what to do whit dnet and other future custom sets?
Option 1: put in donny dnet + coins for normal vesper sets
votes: 39
Option 2: make a special npc for trade dnet for 70 coins
votes: 18
Option 3: leave dnet like it is and make more new customs sets
votes: 24
well i read all the post about gracia comming, and the main problem here is what to do whit dnet sets?, as u know dnet is still better than normal vesper sets, so that means a new custom vesper set, but this will not end here, when server upgrade to freya there will be 3 new kind of sets, u will make 3 new custom sets again? server its full of custom items, ppls who never played dragon-network dont like custom items, cous thats why our server is so unbalanced, and old ppls soon or later will leave server, cous this game is not for ever, and u will need again another merge, maybe its time to stop this, lets make dnet dissapier, i think gms must listing community about the future of this server, so i put 3 options to see what community wants, maybe yes make dnet dissapier is not the best option for gms pockets atm, but this will improve the server, and in the future will improve ur pockets too track, dont freak this server making full custom items it suks, i hope u listing ur community and see what it wants.
All options sux
we all know what will happen
d-net vesper sets,its a private server so we need money,,its kinda accept ot or leave it
lets hope Gm never make blessed event any more that freaks the server most in the past ,new custom sets not
Quote from: andreww on April 09, 2011, 09:15:41 AM
its kinda accept ot or leave it
why ppl want their 10 years old BMW ( dnet sets ) to worth like when it was brand new ? new BMW ( vesper ) will be out on the market
Funny is only that on christmas was "special event" for icarus... Ppl lose alll coins to get icarus bow for low price and now icar bow atk sped = slow :D :D
In this topic i agree with 1... Community should decide about serwer and also in their rules... (was voting about old rules)
Quote from: JoeDoe on April 09, 2011, 10:29:37 AM
now icar bow atk sped = slow :D :D
Omg stop with the rumors ffs!!
Ica bow atk speed will remain untouched! wtf!! Do you even know the consequences of nerfing ic+bow speed??
Draco bow will be +/- = Ica bow in price!! STop saying all nonsence your mind comes up with plz... No ofence!!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 09, 2011, 12:07:51 PM
Omg stop with the rumors ffs!!
Ica bow atk speed will remain untouched! wtf!! Do you even know the consequences of nerfing ic+bow speed??
Draco bow will be +/- = Ica bow in price!! STop saying all nonsence your mind comes up with plz... No ofence!!
honest if really gm change ica bow atk sped it be stupid...
But i have this info fromGM "friends" from x15..
For me ica bow atk sped should be like now
LOLen. If they nerf icarus bow speed to slow....it will be server suicide imo! The main reason 99% ppl bought ic bow is cause of his atk speed!! Lol now change it to slow and put vespeer bow normal, they think ppl will run donate 300+ euros again to buy them? LOOOOOOOOL
...i'm rly starting to see the end of my almost 7 year Dn adventure!
its funny to read how desperate some ica bow owner. :D keep on plox
Custom stuff sux.
Buy all dnets back and make like on Valkyrie.
(Yes, i have dnet too, i dont care, i prefer dont have it then new custom uber pro donny stuff)
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 09, 2011, 03:24:45 PM
LOLen. If they nerf icarus bow speed to slow....it will be server suicide imo! The main reason 99% ppl bought ic bow is cause of his atk speed!! Lol now change it to slow and put vespeer bow normal, they think ppl will run donate 300+ euros again to buy them? LOOOOOOOOL
...i'm rly starting to see the end of my almost 7 year Dn adventure!
I don't understand why people check only one side of the matter, especially which would hurt them. I think (who use Ica bow too sometimes) that Ica bow's atk speed is crazy sh1t and should have never changed to normal - ok, we might know what was the reason of it.
Let's check the problem from another point of view: don't you think it's strange that you can't kill a mage with an overpowered, custom designed top-class weapon in this game? Why no one complain about that? All we need is balance...
The worst problem on server is debuff land rate since C4...
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 09, 2011, 03:24:45 PM
LOLen. If they nerf icarus bow speed to slow....it will be server suicide imo! The main reason 99% ppl bought ic bow is cause of his atk speed!! Lol now change it to slow and put vespeer bow normal, they think ppl will run donate 300+ euros again to buy them? LOOOOOOOOL
...i'm rly starting to see the end of my almost 7 year Dn adventure!
actually i wouldnt call it nerf, since ica bow should have slow attack speed aswell (or another option, i read many times that ica bow had normal atk speed in HB, but i dont know it..but im sure it is slow weapon in gracia) so anyway, if they will change it to slow that will be the normal
ofc archers would cry cuz of this and i this is the reason why im not sure they will change it
and yeah im not archer nor donater but i guess its normal that BOWS have SLOW attack speed
P.S: i dont think this will be the largest problem in gracia on DN..
+1 tukann..
do ic hall +acu give +cast than am??
Answer is :NOT
All other ica weapons do same % of sa that s//s80 grade...so rlly make all balanced..even vesper..slow speed or all icarus ++++bonus..
Mby i wrong dont know but is what i think..ofc what a gm cares abut we think?;D my post about vesper prices still without any answer ;P
Quote from: FIREBLADE on April 10, 2011, 01:37:49 AM
do ic hall +acu give +cast than am??
Answer is :NOT
Not + casting, but if i'm not wrong, IC mage weapons reduces cooldown by some %...
dyna bow-> slow
ica bow-> normal
so vesper will be
vesper bow-> fast! ;D just pay!
Quote from: Shilen on April 10, 2011, 09:16:44 AM
dyna bow-> slow
ica bow-> normal
so vesper will be
vesper bow-> fast! ;D just pay!
Nice one! ;D
Quote from: FIREBLADE on April 10, 2011, 01:37:49 AM
+1 tukann..
do ic hall +acu give +cast than am??
Answer is :NOT
mage weapons of S grade and higher with acumen SA give -5% skill reuse.
Awe coming back? We miss u xDDD
Quote from: flamingAwe on April 10, 2011, 10:24:28 AM
mage weapons of S grade and higher with acumen SA give -5% skill reuse.
Ok and did it make ppl go crazy for mage icarus wepons? Nope
The trick with Icarus bow worked, thats for sure. Ppl bought it for normal a speed. Other Icarus wepons were less popular. Even now there are tones of dynasty stuff(craftable) with nice OE.
Yesterday you could bough dynasty mace +a+9 for 50 dc(just loled on that). and for equal Icarus youll have to pay minimum 150dc +cry+bews.
Who would pay additional 100dc for 5% skill reuse:P
i was tired to play alone, and still have no idea, what clan i would join, too many ppl i don't like :P But i'll come check what new (bugs) gracia brings here xD
Quote from: fenrris on April 10, 2011, 12:04:50 PM
Ok and did it make ppl go crazy for mage icarus wepons? Nope
The trick with Icarus bow worked, thats for sure. Ppl bought it for normal a speed. Other Icarus wepons were less popular. Even now there are tones of dynasty stuff(craftable) with nice OE.
Yesterday you could bough dynasty mace +a+9 for 50 dc(just loled on that). and for equal Icarus youll have to pay minimum 150dc +cry+bews.
Who would pay additional 100dc for 5% skill reuse:P
noone goes crazy for dynasty/icarus mage weapons, cause they have same reuse as simple arcana mace. (only acumen SA versions, tested when i played, more than 6 months ago, test was homu+a vs am+a and dyna mace +a, with homu reuse was longer, while cast speed was same)
but icarus bow is the only bow with higher attack speed
Quote from: flamingAwe on April 10, 2011, 12:17:08 PM
i was tired to play alone, and still have no idea, what clan i would join, too many ppl i don't like :P But i'll come check what new (bugs) gracia brings here xD
noone goes crazy for dynasty/icarus mage weapons, cause they have same reuse as simple arcana mace. (only acumen SA versions, tested when i played, more than 6 months ago, test was homu+a vs am+a and dyna mace +a, with homu reuse was longer, while cast speed was same)
but icarus bow is the only bow with higher attack speed
Egzactly Awe. No one would care about Icarus if it would be slow as it supose to be. This is simply Dragon network. I Just hope that in Gracia they wont make custom vespers for all classes to force ppl to donate.
Sometimes Dragon Network looks like damn drug dealer. They were giving drugs for free and now they force us to pay more & more ;D
I'd vote for free exchange of DNET to DNET vesper edition. Same bonus, vesper looks and more p.def to match the normal vesper p.def.
Quote from: flamingAwe on April 10, 2011, 12:17:08 PM
noone goes crazy for dynasty/icarus mage weapons, cause they have same reuse as simple arcana mace. (only acumen SA versions, tested when i played, more than 6 months ago, test was homu+a vs am+a and dyna mace +a, with homu reuse was longer, while cast speed was same)
im just curious how did u test it :P
timer or what? or u counted? :D
Quote from: Shilen on April 10, 2011, 02:53:12 PM
im just curious how did u test it :P
timer or what? or u counted? :D
Actually he is wrong ;D cause the reuse was added on lvl 2 acumen sa which means that even the a grade have this boost and btw it works with physical skills too :D
Quote from: Shilen on April 10, 2011, 02:53:12 PM
im just curious how did u test it :P
timer or what? or u counted? :D
you can turn on reuse time display in system chat
some of "system," checkboxes in chat setup menu, don't have client now, cant say more precisely
about A grade possible, didn't test. still point of post was that only 1 bow has enhased atck speed, while many mage weapons had enhanced reuse , resulting in [read Fenrris's post].
that greedy naab with 3000 coins appear again???
Quote from: VforVanilla on April 10, 2011, 03:01:11 PM
Actually he is wrong ;D cause the reuse was added on lvl 2 acumen sa which means that even the a grade have this boost and btw it works with physical skills too :D
actually u r wrong . test am buff on oly time and then test buff time with non top a grade acu weapon :) u ll see difference
anyway it was not icarus bow, it was "DN icarus bow" (special feature with high speed) and as it will be DN-vesper bow
life is simple 8)
Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2011, 02:29:54 PM
I'd vote for free exchange of DNET to DNET vesper edition. Same bonus, vesper looks and more p.def to match the normal vesper p.def.
and vesper weapons should have same speed / bonus as ica, only bit more m/p. atk! It would please everyone and vespers would still be atractive imo!
No more nerf on DN!
Who cares about vesper? I dont even have dnet anyway...
I only want to cast gehennas around without SF.
Hail to Gracia!
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 11, 2011, 03:02:24 PM
the topic is pointless at all... i guess you are missing some points from this whole server update idea.
1st of all, isnt hard to realize that this sh1t is just about to make ppl donate for Vesper weapons / armors. As everyone already realized DNET is dieing since months/years....BUT this is not the GM's fault ! NCSOFT designed l2 servers for 2-3 years, after this time economy kills itself by having too much of everything ( items / raid jewels etc etc ) after 2-3 years prices starts to drop lower and lower, effective gameplay just losts the value. ( and hey, on offical servers doesnt even have a special NPC for extra ( not farmed ) items.
if you ask me this rush with the update is just one of the last tries of Drake to make some money....but you shouldnt blame him, neighter Track. DNET is a business for them, they made the network to make money from it, not for your happiness. you/we are the costumers who keeps the network / admins alive with donating. simple as fck i guess.
i love ppl who acts like admins making a favour for them by rolling the server since years, this is a pure 100% ( well wroking ) business concept. live with it.
p.s.: our current Hellbound chronicle is working on 50% atm, with various bugs / unopened hunting areas .... now, grab your balls, use your brain, and think about what kind of " Gracia Final Chronicle " you'll have in some weeks :)
You're right! i was just trying to have some hope they wouldn't ftr of the server with this lucrative/stupid move...! But imo they will lose more than they will make....!
If they create an uberpownsall dnet vesper set / weapon, they will sell like 5 or 6 of them and watch 5 or 6 players pvping in their precious server...!
Lets w8 and see what hapens... but (like you said) looking at hb my expectations regarding this upcomming update are very low since day 1....
Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2011, 02:29:54 PM
I'd vote for free exchange of DNET to DNET vesper edition. Same bonus, vesper looks and more p.def to match the normal vesper p.def.
agree xD no more confusion with 2 sets with same skin
and drake can win some money put in donny the new cloaks to sell
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 11, 2011, 03:02:24 PM
the topic is pointless at all... i guess you are missing some points from this whole server update idea.
1st of all, isnt hard to realize that this sh1t is just about to make ppl donate for Vesper weapons / armors. As everyone already realized DNET is dieing since months/years....BUT this is not the GM's fault ! NCSOFT designed l2 servers for 2-3 years, after this time economy kills itself by having too much of everything ( items / raid jewels etc etc ) after 2-3 years prices starts to drop lower and lower, effective gameplay just losts the value. ( and hey, on offical servers doesnt even have a special NPC for extra ( not farmed ) items.
if you ask me this rush with the update is just one of the last tries of Drake to make some money....but you shouldnt blame him, neighter Track. DNET is a business for them, they made the network to make money from it, not for your happiness. you/we are the costumers who keeps the network / admins alive with donating. simple as fck i guess.
i love ppl who acts like admins making a favour for them by rolling the server since years, this is a pure 100% ( well wroking ) business concept. live with it.
p.s.: our current Hellbound chronicle is working on 50% atm, with various bugs / unopened hunting areas .... now, grab your balls, use your brain, and think about what kind of " Gracia Final Chronicle " you'll have in some weeks :)
Well said .
In Fact so well that i worry if someone hacked your account :D
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 11, 2011, 03:02:24 PM
the topic is pointless at all... i guess you are missing some points from this whole server update idea.
1st of all, isnt hard to realize that this sh1t is just about to make ppl donate for Vesper weapons / armors. As everyone already realized DNET is dieing since months/years....BUT this is not the GM's fault ! NCSOFT designed l2 servers for 2-3 years, after this time economy kills itself by having too much of everything ( items / raid jewels etc etc ) after 2-3 years prices starts to drop lower and lower, effective gameplay just losts the value. ( and hey, on offical servers doesnt even have a special NPC for extra ( not farmed ) items.
if you ask me this rush with the update is just one of the last tries of Drake to make some money....but you shouldnt blame him, neighter Track. DNET is a business for them, they made the network to make money from it, not for your happiness. you/we are the costumers who keeps the network / admins alive with donating. simple as fck i guess.
i love ppl who acts like admins making a favour for them by rolling the server since years, this is a pure 100% ( well wroking ) business concept. live with it.
p.s.: our current Hellbound chronicle is working on 50% atm, with various bugs / unopened hunting areas .... now, grab your balls, use your brain, and think about what kind of " Gracia Final Chronicle " you'll have in some weeks :)
You might be quite suprised my friend, but this time i wont speak anything about it, ill just have to tell you wait and you will see.
Quote from: TrackZero on April 11, 2011, 08:45:52 PM
You might be quite suprised my friend, but this time i wont speak anything about it, ill just have to tell you wait and you will see.
can i screen it for future acts? :D
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 11, 2011, 08:14:51 PM
Im happy if Smart cubic work as it should :D
BTW... Seraphin will have extra buffs right? or its in other chronicles?
Sad news for me :(
Hot Springs Area
The duration of the Hot Springs maladies has been changed to 10 minutes.
Quote from: Deavon on April 11, 2011, 08:06:04 PMt i worry if someone hacked your account :D
;D :D ;D :D ;D :D
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 11, 2011, 01:39:22 PM
and vesper weapons should have same speed / bonus as ica, only bit more m/p. atk! It would please everyone and vespers would still be atractive imo!
No more nerf on DN!
Slow for all bows, as the official
Quote from: ahamzz on April 12, 2011, 02:42:01 PM
Slow for all bows, as the official
Aham, and let limage rule!! 5k cast speed ftw!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 12, 2011, 04:56:59 PM
Aham, and let limage rule!! 5k cast speed ftw!
i ve 10 when i use zerk
Quote from: Javardsnegger on April 12, 2011, 04:56:59 PM
Aham, and let limage rule!! 5k cast speed ftw!
Yeah, its way better to have archers with high atk speed giving 2k criticals with an enormous critical rate.
I see no problem with a small decrease on archers atk speed (and mayb on critical rate). At the same time, no problem to limit mages casting speed. But it should be normal for mages atk faster than warriors, it always been like that.
Quote from: Gonzal on April 12, 2011, 12:36:18 AM
Im happy if Smart cubic work as it should :D
BTW... Seraphin will have extra buffs right? or its in other chronicles?
y, its <supposed> to be in gracia
Quote from: Neozinhu on April 12, 2011, 07:26:01 PM
y, its <supposed> to be in gracia
And you are supposed to be retired... ;D
Quote from: 666VeNoM on April 12, 2011, 07:44:34 PM
And you are supposed to be retired... ;D
Working in new sign ;D
cast speed? with 2,5k limit i can reach this with SH and it's suposed to be the slowest caster:P
Yeah this cast limit is rather pointless when the slowest mage (and strongest ) can reach it, and the fastest ofc do the same, bu will never get as much m atk, if he can be much stronger than me, i wanna be much faster than him :D. Or just make m atk limit , lests go for more usless nerfs :D
4. put new npc, that can trade S80+ and dnets items for coins (with price f.e. 20% lower than on donny) -> maybe change also some donny prices: like dynasty weapons or sets
Quote from: andreww on April 09, 2011, 09:15:41 AM
we all know what will happen
d-net vesper sets,its a private server so we need money,,its kinda accept ot or leave it
lets hope Gm never make blessed event any more that freaks the server most in the past ,new custom sets not
ugah.. what a nightmare,,, blessed event
Quote from: fenrris on April 12, 2011, 07:50:31 PM
cast speed? with 2,5k limit i can reach this with SH and it's suposed to be the slowest caster:P
if you are sh/ps yes
Quote from: chlipus on April 26, 2011, 09:23:35 PM
if you are sh/ps yes
Funy part is that i'm sh/sk so no summoner lore etc.
Regular full buff cast 2,1(no malaria) add spirit or super cool kamael buff(ending with 22-30k m atack) and you good to go 8)