just check it
and what is buged here???
Where is bug?
Cuz enchant to +4 its not safe, as u must know...
Just to inform when appears the message: Your +2 Angle Slayer.... this means u now have AS+3.
And after when u tried to enchant u was trying to make AS+4 and safe on server is just till +3, not to +4.
btw one of the most idiot "bug topics" on forum, but i still lol'ed a lot. ;D
later try to rename topic to: "enchant bug or mybrainsNOTwork"
kk i got it, just was fast enchant from +2 to +3
weezer GTFO with your stupid comments :*
i prefer dont comment ;D
Quote from: 6bIK on May 24, 2011, 07:08:40 PM
just check it
only 1 answer...
should ask drake to add comment in scrolls