I know that some people used bugs but with this cast speed limittation i got mine nerfed... is it impossible to set cast speed limit at least in 3k?
max cast is 2,5k and no more!same atk speed
bug?what bug?u see screens?but not make it 1y ago...
I cant complain if i was not playing 1 year ago :P so now I do
2,5k its max
more?no way..!
no is not.... make casting speed cap to 3.5k and keep the cap of 2.5k atk speed but only on bows/crossbows... i think u should remobe max atk speed on other weapons... u nerf all cause of your bugged bow with normal speed
Quote from: Supermistrz on February 10, 2011, 09:04:08 PM
yoy mean blunts for fighters or blunts for mages, cuz would be great if they would change 2handed blunts for mages on 1handed
BOMT, Desperation Staff, Imperial Staff would become as more usefull weapons
2,5k c.speed is easy to get for a mage but tell me how many archers are able to get that 2,5k? (1) class ::)
Quote from: PolSilv3r on February 10, 2011, 09:14:11 PM
2,5k c.speed is easy to get for a mage but tell me how many archers are able to get that 2,5k? (1) class ::)
y sucks, 2500 atk speed on hvy :< wtt atk speed for patk "pleee ingame ;)
Arcane Agility is useless now :)
And 3rd job summons also, since all have Divine Beast ;D
Quote from: Neozinhu on February 10, 2011, 09:23:39 PM
Arcane Agility is useless now :)
And 3rd job summons also, since all have Divine Beast ;D
i got a secret :D
Quote from: Gonzal on February 11, 2011, 01:19:23 AM
i got a secret :D
if arcane is usefull for u, u're hax00r, bcuz its easy to get 2500 w/o it ;D
and magnus is sak....dot
Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on February 11, 2011, 07:17:47 AM
It decrease also magic skills reuse :))
Useless also ... :)
Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on February 11, 2011, 07:17:47 AM
From valky near 2-3 mounts ago. As u see w/o ic bow(what means near +100 atk spd?)+sr boost(+10% atk spd)
Ah and tattoos was not emp4lvl monks, but 3lvl :)) As i remember.
And now read the small text :D
Quote from: PolSilv3r on February 10, 2011, 09:14:11 PM
2,5k c.speed is easy to get for a mage but tell me how many archers are able to get that 2,5k? (1) class ::)
You are SR - nothing new. Big atk.speed, low p.atk :P
But show me HE or PR with such a atk.speed ;)
2,5k max..hmmm as a mage i can tell this
Since I can get 2,1-2,2 cast on sh/sk then 2,5k on sps looks kinda ok
I don’t have problems with cast but to limit a speed after letting all buy icarus bow well ..that sux
Archers pay a lot for Icarus to get normal attack speed and after implementing such unbalance weapon DN lowers max a speed.
Someone got fcked here :)
Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on February 11, 2011, 09:51:49 AM
faster reuse of vortex, silences (debuffs), balance life, useless?
as u think.
Vortex -> Solar -> Vortex -> Solar -> Vortex -> Solar (w/o arcane)
I'm not saying that its useless for all, but for me, it is...i dont rly care for others :)
the fact is that if 1 char focus on cast speed, get's less m attack(which has no limit) if dark elfs can have the same cast speed as elfs.... smth wrong.
On archers is different coz u dont get much less p attack by increasing ur attack speed so there is such a visible difference
Quote from: Zarrock on February 11, 2011, 07:12:24 PM
the fact is that if 1 char focus on cast speed, get's less m attack(which has no limit) if dark elfs can have the same cast speed as elfs.... smth wrong.
On archers is different coz u dont get much less p attack by increasing ur attack speed so there is such a visible difference
this is what really bothers me also ... sh hase double m.atk and same cast as sps/ee ???
Quote from: cerebelo on February 12, 2011, 09:26:55 AM
this is what really bothers me also ... sh hase double m.atk and same cast as sps/ee ???
But SPS/EE still > all :D
Quote from: Gonzal on February 10, 2011, 08:13:47 PM
no is not.... make casting speed cap to 3.5k and keep the cap of 2.5k atk speed but only on bows/crossbows... i think u should remobe max atk speed on other weapons... u nerf all cause of your bugged bow with normal speed
Why would you need a casting cap if noone reaches it anyway..
What a load of boogus requests in this topic really....
Well , I could go easily over 3k (mby near 3,3k ) if not actual cap :)
so not so bogus topic :)
Quote from: thehunted on February 12, 2011, 10:07:37 AM
Why would you need a casting cap if noone reaches it anyway..
What a load of boogus requests in this topic really....
From 1y and half ago
DC robe set + Am+A / Baium/Tattos lvl 4 (No enchanted Passive / Summon Lore / No certs)
Ps: Malaria is lvl 10, not 4...so no bonus from this
Actually i have +15 passive and +2 Lore, with malaria lvl 4 will be easy to get 3,5k
so not so bogus topic [2]
Make 3rd Job Summons Usefull again
before cap on x200 server, sps/tk with some special buffs ^^ not everyone can get this:
with top items, ofcourse, am+a+16 full rb set +6 and hero zerk added to if i tested this on sps/es... abnormal casting speed :P
Quote from: Deathsoul on February 12, 2011, 05:44:45 PM
before cap on x200 server, sps/tk with some special buffs ^^ not everyone can get this:
with top items, ofcourse, am+a+16 full rb set +6 and hero zerk added to if i tested this on sps/es... abnormal casting speed :P
Quote from: Neozinhu on February 12, 2011, 04:53:05 PM
Make 3rd Job Summons Usefull again
Quote from: Deathsoul on February 12, 2011, 05:44:45 PM
before cap on x200 server, sps/tk with some special buffs ^^ not everyone can get this:
with top items, ofcourse, am+a+16 full rb set +6 and hero zerk added to if i tested this on sps/es... abnormal casting speed :P
Yep! Great M.atak and cast speed no doubt! Can i ask why you want all this if with that p def i would 1 shot your ass?
You GOTTA us Defense i'm always saying! Mind your Defense :P
Neuzinho com essa defesa toda vc tb ^^. Com 1 crit de alguns arqueiros aki e vc ainda tinha de devolver cp/hp de troco! :D
Quote from: Deathsoul on February 12, 2011, 05:44:45 PM
before cap on x200 server, sps/tk with some special buffs ^^ not everyone can get this:
with top items, ofcourse, am+a+16 full rb set +6 and hero zerk added to if i tested this on sps/es... abnormal casting speed :P
what sence have that cast? on that matk u'll 1shot everybody anyway ;D
Quote from: Javardsnegger on February 12, 2011, 07:56:04 PM
Neuzinho com essa defesa toda vc tb ^^. Com 1 crit de alguns arqueiros aki e vc ainda tinha de devolver cp/hp de troco! :D
Olha os buffs ... :)
Haters gonna hate always ;D
Quote from: plee on February 12, 2011, 10:07:01 PM
what sence have that cast? on that matk u'll 1shot everybody anyway ;D
he ve it on kamael buff i guess ( there is photo somewhere with chlipuspl having 71k m.atk )
Quote from: jygh on February 13, 2011, 04:09:55 AM
he ve it on kamael buff i guess ( there is photo somewhere with chlipuspl having 71k m.atk )
with kamael buff + sacrifice from divine wizzard
Quote from: seboulba on February 13, 2011, 03:19:11 PM
with kamael buff + sacrifice from divine wizzard
How long do these buffs last?
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on February 13, 2011, 04:50:12 PM
How long do these buffs last?
kamel is 30 sec i think and divine 1min
So as i told before, Summoners got nerfed with this.