serv cos arion is dead (yea when serv got less then 1,5k then its dead boys ::))
Quote from: mortal on August 27, 2010, 05:06:17 PM
huh so for what u crying here bro , take a break gl in real life . its only game, only game ^^ if u wanna start from 0 i have rly good server full gracia no lags no bugs x7 over 3500 people :)
bilion online!
Quote from: Sali on August 27, 2010, 04:44:15 PM
Calm down bcos when ur nervous ur english geting even worse. And ofc i had passes to Kwas, thats why i put my dnet robe there, and ur telling me now i stolen my own set? I wasnt sure its u at 1st scam bcos kwas messed up with passes and wasnt sure who got em, but 2nd scam was after pass changed and only me. u and sooth had passes, seems clear for me who took set. About set +6, yes i bought it for 3 dyna sets and baium, got any problem about that? ive told u, come to zaken get profits, but u prefer begging for items, well not my buisness anymore. About my real life, its bit silly ur accusing a retired player of being noliffer, sounds funny but its u who loose precious hours of his life playing this silly game.change a informator, this 1 seems to be retarded
It was mine. Kwas took it from some bp/wc, and then it was stolen. ::)
Quote from: Mioo on August 27, 2010, 10:01:11 PM
It was mine. Kwas took it from some bp/wc, and then it was stolen. ::)
ye thats about 1st set, later on my dnet robe disapeared from there... thats why i was talking about 2 sets that vanished...
ale zamknij morde sali