i read a post about trying to nerft cancel of sps/ee, well lets say something about this class, healing already nerfed at olys only for this class, casting and many things are nerfed of this class, sps/ee is a very good combo, nerfed at all, and when he get some power again everyone :'( :'( :'( wants to nerfed it more and more, well lets talk about daggers 5-6k power dmg on olys, or or maybe wc/ty dmg also, or maybe about any pp/combo whit mystinc inmunity, or maybe about 100% banes land of necro, sps/ee is weak on pdef, the 1k heal max suks, even whit batle heal another race can get more hp restore, and now WTFFFFFF ppls are complaining about cancel?, ofc let me guess is fun to farm sps/ee at olys and now when 2-3 guys of this races are getting some hard victories ( cous even whit this cancel is hard to win vs many races for this class), ppls are crying?, track check this char at olys, u will easy see that only 2-3 guys ( whit very overpower items) who are using this char are making some victories.
qq qq qq every faking nerf ends with qq, they shouldnt try balance anything, and then we would sink in ocean of tears... so think twice b4 u discreditate any nerf
Quote from: Sali on September 07, 2010, 04:46:29 AM
qq qq qq every faking nerf ends with qq, they shouldnt try balance anything, and then we would sink in ocean of tears... so think twice b4 u discreditate any nerf
QQ about nerfs?, maybe ppls should not QQ about how some combos are?.
Quote from: ribera on September 07, 2010, 05:08:24 AM
QQ about nerfs?, maybe ppls should not QQ about how some combos are?.
read my post again, and ull understand, oh and mby read other topic where Wind qq about op archers and check my answer there, and ill tell u 1 thing, if not all that nerfs, for all classes it would be a faking wild west here- who shoot 1st win. Yet i havent seen any nerfs for mages since a rly long time (lower heal doesnt count in, who da fak care about oly...) so every1 need a moment of truth, now is urs, keep ur char and show u worth smthing more than ur char is, or reroll, and be like many others, looking for "curently op chars" recompensate lack of skill.
who care about oly...in other post about cancel we were talking about pvp,atm cancel is insane stop QQ so much
Quote from: ribera on September 07, 2010, 04:30:27 AM
i read a post about trying to nerft cancel of sps/ee, well lets say something about this class, healing already nerfed at olys only for this class, casting and many things are nerfed of this class, sps/ee is a very good combo, nerfed at all, and when he get some power again everyone :'( :'( :'( wants to nerfed it more and more, well lets talk about daggers 5-6k power dmg on olys, or or maybe wc/ol dmg also, or maybe about any pp/combo whit mystinc inmunity, or maybe about 100% banes land of necro, sps/ee is weak on pdef, the 1k heal max suks, even whit batle heal another race can get more hp restore, and now WTFFFFFF ppls are complaining about cancel?, ofc let me guess is fun to farm sps/ee at olys and now when 2-3 guys of this races are getting some hard victories ( cous even whit this cancel is hard to win vs many races for this class), ppls are crying?, track check this char at olys, u will easy see that only 2-3 guys ( whit very overpower items) who are using this char are making some victories.
I think that ol/wc isn't good char on oly atm
Quote from: luckyluke13 on September 07, 2010, 06:09:38 PM
I think that ol/wc isn't good char on oly atm
ur right my mistake a already fix it is wc/ty
Lol ... SPS/EE was a very good char until it got nerfed little by little. CANCEL IS THE ONLY CHANCE for it to win a PVP.... since necro silence it in 3-4 trys max. Try trance on SPS/EE ... before it nuked NE/PP bigtime now... if 1/10 trys works you can be happy and grab a bear with some friends. Cancel WAS insane ... now it's the only chance it has not to be /DELETEed
Quote from: CrashOverAll on September 08, 2010, 05:18:10 AM
Lol ... SPS/EE was a very good char until it got nerfed little by little. CANCEL IS THE ONLY CHANCE for it to win a PVP.... since necro silence it in 3-4 trys max. Try trance on SPS/EE ... before it nuked NE/PP bigtime now... if 1/10 trys works you can be happy and grab a bear with some friends. Cancel WAS insane ... now it's the only chance it has not to be /DELETEed
agree with Sali u all only QQ when ur char get nerf... my precious get nerf to the bone last time... and i still play it... learn how to play not only reroll for era of PWN'zor cuz u will play it max 1-2 month... and u got nerf again ;D and u will cry :'( play char what u like... and learn how to play it ... and how to properly buff it. peace 8) and cYu on Varka :D
If someone with SPS/EE wants to go to a mass PVP .... bring a daggerist or an archer with you ;) You will own the battle ground cuse SPS/EE still hits low very low. Use cancel and put your mates to atack. It just got fun in pvp with this char. Well GL !!!! ;)
Quote from: CrashOverAll on September 09, 2010, 11:18:09 AM
If someone with SPS/EE wants to go to a mass PVP .... bring a daggerist or an archer with you ;) You will own the battle ground cuse SPS/EE still hits low very low. Use cancel and put your mates to atack. It just got fun in pvp with this char. Well GL !!!! ;)
thats why they hit 7-8k and have 0sec reuse on vortex
Quote from: trooperXkoki on September 09, 2010, 02:50:21 PM
thats why they hit 7-8k and have 0sec reuse on vortex
u expect sps/ee user to say that his char is fine?
Quote from: Sali on September 09, 2010, 03:59:03 PM
u expect sps/ee user to say that his char is fine?
u saw any skilled sps crying here too ? :D only low skilled are crying about their char's :D
Quote from: seboulba on September 09, 2010, 04:00:06 PM
u saw any skilled sps crying here too ? :D only low skilled are crying about their char's :D
and who are not low skilled? :D