And unplayable...
No sieges tomorrow?
Quote from: Neozinhu on March 05, 2011, 09:15:08 PM
And unplayable...
No sieges tomorrow?
gz to the ones who fuked up sieges and put aden and rune same day
Quote from: cthon on March 05, 2011, 09:32:09 PM
gz to the ones who fuked up sieges and put aden and rune same day
true true :(
Quote from: cthon on March 05, 2011, 09:32:09 PM
gz to the ones who fuked up sieges and put aden and rune same day
gz to ones that got rune and aden today :D
goddart , oren too
Quote from: Neozinhu on March 05, 2011, 09:48:54 PM
true true :(
i was sarcastic , your ally did that...
Quote from: cthon on March 05, 2011, 10:03:22 PM
i was sarcastic , your ally did that...
i know...i'm trying to understand that too...
Aden is saturday one...ok with this...
Rune was supposed to be tomorrow.. buut...someone changed it (i dunno who set siege date...tukann said it wasnt him) sieges @ sunday is sak =X
Quote from: cthon on March 05, 2011, 09:32:09 PM
gz to the ones who fuked up sieges and put aden and rune same day
before u talking sh1t mr. IKnowEverythingCosImSoFokingPr0, better ask GM how da fok its possible.
cos noon setted new time on sieges in our ally so 2 castle should be on diffrent times as it was 2 weeks ago.
Yeah we are not so foking stupid to set 2 siege on same day asshole.
Quote from: ylim on March 05, 2011, 10:48:35 PM
before u talking sh1t mr. IKnowEverythingCosImSoFokingPr0, better ask GM how da fok its possible.
cos noon setted new time on sieges in our ally so 2 castle should be on diffrent times as it was 2 weeks ago.
Yeah we are not so foking stupid to set 2 siege on same day asshole.
ask ur leaders, they know for sure...but they still hide the deal with temp lol
ur plan fail imo...u lost main castle and got goddard and dion QQ
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 05, 2011, 11:01:25 PM
but they still hide the deal with temp lol
u surprise me day by day :))))))))
nice deal they made to lose their both castles :)
geeez all ppl when they go to the dark side stop use their brain?:)
u really think that if someday ego+temp will fight together , u will have any chance? so stop speak bullsh1ts just to pretend u know smth when u actually don't know even how to buff proper :)
GZ to AoD+BH for owning Rune Castle.
Aden was dead :(
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 05, 2011, 11:01:25 PM
ask ur leaders, they know for sure...but they still hide the deal with temp lol
dude the deal was made by u with u lol
and indeed we loosed rune / aden . b army cl didnt change time of siege also oren siege was suposed to be in sunday and both were changed to saturday automatically and no 1 knew it
Quote from: Catos on March 05, 2011, 11:11:20 PM
u surprise me day by day :))))))))
nice deal they made to lose their both castles :)
geeez all ppl when they go to the dark side stop use their brain?:)
u really think that if someday ego+temp will fight together , u will have any chance? so stop speak bullsh1ts just to pretend u know smth when u actually don't know even how to buff proper :)
GZ to AoD+BH for owning Rune Castle.
Aden was dead :(
ou ou ou pizzababe easy no panic S:
Quote from: jygh on March 05, 2011, 11:13:58 PM
dude the deal was made by u with u lol
and indeed we loosed rune / aden . b army cl didnt change time of siege also oren siege was suposed to be in sunday and both were changed to saturday automatically and no 1 knew it
"they just wanna pvp, thats why they were with temps together" :(
man u made my day with this conspiracy theory with temp, yeah we made deal to loose our both castle :D
u need donate some brain still not late... :-*
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 05, 2011, 11:01:25 PM
ask ur leaders, they know for sure...but they still hide the deal with temp lol
Pathetic.... ::) ::)
Quote from: ylim on March 05, 2011, 11:33:35 PM
u need donate some brain still not late... :-*
still not late :D this made my day :D
stop that spam
was rly good siege
Quote from: ylim link=topic=244326.msg2260430#msg2260430 date=1299361715
Yeah we are not so foking stupid to set 2 siege on same day asshole.
no? u didnt set up next siege time, so it automatic changed
next time dont miss this important point after u take castle lol
if u didnt set new siege time, then it should be in same date as before. Rune was at SUNDAY and since nobody changed it it should be in SUNDAY. Its always was like that in last 4 years. so before u try to be smart inform urself a bit...
Lol i didnt knew that siage time can be change :D, can that be to on fortress? xD
Quote from: Phonex on March 07, 2011, 08:02:22 PM
Lol i didnt knew that siage time can be change :D, can that be to on fortress? xD
Quote from: ylim on March 07, 2011, 06:48:09 PM
if u didnt set new siege time, then it should be in same date as before. Rune was at SUNDAY and since nobody changed it it should be in SUNDAY. Its always was like that in last 4 years. so before u try to be smart inform urself a bit...
not exactly... we had same situations a few time :)
Dragon NOT-work :D
Quote from: Pawciu on March 07, 2011, 10:34:27 PM
not exactly... we had same situations a few time :)
Dragon NOT-work :D
i never saw somthing liek this before
Random time changes were oftenly seen in servers ,but all castle sieges in 1 day never happened in last 3-4 years ,that's true.
Quote from: Luthor123 on March 08, 2011, 08:27:55 AM
Random time changes were oftenly seen in servers ,but all castle sieges in 1 day never happened in last 3-4 years ,that's true.
well we had rune castle around 2 years long on inf and date never changed, anyway after this we will know that we must set it to not happend it again...
Quote from: ylim on March 08, 2011, 01:01:15 PM
anyway after this we will know that we must set it to not happend it again...
hmmmm ... i think first u must take it ... then set it .... aod+bh won'tt let u take it so easy i think
daMN DUDES!!! your forgeting about kostapolers!! The most improtant Clan of LS ally!!
How direspectfull! Shame on you all!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: cerebelo on March 08, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
hmmmm ... i think first u must take it ... then set it .... aod+bh won'tt let u take it so easy i think
+1 ^_^
Thx a lot for fun.
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 08, 2011, 02:12:19 PM
daMN DUDES!!! your forgeting about kostapolers!! The most improtant Clan of LS ally!!
How direspectfull! Shame on you all!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: cerebelo on March 08, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
hmmmm ... i think first u must take it ... then set it .... aod+bh won'tt let u take it so easy i think
it was ours, but we didnt set that time.
For the second part of your post, i am afraid u are right. :) Last night they had more than 70 ppl plus some clanless at klein, while our biggest number on CC was around 48. So it has a big chance that they dont let us to retake it ;)
Quote from: Enerilla on March 08, 2011, 07:34:07 PM
it was ours, but we didnt set that time.
For the second part of your post, i am afraid u are right. :) Last night they had more than 70 ppl plus some clanless at klein, while our biggest number on CC was around 48. So it has a big chance that they dont let us to retake it ;)
60 max in the top (with bots ofc) and yes 1 clanless (androl) not SOME :D
Quote from: Enerilla on March 08, 2011, 07:34:07 PM
it was ours, but we didnt set that time.
For the second part of your post, i am afraid u are right. :) Last night they had more than 70 ppl plus some clanless at klein, while our biggest number on CC was around 48. So it has a big chance that they dont let us to retake it ;)
i can see clearly that they zerg
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 08, 2011, 07:45:47 PM
60 max in the top (with bots ofc) and yes 1 clanless (androl) not SOME :D
:P sure. ONLY androl. :D
There was Evil without clan too, i killed another purple clanless support without clan, Roly killed many other. And i killed a guy who got white when i killed him, so i got karma. Dont tell me i got karma from an enemy! :P But sure, there was only androl the only one. :)
Btw, if u want to know the truth ask somebody with L2C how many were there from your ally ;) My last info was 75 vs 46 ;)
But i think it doesnt matter at all, your ally won, so congratz. :) (not sarcasm, it really doesnt matter at all, having 75 online is an amazing accomplishment, sad that the laughing 3rd won Valakas )
Quote from: Enerilla on March 08, 2011, 10:17:42 PM
: Roly killed many other.
whoo he didnt bsoe? :o
lately on pvp hes using taht a lot when hes not pwning 8)
Quote from: fenrris on March 08, 2011, 10:50:27 PM
whoo he didnt bsoe? :o
lately on pvp hes using taht a lot when hes not pwning 8)
i am not his lawyer, but i must to tell at this point, u dont know what are u talking about...
Quote from: fenrris on March 08, 2011, 10:50:27 PM
whoo he didnt bsoe? :o
lately on pvp hes using taht a lot when hes not pwning 8)
not only lately!
and look what awaits us..
Quote from: DaVinci on March 08, 2011, 11:56:45 PM
not only lately!
and look what awaits us..
Quote from: DaVinci on March 08, 2011, 11:56:45 PM
not only lately!
and look what awaits us..
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 08, 2011, 05:52:22 PM
Affe! dude you are as lame as your patetic flame atemps! Put a second mortgage on your schak, and this time, instead of giving all the cents to Track, buy yourself a brain!
Tbh i rly dunno what Aod and Bh are doing dragging you behind them. Haven't they seen yet you're the lamest, retardest, skillless, psicotic piece of sh1t that has ever set foot in this server?? Mark can you answer me on that??
Come back Duxel! This guy powns you real hard!
I know why you spend 24/7 of your life time ig... unlike the mirrors in your shack, the screen has less reflection isn't it!!
PateticEggShapedonlyb1tchslapworty morron!! Alrdy told you once, i haven't made you cry yet cause you don't need me to make a poor figure of your self + i pitty you so much i don't even wanna spend 2 min thinking on a flame directed to you!!
To me (and most of us) your as close as the white mocus that huddles on the corner of ones mouth in a rly hot day!!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 10, 2011, 11:23:51 AM
Affe! dude you are as lame as your patetic flame atemps! Put a second mortgage on your schak, and this time, instead of giving all the cents to Track, buy yourself a brain!
Tbh i rly dunno what Aod and Bh are doing dragging you behind them. Haven't they seen yet you're the lamest, retardest, skillless, psicotic piece of sh1t that has ever set foot in this server?? Mark can you answer me on that??
Come back Duxel! This guy powns you real hard!
I know why you spend 24/7 of your life time ig... unlike the mirrors in your shack, the screen has less reflection isn't it!!
PateticEggShapedonlyb1tchslapworty morron!! Alrdy told you once, i haven't made you cry yet cause you don't need me to make a poor figure of your self + i pitty you so much i don't even wanna spend 2 min thinking on a flame directed to you!!
To me (and most of us) your as close as the white mocus that huddles on the corner of ones mouth in a rly hot day!!
iWaNNaFlameYou :-*
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 10, 2011, 12:48:44 PM
iWaNNaFlameYou :-*
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 11, 2011, 01:19:40 PM
just wonder why my corsa is in front of ur house... ::) ::)
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 11, 2011, 02:02:05 PM
just wonder why my corsa is in front of ur house... ::) ::)
Maybe cause your inside cleaning it! ::)
Dude....Dudyy....My Son... it's not my house.... my neightberhood doesn't alow corsas!
Plz, do a favour to all mankind, kill yourself, and plz, ask to be buried fasssst cause if you smell as bad as you look omg! And while your at it, plzzzz, ask to be buried in the vertical so that you don't take much space....!!
Cya fking retard!!
I pitty your mom so damn much!!
She rly have my simpaty! :-X
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 11, 2011, 02:34:00 PM
Maybe cause your inside cleaning it! ::)
Dude....Dudyy....My Son... it's not my house.... my neightberhood doesn't alow corsas!
Plz, do a favour to all mankind, kill yourself, and plz, ask to be buried fasssst cause if you smell as bad as you look omg! And while your at it, plzzzz, ask to be buried in the vertical so that you don't take much space....!!
Cya fking retard!!
I pitty your mom so damn much!!
She rly have my simpaty! :-X
well mi amor, you look so damn hot...i like you already i became gay...i masturb on ur face all time ...damn brad pitttttttttt
about flaming dead parents, i ve no other words just let god decide.
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 11, 2011, 06:07:06 PM
well mi amor, you look so damn hot...i like you already i became gay...i masturb on ur face all time ...damn brad pitttttttttt
about flaming dead parents, i ve no other words just let god decide.
Haven't flamed your parents! What i said was no flame thowards them dumb ass! Unlike you, i don't bring other ppl to our little war!
but hey, I totaly understand why they killed themselfs...! :D
Are you looking for simpaty here?? Fuk you CowTurd!
I finally found a punchingBag, who has no selfrespect, no decency and no clue on how duche he is, to flame!! Keep comming! plenty more to come G@ylord!!