max atrribute value in weapon should be 300 attack <gracia> /// 150 attack <hellbound>
in armor 120 def each (total 600) <gracia> /// 30 def each (total 120) <hellbound>
on DN max lvl atr is 9 (its bug, because max lvl on off is 7)
toggle skills like HOLY WEAPON (pal skill) work bad - in stats this skill increase holy attack value but dmg on targets is 2x lower
buff Holy Weapon remove atr bonus
seed of water/fire/wind on mobs works fine (dmg is highter) but on players dmg is lower
archers are QQing again?
attribute system works pretty good now..u have just to reach max value on armors
Oh come on! Im tired of this QQ posts... reduce/nerf more dmg of critics from mages? With full gear mages can do 20% of critic max! Stop QQ pls!
Nerf archers.
Mages are ok.
Quote from: 666VeNoM on August 23, 2010, 05:15:01 PM
Nerf archers.
Mages are ok.
try make sps :D 7-8k crits, light wortex all time, cancel all time
remove 3x dark resist from armour and put holy